Banning by reports is disgusting

er i think this is jokey right? anyway i do realize that living involves dealing with other people but your example isn’t the same as a game thats supposed to be fun yea?

I believe that with people like you and Fen9913, the OW community would continue to flourish.

thanks! i mostly just post on the forums and don’t play that much right now though : (

Although seriously, for the OP, 40 reports per month over a few months is just :expressionless:
If i received that many negative feedback for months, i would be out of business! :joy:

I think its a context thing, what constitutes a “report” for your business? Is the threshold as low as overwatch? Do customers react as irrationally as angry gamer dudes?

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It’s tough like I believe this is one of the few games you can ban over silly stuff due to players hitting the report button to calm their nerves. That’s why I am strong on obscene oppressive policies. Blizzard never was like this in the old days, but I suppose these moderators and game masters are the new kids on the block. I just wish they can admit their system is out of wack and can fix it.

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Yes, of course. You caught it but in a way, life well lived is suppose to be fun, no?

I think that just by being active and trying to effect change in a positive way on the forums is a plenty good. I would like to believe that people who play regularly, also read the forums as well. Hopefully, they would learn to self reflect on their actions (be they positive or negative) from what we are discussing here.

Well, you are assuming that i am running a multi-national company, thank you but alas, it is a classified as a “small-medium enterprise”, meaning that revenue is less the 5 million a year. :wink:
Moreover i am doing food manufacturing and distribution so if i am receiving 40 complaints a month over months over the quality of the food produce, yes. Some thing is wrong but again, i was jesting out of context.

Thing is, while some one had done the math and you are (were) a player and have friends who are still playing, if someone receives so many reports over an extended period of time, don’t you think that, in the spirit of everyone being culpable to making things better, the OP should have also self-reflected? Sure, it could very well be that the 100+ reports over a 3 month period (just assuming) could not possibly have been all made by unhinged childish gamers.

Like i said, it could possibly be that the OP could have been rude or abusive to those who may have asked him to be more flexible? Or maybe he abandoned games after being salted upon? I mean, culpability right?

Well, i think that so long as we are accountable for our actions. He did what he thought was right (which may have been wrong according to over 100 people) and got ban hammered. Is it right? Is it wrong? Only some self reflection by both parties and talking about it sensibly would yield an accounting.

That said, perhaps Blizzard was wrong too but yes, as you and Fen9913 mentioned, it is only through threads and rational discussions , can there be enough self-reflection and thereafter action, to improve things.

LFG function was a good start. Let’s keep our attitudes positive!

Oh and if you want a slightly less toxic environment, you can come over to the Asia servers. Match chat is seldom flooded and even if people are badmouthing you, unless you understand Mandarin and/or Korean, you wouldn’t know! But joking aside, it really is quite silent and amicable there most of the time.

Yeah, i can guess how it must feel for you and others who love the game and wanna just play how you wanna play. Like i mentioned, be positive and always be open to possibilities. Hang in there, The cavalry is here! (someday soon)

I was in a group with a kid who said he got banned for getting tilted repeatedly and would pick a garbage DPS from a healer and just doing stupid stuff…do you think this person is any different based off the way he talks and the fact that you need to be reported A LOT to get banned?

I agree. Come to think about it. Aren’t we, you and I. You know, agreeing/(Or being about the same thing, being on the same side, team etc)?

You missed a part in the Code of conduct too.

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment.

I;E. Not switching, and just being flat out useless cause you can’t do anything WHILE acknowledging the fact that you do not want to switch makes the match essentially a 5v6 cause you are useless because you are being countered. Intentionally refusing to increase your team’s chance of winning, most likely also costing your team the match in the process. IS reportable.

You can play whatever hero you want in my opinion. But if my Widowmaker keeps dying to Winston over and over and over again, maybe. JUST MAYBE Widowmaker isn’t the best hero to be playing, considering the fact that they keep on dying. And if you want to spend your time being dead cause you don’t want to switch, fine by me. But I don’t think others would agree.

And in game, these specific behavior has been defined even clearer under gameplay sabotage description. And under that description, not-switching is explicitly excluded as a reportable offense, which means not-switching is not one of those “behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment.”

And “griefing” was so broad and widely misinterpreted that Blizzard had to remove it, along with “poor teamwork” for the same reason.


I am only going to do this once. This is reality. Refusing to accept it does magically make this not reality. So pay attention.

  1. Refusing to switch itself is not against the rules. No amount of refusing to accept this flat fact changes this. We do not make the rules. Blizzard does. Outright going against them and enforcing ones’ own breed of justice is not only acceptable, but is griefing, and is bannable.

  2. If one-tricking is such a problem, maybe we should start actually trying to fix the system rather than invoke false bans and openly break the rules.

  3. People that don’t switch aren’t usually being tunneled and shut down as, for example, Widow, by Harambe, endlessly. One-tricks do this thing called adapt. They change their playstyle to force their pick to work. If they are being constantly shut down, then they’re bad, which is not reportable. The SR system will sort them out, and if it doesn’t, seek to fix that system.

  4. Most of the people that are so against one-tricking aren’t the type of people one-tricks even wish to play with at all. Two sides refuse to give respect because they don’t get it. People that are so against them usually treat them like scum… then act scummy themselves. Hypocritical. One doesn’t get to play the, ‘but I’m not treated decently by x!’ card when they won’t treat x decently. Everyone needs to get off their high horses and acting like they’re better people than some other group.

  5. If everyone hates you, it is time to start questioning if you’re the problem. And if you don’t seem to be, it’s time to start questioning if the masses are the problem. In this case, in a rare turn of events, they actually are.

  6. No matter the ban reason, it is completely unacceptable that, say, even forum bans, usually provide a player with more feedback than the feedback received from emails/GMs for entire account bans. How does that make any sense?
    Often times, zero information is given to help players improve. What? We want people to fix their behavior… but won’t tell them what they’re actually doing wrong? Or give any evidence? Or any support? Or any help? Or any suggestions at all? What? There’s no attempt at all to invoke reform? By anyone? Absolutely asinine.

  7. Addendum: In case it wasn’t already obvious: If a person is not attempting to actually win [in comp] while playing (whatever hero), that is reportable. But if they are, they’re good. Not liking their choice is not grounds to report them.

Everyone is guilty here, and no one is willing to admit guilt, and everyone thinks they’re a better person than others, whom think that group is the ones that are the problem, and it’s just a vicious cycle of lies and deceit and condescending arrogance.


So you’re telling me that when I’m being hard countered I HAVE to switch or it’s reportable? I don’t care that I’m doing bad as long as I play a hero that -I- enjoy and -I- know I can play. If I’m not in a group I don’t care about the team comp. 2-2-2, 6 dps. I don’t care. If we win I know I did something. If it’s a loss I think about what I did wrong and what we did wrong as a team. I try to fix it. Pharah killing me all the time? I tell a teammate to help me kill her when she’s hacked if no one can play hitscan. I’ll play Mei and Sombra all I want, I don’t care what others say.

It also says before you report for gameplay sabotage unwillingness to switch heroes isn’t reportable.

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But your perception of ‘bad’ is often warped.

And if I’m picking Bastion it’s probably because I’ve thrown up my hands and given up on Genji and Junkrat doing anything beside tool around when we need to deal with the enemy team stacking shields.

I know what I can play well better than you.

If I’m not AFK in the spawn- I don’t actually do that- I’m not throwing, stop accusing me of being a bad sport when you’re the one pitching a fit because I’m not submitting myself to your approval.

played torb and sym last season so uhhh

Oh please, just know ur place …

I have been silenced onces and it was because i lost it during a couple of game. I think the automated system is fair, there is a reason why people report you and blizzard shouldn’t have to review every report-instance by hand. If you think other players missused the report-function on you then you can appeal as far as i know. I think the system is alright.

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My tone would be the same. You cannot be banned for such thing and their is so much proof to back you up. Sorry that I don’t have sympathy for those who post about it every time they’re banned. Its an automated system. Go appeal the ban.

If you’re having THAT much trouble like OP, then to work around it until the system is fixed, rack up hours on more heroes. Simply stop 1 tricking for a while. That is the only advice you can really take at this moment.

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Always nice to see nich heros OTPs getting banned and crying on the forum.


Lol then enjoy the reports? Use LFG if you want it to stop. The my money I play The way I want is a dumb argument. It selfish and against the spirit of the game which Jeff has stated multiple times.


What about when it’s totally spontaneous? For example, this has happened to me on two occasions but in my LGBT only LFG group a member enters and calls us fg**s and then leaves.

Exactly the same here. I got two forum bans for that.
The automated report system is just another troll tool for selfish and arrogant dps players.


Who the heck is so stupid and makes a group just for LGBTs?

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