Banning by reports is disgusting

This just in, people hate having very situational heroes who are picked in the wrong situations on their team. It might not be right to report for people being an off meta 1 trick, but its also not right for them to be a hero in a bad situation and hinder their team.

40 reports a month is just over 1 report a day. If you play 10 games, there’s a 1/110 (players in a game - you * 10) or .9% of the players who can say they don’t like you and false report you to fulfil that requirement. If just one person false reports you daily for a month, you’d have 30+ reports. If you have 2 people in 10 games, which, again is less than 2% of the players you encounter, you now have 60 reports. Which is ridiculous.

You’re saying that OP has to please over 100 players every day, of which they don’t even know? Otherwise they just get banned? Okay. Sounds fair.

Remind me to report everyone who’s ever done anything to verify they’re human when you get the chance.


To be honest, I am not bothered at all. I deal with more “toxicity” in the daily management of my business, 2 teenage children and 2 dogs XD

And if asking you to do some self reflection is toxic and insulting to you, well, I think that I would have offended my employees and children every day instead of them actually working better and harder.

Look, young sir, if you had been ragged on by a large multitude of players online, I do feel for you. My children had to deal with bullies in their schools at some point in their academic careers. However, I posed the same question to them, to reflect if they did something wrong to warrant the bad behaviour from the bullies. They told me things and admitted maybe they did some things wrong and I objectively advised them.

That said, if you do feel that you are right and the world is out to get you. Fair enough. I am not in your shoes.

Be well, and all the best.

And that’s one of the biggest problems with OW. The players treat new people like dirt. Literally, when I picked up this game ~this time last year, I was being yelled at and complained to for picking heroes that weren’t meta when I was level 3 and didn’t even know what the meta was.

I’m sorry I picked Hanzo because I like Archery. Is that a huge crime?

I also got a notification that I was being reported a lot after a few days of owning the account and playing lots of Hanzo.

This game man…


Well, considering that most people barely recieve any reports…

But look, if you believe that he should not be banned. Fine. I am not gonna argue with you because you are certainly entitled to your views.

It’s absolutely insane why they should be. Even when Blizzard has stated that they don’t ban for one tricking.

Could there be something missing in OP’s argument? Sure. But if it’s all lined up like OP says, then no, they shouldn’t be banned, and Blizzard seems to agree.


It is uncertain if he got banned for just one tricking. Nevertheless, I agree that one tricks should not be reportable nor ban but honestly, if it is 40 reports per month over a few months, I do think that it could be more than that.

I am sorry to hear about your story but soldier on, dude. Once people see you carry your team to a W with your Hanzo, it is gonna be all good.

Outside of Blizzard’s automated system, which is broken, you can not, and will not be banned/punished for one-tricking.

They don’t support that. Yes, they need to fix the system, but if they manually went through reports, you would hardly ever see them ban/punish you for one-tricking. If some slipped through, you resolve it with a virtual ticket and tell them that in they have stated multiple times that they do not do this to one-trick players. There is proof everywhere, you would easily win.

LMAO no, no they are not, you can’t even apeal bans, arrge tried to apeal and he had all his games recorded cause hes a streamer and he stayed banned, the report system is bad


The reason you’re responding like this is that you haven’t been hit by it or ignore those who are and won’t believe some are innocent in the matter. Your tone would be different otherwise.

I think you misread on what I was explaining sir. I don’t think you got my message. I was saying your tone as an example is what get players flustered into reporting . If anything you promoted more toxicity. Now I am not sure you’re the report type, but can be.

Was I insulted by your response? Not one bit because I can expect this type of response from players who aren’t aware of the system and how bad human emotions can get in competitive scenes.

you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding in thinking that people raging at others is always valid? People scapegoat others ALL. THE. TIME. its rampant and a game should not be policed by the whim of the mob attacking others because they don’t want to admit that they played thier part in the loss.

its gosh darn lord of the flies, do you think thats any way to run a community? when you get literal lord of the flies type behavior determining if someone is allowed to remain in the community?

Im just flabergasted that some people can be so shortsighted to not see why mob rule reporting is a probblem

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Fen9913, I am certain that you wish to make the OW gaming community a better place and no, I am not the emotional sort nor the “reporting sort” especially over minor things like a W or a L in a video game.

That said, now that the misunderstanding is clarified. Perhaps you thought that I was chiding you and because you are defending a cause, my message and tone conveyed to others who are opposed to your views would encourage them to add fuel to the fire which is already burning?

If you thought that way, then my apologies. Although I still stick to my advice of doing some self reflection to all parties. Before one pushes that “Report” button, think on it and for those reported and suspended, think on it too.

That has always been my stand and I had mentioned that on other threads. Making the community less “toxic” is a joint effort and everyone is culpable. No one is truly 100% right (hubris, yeah) and no one is truly 100% wrong (lynch mob, yo).

It seems like I have touched a nerve here amongst many of you.

That is good because it opens up room for dicussion.

As I mentioned, everyone is fully culpable. No one is always right and no one is always wrong. Everyone should always self reflect. Maybe you did wrong or maybe you did not.

everyone should focus on thier own game and work to get better instead of focusing on thier teammates

the problem is people DON’T do this and gang up on the person they have decided to blame for the loss, weather it be someone who played poorly or played well, people will try to ban them because they are so obsessed with finding any reason for loosing besides thier own failure.


You have your opinions, but I don’t think you’ve been exposed to it too much as I witness. You didn’t touch anyone nerves so I wanted to clarify that.

People just read your nickname and immidiately report you.

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Fen9913, “touching a nerve” does not mean getting on one’s nerves per se.
It means that one has hit some thing which is a sore/raw spot which “triggers” a lot of response, usually negative ones. :laughing:

Look, young sir, i am at a ripe old age of 42 and i have been playing zero sum games for a long time, usually sports and this bad behaviour which you speak of, it is in the real world as well. At work, at play, in one’s relationships. Everywhere.
And i have been exposed to some of the worst of it with real world consequences (fights resulting in hospital visits and stitches, family estrangement, near bankruptcy, nearly losing one’s job and so on).

But sure, irrelevant to a video game. True, let’s just focus on the game. Now, yes, i have been exposed to less toxicity because i am open to other’s blame. When i lose, and i do lose a lot as you can see from my stats, i would always apologise to the team in team chat. Irrespective if it was my fault (c’mon, where are you guys when i am holding up my huge blue rectangle and you peeps are all over the place?) or not and i make sure to thank everyone for the game on Match Chat.

So, yes. I agree that i have not been exposed much because i am open to criticism and open to self reflection. Everyone is fully culpable in making the scene a better one.

Gungay, thank you for understanding what i am trying to say. Yes, i agree but well, then we have done all that we can, right? If we believe that we are falsely accused, then the only thing we can do, is just write to Blizzard.

If not, new account.

I tell you what sucks also. This happens all the time, in other games and in real life but well… we can only do what we can to make our environs a little better, one game at a time. I remember that there was a MH game where everyone was ragging on one player on my team (in Mandarin), i politely asked them to please stop that and stop being so childish (but i think that they really were children).
The guy left and by random (bad) luck, he was on the opposite team. They continue ragging him on Match Chat and actively hunted him down. We won but they still verbally abused him.

I actually reported the instigator of it all and he was on my team. I then PM-ed the other guy and apologised on our behalf although they were all complete strangers. I also blocked all the bad apples.

And such an occurrence, while rare on the Asia server, is not uncommon.

Another is a player who got fragged way too much and verbally abused my OW Friend so much that she had to changed her nick to avoid him and no, she did not report him. All i could do was to keep “talking” (typing) until she felt better and comfortable enough to be less sad.

Well, such is life, in the OW world and in the real world. We can only do what we can and hopefully, make the OW community a little better, One key stroke at a time.

Gungay, thank you for understanding what i am trying to say. Yes, i agree but well

thanks for being reasonable, so many of these responces are just… honestly? they are scary… ITS hard to express almost??? people… justify reporting and therefore banning anyone for almost anything… which includes playing badly and not playing one of the 7 meta heros, thats… so, sooo bad, for the health of the game and its just morally messed up because its mob rule like i said.

some dude says he reports people for trickling, so playing badly, but basically only if they are his scapegoat… its just… yikes

well like… i cant personally make blizzard get a better report system and a appeal system that actually functions, but there is things they can do and thats the point of these threads, i know its possible to have a better system because the systems already exist in other games, dota, league, etc and other people know it too so they advocate for it.

This happens all the time, in other games and in real life but well… we can only do what we can to make our environs a little better, one game at a time

right i agree but for games specifically and similarly moderated communities there are immediate actions that the people in charge can take to make it a lot better


Sorry, mate for the tardy response. Was dealing with real life “toxicity” between my customer, my business partner and my delivery man XD

Yes and i think that the OW Dev team would do what they can, i mean the LFG function is a good indicator of that. Meanwhile, as i mentioned in a post to Fen9913, we can only do what we can in reducing toxicity by being “open” (i.e. my initial post about self reflection) and just be positive.

I believe that with people like you and Fen9913, the OW community would continue to flourish. Although seriously, for the OP, 40 reports per month over a few months is just :expressionless:
If i received that many negative feedback for months, i would be out of business! :joy:

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