Very nice gif file, Vangel! … and back in the 1990s, no one could have complained about how OP pirate ship would be!
All the old Neo Geo fighting games can be bought and downloaded onto the Nintendo Switch via the Nintendo Shop. Get a couple of fight sticks and let the good ol’ times rip! I enjoyed Art of Fighting so much in the arcades.
These two threads:
It’s more like the entire team right down to the towel boy doing a choreographed “You all suck” dance in front of the losing team and they aren’t supposed to do anything. LIke say, this:
Yeah, i can guess how it must feel for you and others who love the game and wanna just play how you wanna play. Like i mentioned, be positive and always be open to possibilities. Hang in there, The cavalry is here! (someday soon)
But no matter. Yes, i am unsure if it is a generation gap, difference in upbringing or just a sign of the times. To be sure, i do not experience all that much “toxic” behaviour on the Asia servers but as i said, it could be a cultural difference. However, one would assume, from all the negativity, that the OW in game and online communities are cess pools of vulgarities, ragging, rage and other bad behaviour. So much so that no one would ever think of buying and playing the game.
I have tried to do my part to spread some positivism but to no avail:
Update: 2020.01.30 Necroed under the banner of [Everlasting Hope] Instead of needlessly making a repeat thread. Dear Fellow OW players, there are multiple threads pervading the forum discussing negativity and “toxicity”, which, in my humble opinion only serves to perpetuate the pervading sense of frustration, exasperation and maybe even depression which many may feel. However, while i am not unaware of the negative aspects of the OW community and the imbalance of the charact…
I must admit that I enjoy the abovementioned Arcade modes the most because of the potential for the hilarious, weird and unpredictable situations which occurs. This can only occur because of the wonderful diversity that is humanity. No two person thinks exactly the same and even great minds react differently despite thinking the same! So, in a departure of all the “oh my frigging gosh, XYZ123 is ruining the game, nerf! nerf! nerf!” and “i frigging hate you, OW (devs), scr3w you guys, ima gonna …
It seems to me that majority of the online community, here, contradict themselves. They all rant and would spend hours rage typing essays, tantamount to a full a thesis; on how “toxic” and “broken” everything is but do not attempt to even try and make things a little better.
So the saying goes, “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”
I am just thankful, that i visited the EU forums prior to being redirected to the U.S. forums (strange, i know but well…). Our EU cousins are definitely way more civil and more helpful, for sure.