AVRL (Overwatch caster) on Mercy damage boost

I mean…hasn’t stopped them before lets be honest here.


I think Jeff Kaplan still drinks because of the Mercy rework.


I’m aware. I was pretty much the only person asking for 50hps in the first place, because of her healing per round.
Search results for '@GreyFalcon-11737 50hps before:2018-07-01 order:latest' - Overwatch Forums
Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)
Every support's average healing & damage per game for each rank - Album on Imgur

And I was wrong. It had a lot less to do with Mercy than it did with LaunchBrig making it hard to kill things without instant kills, and LaunchHanzo being kinda busted, and just generally the DoubleSniper/GravDragon metas.

🕊 Maybe just give Mercy 60hps

GreyFalcon shared an interesting reddit thread about replacing dmg boost with a fire rate boost similar to Kiriko ult. I think it would probably shift the pocket target to heroes like S76 instead but it might solve the problem of dmg boost causing breakpoint issues with one shots.

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I read that and I like the suggestion, the issue is for heroes which already one shot, it just makes the problem worse :wink:

Like, most of the time one shots all the extra damage just overflows out, and you haven’t made them stronger.

I’m not sure, “Hanzo fishing for one shots faster” is something people will enjoy more than damage boost :wink:


Incidentally, I came up with another one a few comments ago in this thread.
Turn all of Mercy’s boosted damage, into DamageOverTimes, maybe make it actually be fire, similar to Ashe’s Fire.
Which would deliver mostly the same damage, without the instakill concerns.

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Well I think those heroes shouldn’t have a one shot to begin with :wink:

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No disagreements here, but Blizzard isn’t likely to be fixing that any time soon.

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There is more to that… Mainly it is a net nerf for her, and makes her feel bad to play in certain comps…

Oh and some players would rage on that since it messes with muscle memory on many heroes…


Ekhem sojourn railgun head shot now ekhem

but that needs to be nerfed anyways (-;

No that was my idea for replacing the dmg boost on Sombra hack! Well actually it was CoolUsernames idea but I just stole it :wink: .

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Well, that’s the thing.
I’m mostly looking at this as “How do we squeeze more value into Mercy’s equipment, without her being meta in Masters/GM/OWL”.
Which a broader goal of “How do we get more people to play Support? Overall Buff one of the most popular Supports in the vast majority of ELOs.”

i.e. “How do we buff Mercy in Plat/Gold, but not have it be strong in Masters/GM”

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I know… But I am just pointing out that it would still be ‘Mercy fault’ since she deals remaining 5dmg with her burn almost instantly… That is just this community is, so we cannot say it wouldn’t raise concerns…

The thing is, people will always be hating on my beloved Angela

Oh well, when the hater’s are unimportant to Blizzard’s business strategy, it’s not that big a deal.

Or a more cynical angle, Masters/GM haters may get the devs do do stuff.
Gold/Plat haters, probably will get ignored.

When mercy was reworked they wanted her to be more engaged. After the moth meta her rework was basically to “make gher more engaged”. Nobody asked for a mercy rework but x youtubers. Then they made a rework not balanced at all making mercy be; first the apache helicopter in test, then the rezzing machine, then nerfed more and more and more to the point mercy now heals less than in launch with a greater damage to face.

Im not against taking off the damage from mercy personally. Imtired of people wanting me to be their charge boost while they miss all the shots. I would change damage bost or discord for an increase of healing and mobility to adapt to the 5vs5 flanking scene.

Then after mercy is out of the equation we will talk about how a hitscan can be at the same time sniper with mobility.


Actually at launch she had 50hps. She was buffed to 60 when Ana was introduced.

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Well this is cringe. If we don’t have damage boosts in any form or nerf it to the point where it’s not good, then that’s one less utility to give supports. The only way forward would be to give supports tanking abilities once we run out of pure support utility and nobody wants this.

I don’t think that buffing Mercy will do much… People won’t automatically pick her, because she is buffed… Since she is ‘not engaging’ for many players because of her passive play style… We cannot make her both passive and pacifist and offensive at the same time… It is either or. If anything I would, for now, keep looking at other supports, that are ‘engaging’ for those players, and work around them…

I know… Just it won’t solve the issue, if blizzard drops the ball like with Vivian…

i don’t think that there are that many Mercy haters in GM… But maybe I am wrong… idunno…

Well, i think now, that what she needed back then was valk as ability, and nerf to mass rez to force tempo rez playstyle…

I think it would solve problems of ‘only one ability’ and ‘toxic Mercy players that hid themselves for 5 minutes to farm fat youtube clip’

Yeah, and it is sad… But we got what we got… And I think she got boost to her healing before moth… Or am I misremembering?

Uhm… I am not sure here… Like… It would feel straight up bad to not do something usefull when no one needs healing…

ahh, so I remember correctly… I don’t have memory issues yet…

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Incidentally, what if they just made Mercy’s damage boost be 20%, but gave Mercy 2x the Ult charge from damage boost.

Then just do that grounded heal, and pump that number as high as it will go.

Maybe make Rez a bit fasters or less immobile.

Oh, and throw in that idea where they cut Mercy’s Ult charge cost by half, but cut the duration in half.

I was thinking recently that it could be 0% dmg boost, but would give both mercy and her target x% more ult charge… That could work as a tool to actually manipulate ult economy in her favor.

But again, could feel bad in valk, or when your team saves ults for OW3.

7.5 seconds… hm… I think it is too low, even that it would turn valk basically in to a cool down at this point…

At that point? Give me my tempo rezz on ult and make valk into a 5-7 second ability on an actual cool down (15 second? 20 maybe?)