AVRL (Overwatch caster) on Mercy damage boost

Ooh no, my hero is “broken” and that’s the fault of supports. Please “nerf” supports so my broken DPS hero can stay broken.


I kind of like that idea… It is cool and all…

Well that is rarely the problem… But when it does every one looses their crap…

Hmm… I feel like it should be more than 30% then…

I mean I really do like that both mercy and blue beam target both get ult charge for that, it actually promotes her to beam right targets to swing ult economy in her favor.

And just a clarification. Would it have same lingering effect on barriers and deployables?

oh, and also would it stack on a target? Like if blue beamed s76 is shooting some one. Would be a small burn that would get refreshed, or would it stack with itself?

If this game would get updated more regurarly, we could see more drastic changes in the meta.

I.e League of legends. Every preseason they mix things up, besides the constant patches.

I just see the idea of removing damage boost eventually being taken seriously by the balance team. We’ve seen how they managed to “nerf” Sojourn.

I wanna say I’m joking but I honestly see it happening-or at least them testing it as a possibility by hacking the percentage.


They have tried. The problem is, Mercy is a hero where you can balance her by tweaking healing and damage beams.

You want her stronger / weaker in low ranks? tweak the healing beam.
You want her weaker / stronger in high ranks? tweak the damage beam.

It is hard to find, an ability which would slot in there with the same kind of balance characteristics.

Especially hard to find one which wouldn’t drive the player base more mad than damage boost does.

She gets a LOT of value from it, so any ability which you replaced it with would also have to give eye watering amounts of value, that eye watering amounts have to be applied to high ranks, but NOT low.

The problem is a crazy hard one, so don’t expect them to touch it.

If it’s a DoT, probably not. But that’s maybe a good thing if you wanted it to be more lethal.

But I think the better approach would be 30% DoT’s.
And then give Mercy +10 or +15hps on grounded teammates, with a little magic circle below their feet to indicate it.

Because a ability on a SUPPORT synergizes well with others its a problem? or would it be that they make Damage in this game is so overturned that its so easily brought over the edge with abilities designed to promote team play in team game.

The problem is not damage boost, its DPS power creep that caused this. Stop with the bad design choices of characters doing 75% or more on most the rosters health in 1-shot and things will be much more balanced.


No i mean outright removing it or just dropping it down to 20% or something. Honestly don’t think they care about ranks anymore, just picks.

And just like that the hero is useless above a certain rank. Now what?

This is the part which people don’t get. So? you remove or nerf it, now you have taken a hero which was viable, and make it not, so, you are not going to leave them like that.

It is the step 2 part which people REALLY need to think though here.

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So I think it need to be more than 30%, since it won’t provide value to barrier breaking.

As a separate ability? Or part of her yellow beam?

So what about stacking it? because you know s76 shooting little damage per bullet vs ashe or widow high damage shots would not be balanced.

Just part of the yellow beam, constantly. HOWEVER only on teammate that are on/near the ground.
i.e. 55hps for Pharah, 65hps or 70hps for teammates that aren’t flying/doublejumping.

Just make it be the same amount of damage that a +30% damage boost would be, just over time.

Again I honestly don’t think they care anymore. Kinda lost hope with this last patch. Maybe they’re just outright remove alt fire and just let her dual wield like how nearly every DPS player wants her to be.

I don’t think the devs really care what players want anymore.

It isn’t the devs asking for her beam to be removed.

So, they are not likely to.

You are asking, so, what is the step 2?

If you can’t work out one which works, then you now understand why the devs are not going to either.

:person_shrugging: Just reading through the responses on this tweet doesn’t give me hope. I mean this guy is affiliated with OWL and OW in general? So if it’s coming from somebody like him why wouldn’t the devs think about it?

I just kinda lost hope in the devs actually knowing what to do with Mercy, cause they sure as heck haven’t learned from the past 2 times of having heroes reliant on her damage boost to be effective.

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It just shows that casters can have bad takes as well.

And can still have an echo chamber regardless. I honestly think Damage Boost is fine-has been fine since the game’s inception.

But like, Mercy was quoted by Kaplan to “be the best at pumping raw healing”. But you don’t really pick Mercy for “raw healing” anymore. Her power now lies in Damage Boost.

But now you’re getting cries and people affiliated with their branding of OWL now saying that she shouldn’t be good at doing that.

I just flat out do NOT have any faith or trust anything this balance team can and may do. This last patch proved that.

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Mass Rez was tempo rez for anyone who knew how to use it. 4-5 man rezzes only came into play if the enemy team really, really misplayed a push, which…ya know I’m okay with that.

Like can you even imagine needing to track an enemy Mercy’s Valk and preparing a counter for it as part of a major push. My god. This game has devolved since then. Honestly now that I’m on this soap box, maybe Mass Rez is just the thing OW2 needs to check its brainless TDM vibe and make teamplay just a little bit mandatory.

I didn’t even want Mass Rez back before. But now I kind of do because there are too many idiots in this game and I want to make them cry.

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While nice, it was proven too much during Moth times (and it was 60 hps)… But maybe it won’t be too much in 5v5 environment?

Either I don’t understand, or you don’t understand, so lets run an example (-;

let’s consider an Ashe and S76 blue beamed.

Ashe has base dmg of 75 with 650ms recovery time between shots.
S76 has 18 dmg per bullet with 9 bullets per second

so in a same window of 650ms Ashe shoots once while soldier shoots 5.85 bullets, lets consider 5 for this example.

Ashe shoots for 75 while beamed, now blue beam adds 22.5 dmg over X amount of time, cool…

Now s76 shoots his burst blue beam… It is 18 dmg per shot so blue beam adds 5.4 dmg over X amount of time to each shot…

While Ashe is easy, how it works on s76?

It is 5,4 that just each bullet keep refreshing duration on, or is it stacking with itself to a total of 27 dmg over X seconds.

That is fair, but I don’t think they want to make trouble for themselves.

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You realize damage boost has been problematic before them as well, multiple times, right?

Remember grav dragon? The entire meta designed around damage boosting hanzo ult and was so broken that they fundamentally changed the way damage boosting works?

Insert Simpsons Meme: “Is it Mercy that is the problem? No, it must be everyone else.”