Autoban system is embarassing and pathetic

You have to submit a ticket, Remedy. I didn’t get an e-mail, seems like no one is. I put in a support ticket and asked for the chat log.

Odds are they are not going to overturn a silence or suspension, they very rarely do.


Did that about 36ish hours ago. No response.

Here’s the thing: since I wasn’t given an email to look at I don’t actually know what evidence I should be asking about. Totally in the dark.

I didn’t ask what was it that got me wacked. I asked how I still don’t know the why of it to begin with.

He is absolutely right. Some people have to be flamed. Flamed ina constructive way, but they have to be flamed. Or Blizz has to rework their MMR-System.

Two situations i had in the past days:

Situation 1:
Enemy team has 5 good players, they play as a team.
In my team there are 3 good comrades + 1 DPS that plays a complete solo game, always flanking, always going in alone, always dying, ending up with a 3/9 ratio while the rest of us have like 15/3 or something. Trying to carry the guy but eventually we lose bc we literally play 1 DPS vs 2 DPS. IMHO it’s justified to tell that guy that he he should “play with the team instead of running in alone like a retard over and over again”. Wouldn’t need to flame that guy if the MMR system wasn’t that f***** up though. What is such a guy doing in a diamond lobby anyway?

Situation 2:
We had a guy in open queue that started out as Doomfist, getting 0/4. He then switched to Tracer, getting to 2/8. After that he switched to Widow, getting to 3/12.
It’s absolutely justified to tell that guy “Go train high skill heroes in unranked before you play them in ranked. Ur obviously not good enough to play them in comp”. That sentence isn’t toxic, it’s just the truth. When you absolutely suck with a hero, don’t play him in comp. But it’s a thing you get banned for nowadays.

I don’t flame anyone for being bad in unranked, but i expect people to give their best in comp. When people obviously don’t care about their team at all in comp, it should be ok to tell them they are idi*ts.


Just tell them you’re inquiring about your suspension or silence and would like to see the resulting chat logs. Takes them 2 to 3 days to respond at the earliest really.

They’ll give you some standard reply about how they reviewed it and upheld their decision, blah blah blah. But hopefully you’ll at least have the chat log with it. Mine was a good laugh.

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Unfortunately that’s considered “toxic” in OW2. You monster!

yeah i dont really care anymore


Thats hilarous, you have my respect.

It’s against the forum rules to discuss disciplinary action.

So to raise attention to their supposed unfair bans they break rules (yet again?), which doesn’t really instill confidence that their initial punishment was unjust in the first place.


You can have hundreds of these stories and these forums will still have the stans turn out in full force claiming it’s you and not the system. An automated system in a game this big, on this level, is not a feasible option. Either hire some support staff or stop trying to charge 20 dollars a skin. I bet there’s no shortage of support techs to help when it comes to the billing department I’m sure.

When do these people join reality? Do they win the gold medal in mental gymnastics? Is it just a new wave of gamers who live in an ultra sheltered, online only, digital life?


If we’re not allowed to engage on that topic, how are you okay with that? Are you saying every punishment ever given out was valid? Are you saying you agree people shouldn’t be allowed to talk about what happened to them?

Even if I and everyone else are %1000 guilty, which is possible, are you saying this censorship is just?

I’ll try and put a link to the thread of my own situation. Innocence or guilt is not really the issue, I think you’re missing the point here.

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Hope that worked, not great at this still, heh.

Even the title of that thread is breaking rules already. This isn’t a court of law where Blizzard has to present evidence that you’re guilty. They can literally suspend/ban you for any or no reason whatsoever. You can complain on the forums, but all they will do is ignore you or remove your complaints, as you noticed by now. There is literally no chance that anything you post here will change the outcome of your situation. The sooner you realize that and move on, the better.

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What an excellent way to engage with this topic. Shut up and go away. Do you work for Blizz? You’d fit right in I think. I’m sorry but I have to draw that comparison, in a nut shell that’s the problem with Blizz right now. I’m not insulting you, rather them.

Look, I genuinely think you’re point is valid and correct. I’m not knocking the validity of what you’re saying.

You’re just not actually engaging in this discussion so I don’t know why you’re in this thread at all.

Keep sticking up for dog business practices. They love people like you.

Yeah, this is just a product of the current generation. Grew up being protected… now get into the real world and cant face anything

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I try to not come out and attribute it to this because I don’t want to look like the guy talking about “that dang rock and roll music”, but the more and more you see it, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…

I work in a healthcare setting and see all kinds of people on a daily basis and Gen Z can barely look you in the eye just to have a conversation. Its weird. Not generalizing and saying all of them, but it’s called noticing a repeating pattern.

This has just spilled into online gaming now. Its a strange amalgamation no social skills and “passive toxicity.”


This is why you got banned…


I got the idea.

You realize that people’s performance on a hero isn’t binary, right?

They don’t just “suck” at a hero or are good at them. Players can have bad games on their best heroes, and can have good games on their worst heroes.

All youre doing is throwing a petty jab at someone on your own team who’s trying to play the game and aware that they’re underperforming.

This is why I don’t get people who say that “they’re just stating facts.” More often than not, they have no idea what facts are and are just giving their own one sided perspective, without any benifit of any doubt.

That being said, you’re not going to get banned for one sentence every few games. You’ll have to say a lot more than that. But you’re still needlessly acting like a jerk.


Lets not forget that it’s extremely common to blame the wrong player too. The number of times I’ve been blamed by the people going heavily negative while I’m doing fine is crazy.