Autoban system is embarassing and pathetic

A lot of the time there is no “true” person to blame as well. If you’re getting outplayed on all roles, your supports are still going to have somewhat okay stats(most of the time), and the dps and tank are going to tend to stick out more. That doesn’t always mean they played worse, it just means they’re the roles that get punished hardest for everyone underperforming.


I’ve already received some warnings for some of the nonsense I say in chat, such as jokes when starting the game: “we lose, next”, would this be considered toxicity? lol

There is no point in appealing if your account has toxic chats, total nonsense, if there is any swearing they will punish you, so don’t contact support, it could make your situation worse.

Overwatch is a free game, skins change anyone’s life and you can start a new account.

What if you play other game? Several games now provide toxicity protection, so… the same thing will happen.

The best thing he does is play without saying anything

They don’t just “suck” at a hero or are good at them. Players can have bad games on their best heroes, and can have good games on their worst heroes.

Even when i have a bad game, i’m not THAT bad with 4 teammates surrounding me. I don’t ever get 0/4 playing a tank with 2 supports healing me, no matter how bad the round goes for me. I DO have games in which i get 0/4, but that are games with bad matchmaking in which my whole team gets stomped and every teammate has a 0/4 ratio.
I have bad games on my best heroes, but then i get like 10/7 instead of 20/5.

A doomfist that’s jumping into the enemy team, going low hp and instead of using his abilities to escape and get healed jumps even further into the enemy team doesn’t have a bad game on a good hero, he just doesn’t know how to doomfist and shouldn’t play him in comp. Period.

if you’ve never randomly gotten banned in ow2 your not a real overwatch gamer

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A lot of the time there is no “true” person to blame as well. If you’re getting outplayed on all roles, your supports are still going to have somewhat okay stats(most of the time), and the dps and tank are going to tend to stick out more. That doesn’t always mean they played worse, it just means they’re the roles that get punished hardest for everyone underperforming.

Imho when 4 people in you team have like a 15/4 ratio and one guy has a 3/12 ratio, it’s pretty damn clear there is someone to blame.
If theres 4 people with let’s say 7/8 and one guy with a 2/12 ratio, you can say there is noone to blame. The whole team underperformed. But if you have a very close game and 4 people with at least 12/4 ratio and one guy with 3/12, you can’t deny that guy is the the reason you lost.

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Even if true and there are no other factors as to why that player is playing poorly.
What do think you gain from insulting them?

All it does it make them rage, make you rage, and make everyone on the team play worse because of all the toxicity going around.

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Even if true and there are no other factors as to why that player is playing poorly.
What do think you gain from insulting them?

Read the posts this is related to. I didn’t insult him. I just said “Go train high skill heroes in unranked before you play them in ranked. Ur obviously not good enough to play them in comp”

That’s no insult by any means.

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Ah yes, “I didn’t insult them, sir, I merely mocked and derided them”

Yeah, those are insults, just not of the cussing kind.


If you’re getting banned that much the issue is your behavior. Just because you did it a while ago doesn’t change anything. I think a lot of people “forget” that “abusive” chat isn’t just swearing or bigotry. It can be simply insulting another player for making bad choices. It might be healthy to step away from multiplayer games if you feel this way. It’s a game at the end of the day, and by most standards not even a “good” game.

Also perhaps you could consider this: would you say it the same way to a stranger irl? Probably not. Half the time you’re just insulting an 8 year old playing a free game.


E: All of the above.

You’ve got people running around here talking about how they use slurs regularly and they haven’t been silenced! So anyone that has must be reeeeally evil.

Meanwhile I’m looking at my chat log and thinking, “How on earth am I getting silenced over that guy???”

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Because getting suspended for most benign harmless crap in chat wasn’t enough, now every gameplay is a liability. Oh boy, so fun. I can already see my account getting permanently suspended literally for existing at this point.


Yeah and don’t even try to appeal. Blizz just will just send you a generic bot message.

You be like how is so so and toxic? How is so so abusive chat?

They can’t tell you anything just send you a generic bot message.

This penalty has already been upheld. We will not be taking another look at this. Have a good rest of your day and stay safe out there.

Turn off your chat because when you get autosilenced for abusive chat, you will not get an appeal. Bizzard sends some bot to respond to your tickets.

Take it up with people that assume you are throwing!

The times I’ve seen someone actually use slurs and racism is very low. The flaming and trash talking is daily, which is part of multiplayer since as long as man learned to use fire. One of these things is not like the other.

The Rock calls his opponents a jabroni and how he’s gonna check them directly into the Smackdown Hotel. Another guy uses actual racial slurs. There’s a big difference. You don’t use the report function for the same things because they aren’t even close.

Can’t ever see a situation where someone needs to be flamed. If someone is doing the flaming, then you report them. I can’t go more than 2 games without someone singling out the worst player on my team and attacking them for their performance.

Talking plat and lower which if you’re in those rankings, you have absolutely nothing to put others down for, yet there they are doing what they do best.

Didn’t read past that because the above quote is simply wrong and no amount of mental gymnastics will make it right.


Yeah, how am I gonna do that? When even blizzard is deaf to criticism and when you’re talking to their “game masters”, they are just looking to be offended 24/7 and don’t even care about anything you say.

By talking to people that are doing this instead of me?

Yeah and get suspended because they’ll get offended. Flawless logic there ain’t it?

Talking to me when I don’t do this is clearly the better strategy :clown_face:

Discussion not allowed. Got it. We can just close this forum then as there is no purpose for it.

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