Autoban system is embarassing and pathetic

Let me start by saying I have been playing OW since 2017. My first account was on PC, and I had that account till about the end of 2018 in which I decided to delete my account because I was falling behind in my college courses and had even sold my PC as a result. Fast forward till mid 2019 I finally transferred to the university I was supposed to go to and had straight A’s, so I decided to award myself with a new PC, and remade an account for OW, which I have had since then. Let me remind you that this time period was insanely different in OW because hardly anyone got chat banned or voice banned unless they were being racist or actually abusive, and in many cases, they did not get banned even then unless they were reported for months on end.

I had not a single ban on my account till about a few months ago after the transition to OW2 was complete. I was not really a toxic person in OW1 but I would definitely flame players that needed to be flamed or flame back if someone called me out, but never any racism, sexism or real abusive chat. I got my first ban for abusive chat 3 months ago which I didn’t appeal. I know what I did and knew it was only matter of time till I got one. They suspended me for two weeks with no VC in which I was still able to play the game but I didn’t play comp because I wasn’t able to speak. Fast forward to 1.5 months later I was very careful with what I should say because I didn’t want a longer ban so even if I was flamed or a player was bad I didn’t call them out, the worst I ever said was GGEZ a couple times which may have been the result of my second ban 1.5 months later from the first because I assume I was being mass reported for saying it.

I got the email saying the second ban was a month of not being able to play at all and I did try to appeal, but I never actually got any chat log information in the email that was sent for the second time like I did the first. Didn’t get my suspension removed but I figured it was saying GGEZ a lot or even some abusive chat that bled on from the first time into the second report. Fine, that’s ridiculous but I’ll wait a month. When I got unbanned, I actually didn’t play till about 2 weeks after because I got busy with work. So, when I finally logged in it said account suspended… WHAT?? I HAVENT PLAYED THE GAME! I submitted an appeal and told them I hadn’t logged in even after I got unbanned and how can I be suspended again?

In fact, I actually didn’t know what the suspension was for because THIS TIME there was no email sent to me to tell me what I had done wrong. My appeal was met with the " Unfortunately, we have confirmed our initial findings in that there had been toxic chat on the account" which is a complete lie because I have not played the game! I decided to appeal again and asked for chat logs, or I will assume I was wrongfully banned. Of course, they didn’t send any like the first time, but like the second time I got banned and the current ban they never sent any chat logs and said, “We now consider this matter closed and would not look to enter into further discussion on the subject.” This 3rd ban was 2-week full suspension from the game which is less than the 2nd time.

This leads to present day. I made a smurf account and made sure to enable 2FA, verify email and use my family members phone numbers with the same area code who live in the same household. I had to do this 3 TIMES because every one of my OPEN PROF PUBLIC accounts got kicked out during qp for 50 games around the 10-game mark because I went 10-0 or 15-0 with soldier and had ppl in the chat tell me “Nice aimbot”. Now my aim is good, and I was a masters soldier player in OW1 and masters zarya/rein/sig/hog player but if you go and watch the replay you can clearly see I still miss a ton of shots, even against the bronze and silver players it was putting me against. In fact don’t even play dps much as im mainly a tank player but since I wanted to finish my games fast and place in my rank I had to play dps. These random lobbies I was put in however were so f**ing dog**** it was nearly impossible to not win all my games on all my accounts. I would love to send replay codes but sadly all 3 accounts I had to make one after the other got perma autobanned after 10-15 games and all my appeals since then just say this account violated terms of service and we have suspended account license. All the appeals on all the accounts don’t even say why it just says terms of use violation.

My 4th account now is also open profile and is doing FLEX q with a 100 wr with 10 games on tank, 100 wr with 4 games on dps and 100 wr with 2 games on supp. Having to play heroes like monkey and hog so I don’t get mass reported and can’t go spawn camp the enemy team even though I could and was doing on dps before since this time I’m trying to go under the radar until I get put into my proper masters and gm qp lobbies. I even had to unironically name my account T500DPS so ppl would think twice b4 reporting me.

What a lying, thieving, scummy and shameful company blizzard has become. There is no hope for this company anymore. Make sure you are aware about what you do or say in this game. Or don’t because it doesn’t matter since you’ll be banned anyway. For those who are skeptical and wondering if I am actually cheating, post your bnet below, let’s all mass report you for cheating since you have faith that Bobby Kotick would never falsely ban you for cheating if you aren’t a cheater.


they ignore all input on it and don’t even answer basic questions.


So you came here to say that you stepped down your toxic levels, but you are still toxic and make pikachu face taht you got suspended?




The author recounts their frustrating experience with repeated bans from a game, without being provided with specific reasons or evidence. Despite making several appeals, they were met with vague accusations of “toxic chat” and “terms of use violation.”

In response to the bans, the author created multiple new accounts, only to have them suspended due to false accusations of cheating from other players. The author laments the perceived dishonesty and unfairness of Blizzard, the game company, and ends with a challenge to skeptics to experience the reporting system themselves, suggesting that anyone could be falsely accused and banned.

My Bot’s opinion:

We’re dealing with a one-sided story here. The author certainly seems passionate and frustrated, but without hearing from the other side - in this case, Blizzard - it’s hard to make a definitive judgment.

What raises a bit of suspicion is the repeated pattern of the author getting banned on multiple accounts. While they claim innocence, it’s unusual to get flagged repeatedly without cause. It’s like when I was bodybuilding, if I kept injuring the same muscle, I had to consider that maybe my technique was the problem, not the weights.

So, while we can’t definitively say the author is being dishonest, there are elements of the story that might warrant further investigation.


Well, they claim innocence but deliver incriminating evidence in the same breath actually.

It’s like a thief driving around in a stolen car screaming “I didn’t steal it I promise”


Unjust punishment threads are getting deleted by moderators over the last 24 hours.

Whether or not this person is actually telling the truth, there is a lot of smoke coming from this topic recently. Eyebrows should be getting raised, but at the same time, a percentage of the people bringing this up are actually guilty of wrongdoing and deserve what they get.

Thinking a lot on this the last day, I have no idea where my experience falls on this spectrum. Am I guilty of being frustrated at times in chat? Yes, I defy anyone who has ever engaged in random lobbies to say they have always used perfect and positive language. If its 99% positive, over time that 1% will get you punished, regardless of context.

Certainly seems like the punishment system has no oversight and gets abused on the regular. But who knows, its Blizzard, transparency doesn’t exist with them anymore.


Now you got me wondering how many Kia Boys play Overwatch

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And tour ignorning the fact that after the second suspension HE DIDNT EVEN PLAY THE GAME AND LOGGED BACK IN TO A NEW BAN. please make that make sence?? I think ever since the email system turned bug there is another bug that is auto banning players who were either already actioned when the bug happened or who were coming off action because he claims after not recieving email and not playing he was autobanned on login and i also came off a silence played like 8 games with NO comms and was suspended the same day so the system is definately bugged. Sure he deserved his first 2 bans but how do you explain the third action??? Cant wait for you to havw ypurs wrongfully actioned so i can laugh at you


Imagine getting banned in Overwatch. :roll_eyes:

Gonna be honest here, I’ve seen you post on multiple deleted threads about this, being dismissive and generally toxic, more or less.

Makes me think you’re doing this intentionally to get flagged and get the thread taken down. Clever.

Admittedly I could be completely wrong and you’re just standing strong in your bias. But still. You’re not trying to be engaging, just trying to put down others that you feel deserve it. Pretty harsh, in my opinion.


Blizzard can’t just afford to pay people to read reports. That is too much work and money. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I mean can you imagine the amount of reports there are in this game? Non stop… Lol so pathetic.

It would no doubt be an incredibly amount of effort, but unless there is some authority verifying a rule has been broken there are effectively no rules at all. An automated system that suspends based on some report threshold is basically mob rule.

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Just stop playing the game dude. Blizz is suspending people’s accounts for almost saying nothing. I got a 14 day account suspension for saying bad team. The report system is a joke.

Don’t try to appeal. You say “bad team” once and to Blizz you’re the most toxic player of all time. You say “bad team” you’re as bad as the people who say racial slurs and tell people “kys” to Blizz.

Just play something else man and stop wasting time with this game.


Imagine reporting people for saying that. How do you people survive the real world where you have no report button?


I’ve not seen anything more absurd in any game, ever. It’s like everyone is actively trying to be offended over the smallest tiniest things possible and they smash that REPORT button with such rage you can’t even imagine it.

Chat is literally a liability to the highest possible extent in this game. There is literally anything that will get them offended and make them report you. If you want to play the game, just disable the chat entirely. Unbind all chat keys, even team ones. Don’t ever say anything in text chat. Also don’t use mic. Ever. Make all communication in game via pinging and built-in voice lines. And that’s it. And even with all this I can’t assure that you won’t get reported for not healing right or not walking in the correct line or use the correct path. Because surely someone will report you on that somehow. Welcome to Overwatch I guess.


Honestly just this one line shows us that the abusive chat ban was likely deserved.

Seems most likely that they just reduced the toxicity level from 4chan /b/turd to being a general douche. But it wasn’t enough to pass as a decent human being.

Then they tell us about the ban avoidance they did, and are wondering why the new accounts get flagged.


Did you seriously asked how one goes about others breaking law?

There are organizations in each country that would help you in that regard. And usually they have really short phone numbers (for US folks it is 911). Only exception is UK afaik since their number is pretty long… It is 0118 999 881 999 119 7253 :sweat_smile:


Another person so innocent they managed to get banned on multiple accounts lol


I sure hope you’re not wasting law enforcement’s time for every single time you get offended over smallest pettiest things.