I'm guilty and deserve suspension

I want to tell those here the reason my account was suspended. I was toxic, I flamed, I hacked the game into oblivion. I deserve this.

Yes, but I don’t have the actual reason why. No email was ever sent with an explanation, and my appeal has not been responded to.

I was silenced once and I deserved it for griefing. I threw myself off the map over and over again after getting yelled at by a 12 year old teammate. Pretty sure the whole lobby reported me after the kid asked them to in chat. Not my finest hour. This was about a monthish ago.

I can’t say the things I’ve said in chat are harmless. Hardly. I’ve said tank dif, dps dif, support dif, critiqued bad play I saw in game, lamented a lack of proper team play, etc. No slurs, no sexism or bigotry, no kys, nothing cruel imo. That doesn’t mean my criticisms and off hand comments shouldn’t get me reported. I don’t think it was wrong if being critical got me in trouble.

I’m here to say I’m guilty.

Someone at Blizzard just needs to actually tell me what I’m guilty of. I don’t care if everyone thinks I deserve to get banned, if I seem like a pompous prick who should just shut up and go into therapy, I don’t care if no soul here believes me, I don’t care at all. Not to be too degrading, but feel free to kick me while I’m down. Won’t make a difference.

I can’t play the game I love and I genuinely don’t know what to do with myself. Someone at Blizzard put me out of my misery, tell me I’m a dirtbag and tell me the line of text that shows it. Good grief, tell me something fabricated so I can at least have ANY reason for why I got wacked.

Is that too much to ask for?


don’t worry 10 useful idiots will show up soon enough to explain how you totally deserved it and how it’s totally impossible that the system is broken and it’s purely a coincidence that 15x as many threads like this as usual started popping up lately


OP you need to chill and stop letting other people’s words affect you so much. This includes my words as well. Just stop responding and move on with your life.

You are typing a whole novel right now as I sit here, and there are better things for you to spend your energy on. Believe in the me that believes in you.


Thank you for that. I genuinely don’t think i deserve any sort of benefit of the doubt because, as you can see, I have no presence here.

I am honestly just screaming into the abyss. Why do I care so much about this game? In the end, I am the cause of my own suffering for this, no question.

Can’t you get a new account?

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I could do a billion other things but wallow and lament. I don’t have a good reason why I won’t make another account. Maybe because I feel people who do that are killing matchmaking and helping spiral this game to its death.

If I’m being honest though, and i’m trying painfully hard to be, its because I feel I shouldn’t have to. And I am one stubborn son of a gun.

Hey good for you champ.
Now it’s time to grow up and move onto something else. Maybe, you know, something constructive?

I’m no saint myself (this like account 23 or something absurd like that…)
So you can take it or leave my comments either way.

I highly suggest you stop cheating though.
Unless that’s the only way you get your jolly’s. In that case, again, get another pass time.

Good luck in your future endeavors and remember don’t give this company any more money. Baiiiii.

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I will readily admit to all my wrong doings.

I have never cheated in this game, I play console, I wouldn’t know how even if I wanted to.

But yes. I should move on right? Thats the uh… lighter side of the sentiment I’m expecting. But the heart wants what it wants, I can’t help it, overwatch has me and I cannot let go.

just play those good console exclusives, this game isnt worth your time or anyone elses after the ‘‘update’’ to ow2

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I’m just going to respond to this sort of comment this one last time.

If we don’t feel passionately about this game, then why are any of us here?

I can’t help but feel getting better at this game has made me a better person, helped me look at myself in a starkly honest way. I can’t say that about literally any other game I’ve ever played, and i’ve been playing games for a very long time.

I cannot let go of that love, I just can’t.

Don’t throw yourself off the map and insult people. Get a grip and control your emotions.

Much love. May your path always be where your feet tread.

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