Autoban system is embarassing and pathetic


Iā€™m scared of getting ban for throwing. For some reason, when I open Overwatch, my first 2 games are played at 5 fps. After those 2 games, I get 100 fps. Itā€™s like my pc needs to warm up.

When i play on 5 fps, itā€™s so laggy I often fall off the map. If they rewatch my gameplay it probably looks like Iā€™m throwing.

Amd? Donā€™t know why, but for some people game never actually saves shadercache and recompiles it on every launch. My ā€œfixā€ for this is to play 1-2 ā€œno cdā€ customs at start of every session

This person obviously lives a very sheltered existence. Theres a lot of people out there like this these days, they just spend all day whining on the internet and getting butt-hurt. Shaming ā€˜toxicity,ā€™ while unironically being the most toxic person in the room.
You dont win in the real world being this person, you just feel like less of a loser on the internet because you can create an echo chamber with other losers.


ā€¦ you donā€™t think this behaviour has had some impact in why youā€™re repeatedly getting banned? :eyes:

Why even say this? You displayed such maturity and intelligence with deleting your account to focus on your studies, yet here you have a scenario where you know youā€™ll get banned again if you be a jerk, then you try and push your luck. Then you wonder why you keep getting banned?!

What exactly did you learn at uni!? :rofl:

Oh no, I hope this didnā€™t get banned too!? :cry: how are those people you were smurfing against going to get good if they keep getting you banned! >:(

I donā€™t see how this proves anythingā€¦

You should probably just swallow some humble pie and stop being a jerk and stop cheating. Leave your chat off, donā€™t cheat and have fun. Or not, makes for more entertaining schadenfreude for me :slight_smile:

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Go to the training room for a bit before playing -my computer does the same thing for some reason. A few minutes in the training room or a custom game and it gets up to proper fps. Usually only happens if my computer has been restarted and its the 1st new instance of loading the game :man_shrugging:

so we really are getting to the point of defending blizzard when they suspend someone who hasnā€™t even played a single match of the game since their last suspension?

Idk why this place is so obsessed with defending blizzard these days for literally everything


I think the obvious answer is they donā€™t. :laughing:

I got banned for ā€hackā€ on 26th september. I have also played since Overwatch 1 release and had around 1700 hours and alot of skins. Then i just recieved that mail and i still dont know why, well i know their system is garbage but come onā€¦ i have not been using anything that manipulate the game process or game files to take any advantage ingame. They must have reported false positive for something else or people have just reported me for cheating.


You really want me to believe that claim without good evidence, huh!

I donā€™t think multiple people would all come up with such an outrageous claim within a few weeks of each other


You never saw conspiracy theory forming then.

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If true it sounds as though theyā€™re actually finally paying people to go read through the reports. It canā€™t be the automated system as the OP hadnā€™t played so they couldnā€™t be mass reported. Itā€™s more likely just to be a massive backlog on the reports and the OP was actioned again despite already being suspended.


I donā€™t know, maybe man, I have had chat disabled for over 2 weeks now but Iā€™m still fully expecting to be false suspended/silenced any day now

Remember that people do report now for playing badly, because they are mad that leaver suspension led to increase in people throwing games. So if you misplay slightly now you are labeled as thrower!

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Blizzard has a massive problem with botted/cheating so they are tighter with the autoban system on new accounts, realistically I doubt youā€™re getting autobanned if your Blizzard account isnā€™t like literally 2 days old with crazy stats.

People are too sensitive nowadays. Iā€™ll bet most Overwatch players wouldnā€™t last a day in pvp shooter lobbies 20 years ago, where talking smack was basically an essential core game element (Iā€™ve heard things come out of the mouths of 6yr olds that actually shocked me, and I have a long background in touring in death metal bands).

Iā€™m not a trash talker these days, but Iā€™ll definitely engage with someone if they give me a reason. But due to the over-policing of chat that seems to be rampant (if the forums are to be believed), Iā€™ve had chat and voice turned off completely for a few seasons now. If people are going to mass report just to troll me, it darn sure wonā€™t be because of anything I said.

Chat policing is definitely too extensive right now, and bans and suspensions should be reserved for actual problematic individuals (like death threats, stalking/chronic harrassment, cheating, ā€˜keep yourself safeā€™, etc). Even the casual mindless racism that people spout off just to trigger people shouldnā€™t be actionable, imo. Speech doesnā€™t need to be policed just for the sake of catering to the most sensitive players.

People can be horrible and say horrible things. A fact of life. GGEZ is toxic and makes you look like a petulant jerk. So what? Itā€™s just words.

And auto-banning systems are too easy to abuse by people looking to just ā€˜getā€™ at someone by mass reporting them.

But Iā€™m old school, and have a very different perception of people, and the world, than the twenty-somethings that populate the game now. Iā€™m ok with the wild wild west/anything goes kind of gaming, because thatā€™s where I came from.

Just my two credits.



Yea, she needs to change her name to Karen. :laughing:


I really just want an explanation as to why my account was suspended 2 days ago. I was never given an email with a reason and my appeal has not been responded.

I readily admit there can be legitmacy to the suspension, I made a thread about this, a very self deprecating one.

But there mere fact that I havenā€™t been given a reason and my suspension carries on should be telling. This automated punishment system is deeply flawed, I canā€™t imagine Iā€™m the only person who has had their account messed with, with no actual reason given as to why.

All I can do is express remorse and keep engaging in this topic. Surely someone at Blizzard will look at this if it keeps getting brought up.

ā€¦ Surely right? ā€¦ yeahā€¦

that is what i hope too