Armor Patch Stats (2 weeks out)

I wanted to try something. So, when the armor patch was about to go live, I tracked the pick rates and win rates for the heroes that were affected by it.

I wanted to see, objectively, how the patch affected them over time. Seeing the stats helps me and hopefully others contextualize how our games feel a bit better.

Here are the stats from before the patch and now 2 weeks later. D.Va and Brig were the biggest losers while Reaper was the biggest winner. I have been surprised at how Zarya has actually stayed almost the same. I expected her to win bigger. I’m also surprised at the drop in Hammond’s win rate.

General Stats

Hero Pick Rate Before Pick Rate After Win Rate Before Win Rate After
Reinhardt 12.30% 11.93% 51.75% 51.22%
Orisa 1.75% 1.87% 51.89% 52.72%
Winston 2.77% 2.58% 48.39% 47.97%
Hammond 1.83% 1.96% 51.28% 51.13%
Zarya 6.55% 6.48% 51.01% 50.93%
D.Va 5.41% 4.64% 51.26% 50.28%
Roadhog 3.02% 3.21% 50.11% 50.36%
Brigitte 2.35% 1.89% 55.31% 54.06%
Reaper 1.99% 4.25% 49.9% 52.81%

GM Stats

Hero Pick Rate Before Pick Rate After Win Rate Before Win Rate After
Reinhardt 11.97% 11.40% 54.34% 53.92%
Orisa 1.11% 1.27% 56.83% 54.84%
Winston 4.63% 4.69% 53.87% 53.03%
Hammond 2.16% 2.84% 52.29% 50.76%
Zarya 11.06% 9.77% 54.64% 54.66%
D.Va 8.53% 6.55% 52.35% 51.45%
Roadhog 1.19% 1.64% 53.07% 54.58%
Brigitte 5.14% 3.24% 54.02% 51.22%
Reaper 0.08% 1.03% 45.45% 56.01%

You can find out where we were 1 week afterwards by going to my previous post.


Seems about right, though I think two weeks is still too little time for GM since the lower player count makes it much more volatile. Especially with the Reaper stats; the pick rate and win rate was hilariously low prior to this.

Not sure why Orisa suffered at GM despite overall doing better; I guess for lower ranked players all that matters is her dps output and despite the cries about her durability nerf only at upper ranks did it really make a difference. I agree Hammond is also pretty strange; maybe Reaper is really strong against him? Doesn’t feel like it, but that’s the only real explanation I can think of.

Also, wow, the general population is way more addicted to Reinhardt than the GMs. Kind of ironic that the alleged meta slaves at the top are much more willing to play other tanks (though they are much more fanatical about bringing Zarya with him, unsurprisingly). I guess that’s mostly because they’re comfortable actually running Dive as a strategy, though.

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The fact that Zarya and Rein could stay nearly the same after this is exactly why they are the heroes that shouldve been looked at in the first place.


Maybe they should, i dont know

get rid of their Brig PTSD and make a hero to soft counter GOATS comp and thats it,

They need to finally nerf Rein.


Instead of that, just make it so Hog/Orisa and maybe Hammond, can bodyblock Rein’s Ult with their E ability.

Also make it so Orisa can reposition her shield while it’s on cooldown, at the cost of half of the remaining barrier health.

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Or we can quadruple the cast time on his ult. Personally I’d send him to the grave with nerfs to shake up the meta.
Rein being nerfed would be pretty swell too. Imagine if it was Mercy or Moira in that must pick position.

Yes, that is one healthy way to balance a game

pick a character, and sledgehammer nerf them to death



Rein isn’t overpowered, just undercountered.

As is, the only reliable counter to a Rein Ult, is a Reinhardt.


From what I see.

Orisa is better? Huh, I thought this patch is going to be crap for her.
That is a good thing.

And Reaper is performing better in GM than other ranks?
What sort of loopy land have I entered?
(To be fair, that is a pseudo joke, cause other ranks have a much greater popularity than GM).


I don’t know about that. I’ve never liked the idea for just nerfing a hero into the dirt. And to be fair in the pro scene he isn’t really anywhere near as strong as on the ladder, so there is an argument to be made that he isn’t truly overpowered. I don’t feel like he is despite his pick rate.

I think if we nerf Reinhardt the best thing to do would just be to increase his ult charge. He has shatter up a lot. And maybe if it took longer to get that would be enough to shake things up. And frankly some QOL buffs to Orisa would be good too, nothing too drastic.

It’s almost like reaper is completely broken now

Or CC, or a Mei wall or barriers.

Why should Zarya be looked at if she didn’t increase in usage when she had every reason to?


brig is just totally broken, numerous nerfs and her win rate is still freakishly high. either make it so she is so niche her pick rate is below 1% and she can join the other freaks like sym and torb. or rework her into an actual support or tank with a balanced win rate.

Those work, but they aren’t reliable.

What do you think about just increasing Rein’s ult charge rate? I think that would actually probably make a big difference in his pick rate because it would affect how often he could make a big play like that. That in turn would also reduce Zarya’s pick rate since she is kinda dependent on Rein.

I honestly don’t mind Rein. I wouldn’t mind if he was meta indefinitely, but I know that others would like a change. I think this would be better than making other changes to his kit frankly because I wouldn’t want to make him feel any clunkier to play.

I think that still wouldn’t provide a reliable counter to a Rein Ult, that isn’t Reinhardt.

Orisa can counter it, she just has a hard time doing it reliably.

But my idea is less about adding a counter and more about just making the need for a counter happen less often. The rest of his kit is countered, it’s only his ult that isn’t. And he gets his ult pretty fast, so if it didn’t build quite so fast it would be less of an issue. No?