Recently I made a post suggesting the OWL special skins should come back for people who didn’t get them the first time. I’ve now realised that this topic is incredibly controversial with the two strong sides:
People who want them to come back because they missed out the first time.
And people who want them to never come back because they should remain exclusive.
After discussion and some fiery arguments, some members of the community have been incredibly toxic towards each other. With people defending their view on these skins.
Whether you want them back or not, please can we all universally agree that Blizzard need to confirm for definite whether these skins will come back.
We need confirmation to put this debate to an end. Like this post so the developers know that we want a clear answer on the future of the OWL special skins.
P.s. to see evidence/arguments for and against them coming back you can look at my original post.
Original Post:
Stay safe guys,
Edit: I’ve decided to compile some evidence for and against the OWL special skins coming back.
Skins were described as “limited time” which could imply they could come around again. For instance, in the trailer for Lunar New Year, the skins and event are described as “limited time” but that comes around every year not just once.
Brigitte Goat skin and Doomfist thunder skin are both tagged with OWL but not “legacy”. This suggests they are not legacy and could come back again.
All-stars 2018 skins didn’t come back in 2019 (so most likely won’t come back again in 2020)
Limited-time could be referring to one-time or implying they are exclusive.
Some OWL special skins are tagged as “legacy” in game. However, as previously stated, not all of them are.
I would like clarification too, on all the legacy classed items. Just a little post about legacy items would do it.
I’m at the side not wanting them back, as for example the All-Star skins are for their respective season and year. But I’m open to everything, well, I should be, not my decision to bring them back or not.
I hope they will come back, only because I’m not waiting for people to say that they are ‘OG’ because they got a certain ‘rare’ skin… NOBODY CARES IF YOU ARE ‘OG’ OR NOT!
They always say the dates they are available, they don’t need to address it any more than that. If they say ‘available to X date’, that’s the last date you can get it. They know that if they say they’re coming back, people won’t rush to buy them, and then the next skin won’t sell because everyone knows it’ll come back too.
So there is pretty much 0% chance that any OWL skin comes back, because otherwise future ones won’t sell as well.
“Limited-time” doesn’t mean one-time. The likelihood is that the OWL special skins won’t return but don’t be too disappointed if they do come back. As I said, no official confirmation has definitively said they will never come back, that’s why I ask for an official statement from Blizzard themselves.
At the end of the day they’re just skins. I don’t see why people would argue about not wanting them back cause they were a one time thing. I have a couple of legacy skins and one Blizzcon skin for Symmetra. Would I be mad if they were to release them yet again? No. It’s sucks for people who missed out cause they’re new to the game or simply can’t afford them.
I remember how Fortnite reintroduced the… skulltrouper (?) skin and people went like crazy.
But, if I can remember correctly - they changed a few things about it - making the old ones stand out a bit. Correct me if im wrong please
Maybe they could do something like this.
The word “legacy” in Blizzard games such as the legacy WoW achievements do mean they will never be able to be earned/obtained again. It’s not a official clarification ofc but just something to point out I guess.
I’ve never bought any OWL “Exclusive” skins, except Pacific Lucio and Atlantic Mercy, simplu because they didn’t interest me that much.
The Spitfire Winston was meh, the Goat Brigitte was beautiful but I don’t really play Brigitte, the Thunder Doomfist was dope but I never play Doomfist.
However, the strange thing is that not all OWL special skins are tagged as “legacy”. For instance, Brigitte Goat and Thunder Doomfist are categorised as overwatch league skins but they do not have the “legacy” tag.
This inconsistency could suggest that Blizzard simply are unsure as to whether they should bring back OWL special skins but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if they ever re-release the skins.