Bring the All-stars skins back

You can’t get tokens from Twitch anymore and YouTube doesn’t allow them. Goat and Lightning/Thunder/IDC had to be purchased by mostly everyone.

ran, past tense of run. If you ran it in the background you would have gotten a lot of tokens. I’ve gotten every skin for free so far and can get the next one too.

And those who joined after Twitch was canceled? They couldn’t have. All micro transactions are evil and must be destroyed at the roots.

That is only a small portion of the people who want the skins, a lot of them had the chance to get the tokens and didn’t. This is the last game in which you should be complaining about microtransactions.

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I’ll complain about every game with micro transactions because they’re all evil, nothing more and nothing less.

No offense but there’s literally no point in me replying anymore because everyone who plays this game hates me, hates my opinions and loves exclusivity so I’m just gonna ignore this thread and watch as all the “haha I win!!! you lose!!!” posters show up.

Hello everyone. I’ve made another thread asking for clarity on this subject. Whether you want the OWL special skins back or not, I would appreciate it if you liked my post to show the developers that we want a clear answer to this topic.

Are the special OWL skins coming back or not?

Nothing more to be said.



You can blame the developers for making the skin exclusive and then making the game available on a new platform. It was their fault that now they can’t make it available again.

Personally I dont think all stars should be available again. I got the healers and while they are beautiful, they were 2019 exclusives. I would be much more willing to pay for Pink Mercy, as that one has an actual cause. I dont think it would look good in 2020 to buy a genji skin that was released as an exclusive in 2018. It just doesnt seem right.

So let’s get this straight.

You don’t think they should be released again because you already have them.


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did you even read what I said there? Also bringing Pink Mercy back would be a lot better because people would still donate and the cause will get attention again. And I have most, if not all the OWL skins exclusives: Zen, Mercy/Lucio all stars, Winston, Brigitte, Doomfist. They aren’t flashy or anything, but I like them.

That’s not what I said, and you should stop putting words in my mouth. I said that if you are in 2020 it would look weird if you bought a skin that was exclusive in 2018(given that it is not charity or pre order/blizzcon).

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Tell me how it’s wrong, please.

Because it is weird. Again, you put words in my mouth. I never said that it is wrong, I said that it is weird. It is a difference. If a skin, such as idk, let’s say Genji fire boy from All Stars 2018 is said to be EXCLUSIVE, then it should remain that way. It shouldn’t be made available in 2020 just because some people want it. If that skin isn’t Pink Mercy, it has NO RIGHT to return. I am not biased, I just told you that. Idk if they release the OWL skins, but it would be pretty weird as they don’t donate that money, they use it for their own benefit.

Never once did you say that.

But then again, we are on the forums. I don’t expect people to function properly.

Neither do I, especially when you’re quoting yourself after the fact.

You said that I never said it was weird, then I gave you receipts. What more would you want?

Now that I think about it, you guys not having the skins is a good thing, because you can cry all day about it. You didnt get it? Good, keep crying baby cause you are not getting it back. I don’t care that I don’t have Pink Mercy, she has better skins anyways. If something is EXCLUSIVE, then it should stay that way. And with that, case closed.

Oh boy. Lookie what we have here.

The only exclusive skins I dont have are the ones I really didn’t care to get. Fire genji, and and Super Sayan God Super Sayan Tracer were not interesting to me. Neither was winston with a plastic toy air plane on his back.

But, Zen, Mercy (and Pink) Doomfist, and Brigitte were all cool in my book, so I bought them. And I did the nano cola, bastet, etc literally every weekly challenge, because I understood that the skins would be gone.

You think I would have bought Sym’s 2019 blizzcon skin if it was going to come out later? Of course not. That’s why I DIDN’T buy sombra’s. I don’t care if it is 50 dollars, gimme! Means less people will have it. I don’t care if they release a 100 dollar skin. Even FEWER people will have that one too!

I know it also came with the Genji skin, but I don’t care about that, I just wanted the Sym skin. If you want an exclusive skin, get it when the time is good for the taking. If they went back on this, I would most likely stop buying skins.

There will be more exclusive skins in the future. Get them.


It’s not wise to believe everything you hear.

You own atlantic!? You must be loaded. $20 must be nothing to someone like you.

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This :heart:

20 charizard