Anyone else having a hard time?

i’ve been completely rolled all day! granted i was placed in bronze so it can be a bit hard, but i read sticking to one character can help you climb a bit as opposed to swapping around a lot…is this true??


+1 for 1st post, PEACH.

Welcome to the forums.

By sticking to a character, do you mean within the one game or in general?

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Generally getting good at a smaller number of characters is better than staying bad (due to insufficient practice time) at a large number of characters. I’ve written a bigger guide at Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide.

I recommend having a stable to grow as then you can fill roles. Certain heroes work at low ranks while others do not. So a lot of factors go in. Like climbing out of bronze as Mercy is wayyyyy harder than Moira for many reasons.

PS: welcome to the fora!

how it was phrased from ppl sounded like the game in general! like the entire season they would play say tracer and soldier? also thank u, glad to be here!

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People tend to play a handful or fewer of heroes. In order I play Moira, Roadhog, Mercy(significantly behind the former two), and am picking up Reinhardt slowly. They mean for typically a long period of time. I recommend having a tank and support in your roster of heroes as fewer play those than DPS and they’re essential to a good team.

Thanks for clarifying, PEACH. =)

Ok, as many whom are more senior than I am in game and in the forum have mentioned, it would be ideal to learn how to utilise more than one character from the existing roster. Unless you intend to lock into one character all the time immediately when the load screen appears (“insta-lock”) and just stick to one character all the way for a long time (“one trick”) .

If you have a character whom you like to use but is very popular, insta-locking and one tricking him/her can be quite difficult because many would also be vying with you to pick the character.

If you are inclined to take DPS roles but is also the sort who is considerate and actively works to help the team, then you would usually end up “filling” the missing roles which most would avoid (Tank and Support). So it would definitely be ideal to learn how to use a character from either categories.

If you are looking to “climb the ladder” and are currently in the Bronze Tier ( I am Bronze/Silver myself), then as some have mentioned in this thread, you may want to consider characters like Moira over Soldier 76 or Tracer until you are very comfortable with the game … or you are very good at aiming (“hitscan”).

Sorry, if I cannot provide a more definitive answer but I very much prefer to provide overarching guidelines and leave the specifics to the individual to choose. Because, after all, everyone is different.

Please do feel free to ask more questions if you think I can be of assistance.
Meanwhile, here are a few links to help clarify certain terminology used in the forums and in the game:

Thanks so much for deciding to join the Overwatch community, the world could always use more heroes. =)


Dang… you’re positivity and helpfulness are too much. I like wanna help you climb lol. The ladder could use more like this.


It is true because by sticking to 1 character, you become more proficient in that 1 character. Higher proficiency = more impact = more chance to win = higher SR.

The problem with 1 tricking however, is that you become only proficient in that 1 character. So the second you decide to use any other character, you become a handicap to your team because you lack the experience to play other characters at the same level.

If your goal is only to care about raising your SR, then 1 tricking is perfectly viable advice. However, I will instead suggest to not care about your SR and play different heroes that you find enjoyable. Your SR will be lower, but you will have more impact on your games regardless of what hero you decide to play. This to me is more enjoyable way to play. Over time, your SR will rise naturally as you become better with those heroes anyway.

Ha! Thanks, MsSysbit!

You are no slouch when it comes to the positivity and helpfulness departments yourself! I have always enjoyed and supported your threads calling for less whining and more understanding plus culpability. Always a +1 from this old man. =)

Much as I appreciate the offer, there is an issue of latency. Although we are all officially playing under the Americas Servers, LeaF (I spent 2 years climbing from silver to GM, ask me anything (1.6k+ Views)(100+ reply)) reported a latency of ~200ms when we met online on Thursday/Friday on LucioBall and also on Custom Games. I launched a 1v1 because it is the quickest way to get the game loaded so as to see if the latency would pan out but it did not. It was constantly ~200ms throughout and LeaF had serious rubber banding issues while I was getting 18-20ms. LeaF still smoked me though despite the latency, if you are wondering. I am still in awe :joy:

So until the latency pans down to at least 50-70ms, it would be impossible to play with you all from the U.S. for me.

Moreover, this old man is not really looking to climb. I enjoy Competitive Mode for the structure it brings and that each match is meaningful (Competitive Mode Seems Fun, Never Thought I Would Say It).

I have kinda mentally categorised the OW community into 4 groups:

Professional: Those who are/was and those aiming to be

Enthusiast: Those who are serious actively climbing and doing research on the game

Hobbyist: Majority of the those who play in Arcade and Competitive Modes

Casual: Just playing for fun

Guess which I belong to :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Nevertheless, “It is Nice to be appreciated” :pray:


I meant like a vod review or similar. Don’t count yourself out. I’m def an enthusiast. As someome who climbed out of low ladder I’m willing to share whay I can.

And thanks for all that. More positivity is always better. I’m an ofd one with mt views but I try yo make them solidlt formed and certain values resinate throughout em.


I’d say it honestly depends on the type of person you are. Keep in mind that you’re not going to play every hero at the same level, it’s very variable. That’s why you see a lot of people in the high ranks that play one hero, “one-tricks”. Though, I’ve also seen people who are good at being flexible… they can adapt to playstyles quickly, which makes swapping from hero to hero easy for them.

Personally… I can only find myself learning and mastering one playstyle. I feel like I generally have more of an impact in more of my games by sticking to one hero, and in my case it’s D.Va (it helps that she is also a very flexible character, you may have a rougher time with heroes that are more situational).

It could be different for you. Generally, focus on one hero and pick a main, but try to have a few heroes to substitute for your main if you need to. My friends recommend trying to learn at least one hero from every category, along with your main. I think that’s a good idea as well, so I recommend that.

One thing to note about flexing is just because the character exists on your team, doesn’t mean it’ll impact the game necessarily. It really depends on the user. If you swap to a hitscan hero to counter Pharah, Pharah isn’t going to immediately die just because you exist. You need to put in actual work as that hero, and sometimes you can’t do that if you’re not good enough. I know that seems obvious and like common sense, but some people honestly seem to not be aware of that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Additionally, just try to keep a positive mindset. Sometimes it’s not necessarily because you’re bad at the heroes you’re trying to play, but just because you’re losing the mental battle. Keep the optimism up, and you may see better results regardless of what you play. :slight_smile:


Ah, this old man knows nothing about recording VODs.
I just learnt how to upload youtube videos just a couple of weeks ago!

The more matured, emotionally and intellectually, young 'uns are “old souls”. I know that well, being like that when i was in my 20s (could only relate to others who were older than me by 7-10 years). I guess that you probably are a fellow “old soul”.

Yes, let’s strive to make the forums a more positive place, especially for the newcomers.


You just need a software like OBS to record. YouTube is pretty brainless. I looked up OBS settings and figured the rest out but guides exist. And old soul… I’m 24 lol. Not as young as others but not old yet. I hope. Lol.


hey! thanks for the response!

If you’re in bronze don’t be afraid to just pick what you like and focus on getting better at ONE thing first. Don’t spread your skillset too thin.

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i been as low to silver before in s2 and the easiest way to get out of there is to pick a tank like winston/rein (i used rein) and just flank their backline by going around a side route. people in that bracket usually take 2 swings before reacting… and people do not turn around

works up to low plat

i tried to flank as dps but they lack the hp to do critical aoe dmg like rein can before dying

thanks for the add, Scy. Appreciate it =)


hey, thank you for this! it’s a great guide

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I must admit that after spending some time going through the functions and features, YouTube has made it much more idiot proof than i previously remembered. Truth be told, it is all about time and effort when it comes to learning to use IT and new technology and unfortunately time is a very precious luxury which i have little of. I will bear your offer in mind and certainly do appreciate it.

24 is young. I can recall when i was 24 yet was an “old soul” and my girlfriend was about 6 years my senior. We got along splendidly despite the age difference and being of different cultures (she was English). It did not work out only because i was too young to settle down, having just graduated from university for a year or so.

Anyway, here you go, h ttps://
And if you have never done the MBTI test and the enneagram test, you can consider doing them. It provides pretty good insight.