Another week, another zero wins in arcade

It’s simply impossible. I’d give anything to have this “forced 50-50” win rate they talk about all over the place. I’m zero for thousands in arcade since launch.

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What mode are you playing?

If you’re not already, you should play Mystery Heroes. Even if you’re having a hell of a time getting wins, eventually in one of your games you team will luck out on heroes and get stupidly good draws at the right time or a comp like 2xMoira, 2x Orisa, Bastion, Reaper. With the amount of luck involved in Mystery Heroes, you’ll get a win at some point.


I’ve never won a game of No Limits before. You know what I stopped playing? No Limits


I think they turned off matchmaking in arcade. Every single game without exception is a stomp, no matter whether I win or lose. I’ve gone 15 - 2, I’ve gone 1 - 11. I’ve played people 1500 sr above and below me, and that’s just the ones with open profiles. It’s a joke.


Dog there is literally an almost unloseable PvE mode in arcade pretty much all month


Play junkenstein easy mode. Profit.


Just get into top 4 of deathmatch every match, it’s so easy to do.


just do junkenstine on easy if you wanna burn through the lootbox quota otherwise i just pick quickplay classic if mayhem is not an option (mayhem is easy to win with winston or hammond i just stall the payload for half an hour(i literally did that once) then the enemys spirits break like twigs)


Aside from Junkenstein’s as people have mentioned, you can get fourth in Deathmatch and it will still count as a win towards boxes. It goes by “winner circle” logic. I don’t see how you can’t possibly get fourth in DM.

Even if you’re bad at DM or DPS, all you have to do is pick Moira for easy wins. You’ll almost certainly get at least fourth. I mean sure, she’s extremely cheap and everyone will hate you for playing her in that mode (including me), but she’ll get you wins.


Play hog and just flank. No matter the gamemode this is the optimal strategy.

Oh no that Post again
OP does this often

Edit. He even has achievements for Junkenstein
Hes just lying


Play MH. People are chill and it is much fun.

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Stop posting these threads oh my lord.

You literally have nearly 3000 wins on your profile. For comparison I have nearly 2000 games won on mine and I’m only about 300 levels less than you.

Get out of here with your trolling.


Play Junkenstein normal then… you’ll win and get your lootboxes.

Did the same with tracer
Holding now a 37min on fire record. :sweat_smile:

Sadly sombra was added to the game later on. Completely shutting it down.

I mean, it’s almost impossible to lose Junkenstein’s revenge on easy. Just go do that. If you really don’t want to do that, then just go play Mystery Heroes. If you are any good, it’s pretty easy to pull out some wins with that. Even if you are so-so, eventually the RNG will be in your favor. You can’t lose them all.

yeah sombra is a pain at least with winston i can shield dance and in the chaos she usually does not get many hacks of…


Play junkenstein on easy or normal,
choose torb, put your turret down,
do literally anything you want. you will get a win

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Don’t play Total Mayhem unless you know the Total Mayhem meta(s). There are stacks that know all the OP heroes and it will make you feel hopeless and miserable.