How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 19)

I know 99% of the people achieve level 25 via QuickPlay. But what if you gain level 25 through custom games? or LucioBall? It might be more difficult to seed.

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At least make an effort…

Some gold games there’s utter noobs playing.

It’d be like me playing in masters+. I’d pity the team with me on it…

Require N games of quick play before competitive, where N is large enough to get a measure of someone’s ability.


This is not a good idea and nobody should be planning this. You cannot think like some robot where numbers are always the true meaning you have to consider things that machines cannot, this is qualitative data and Blizz has hit the big stinker when it come to this.

Human behavior teaches us that quickplay are people not trying hard, they are testing new hero, practicing hero, practicing new strategy. I can roughly estimate that many player will play 1000 SR below the true skill level.

It is really not me trolling when I am saying that blizz should consult me before any decision in matchmaking, they are in desperate need of help. This matchmaker is like a science experiment, maybe I can compare to the frankenstein but maybe worse because we cannot burn it.

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It’s interesting how everyone is SO quick to just assume Blizzard’s matchmaking system is infallible and that anything said to the contrary must be “crazy talk”. People are also quick to start with that premise and work backwards to justify their belief rather than provide any fact-based evidence to get to that conclusion independently of their built-in bias.

I on the other hand have been play for four years and have seen this same pattern the entire time I’ve been playing. It’s personal experience and a massive amount of observation – coming from someone who writes video games for a living and has written their own matchmaking system for poker. Yes, I am a subject matter expert on this in many ways.

And yet even as I type that I can hear people responding to discount my expertise on these topics because they’re once again starting from that place of inherent bias – just flat out believing without any proof that blizzard’s algorithm MUST be infallible.

The scientific method is quite clear. Independent and unbiased verification is required to prove that the matchmaking system does in fact work the way everyone’s defending it. I have provided CLEAR evidence to the contrary for YEARS. More than enough data points to extrapolate. Where is any of your proof?


You lie pretty routinely, so your “data” is worthless.

For example:

It is impossible to go zero for thousands, no matter how bad you are, or how hard you throw.


Oh really? Well, I’ve done it and I’ve been trying my hardest every game. Just for kicks and giggles, assume the opposite of your bias for once and work backwards from that and tell me how that experience can be explained?

Twitch. 00:29:04. You won Mystery Heroes.

You also lie in really lame, easily checkable ways.


Statistical anomalies don’t count. Such as smurfs & leavers. I’m talking about real data with real matches.

Look at these videos. You can’t see how INSANELY OVERMATCHED my team is in all these games???

And then when you get caught in a lie, you make the lamest excuses.

Going zero for thousands means that there were no “statistical anomalies”, and that you had a “perfect” record.

We’re done here.

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Your inability to be realistic about the data is the problem. You are so blinded by your allegiance to blizzard that you can’t see truth. I pity you.

I lieu of doing this, I propose they segregate brand new players from well established players in the 2350sr range.

If you think about it, there are fewer moderately experienced players in the 2350sr range. Because they’re either brand new or they have gained some experience and moved away from the middle at the same time. Statistically, very few account/people will naturally be between 2250sr and 2450sr.

Now they want quick queue times for new players, so this segregation should only be a soft cap, not a hard and fast rule. They will gain less info about new player MMR since those new accounts will be playing other new accounts.

This is just an alternative idea, but I think the main take away here is: Don’t put the burden of seeding new accounts fall on the people who naturally play at a 2350sr level.

I don’t think the matchmaking system is perfect and has no issues. I think that your words don’t mean anything because you misinterpret your “clear evidence” due to personal bias and call yourself an expert on matchmaking systems.

If you wrote a poker matchmaking system, great for you! Even if that isn’t a lie, that in NO way makes you an expert on matchmaking systems, especially one as complicated as the overwatch matchmaking system needs to be.

I’m not arguing that the matchmaking system is good or bad, I’m only arguing that your opinions based on personal experiences are biased and unreliable. All my proof for that lies in your posts on this thread.


What problem do you have with my suggestion? It will resolve the problem of experienced gold players being used to sort new accounts.

I worry that if all new accounts are put together, that it will worsen the new player experience because of the large number of smurfs.

This is another problem.

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None, your suggestion is optimal (seeding players through Quick Play performance.) But perhaps there is something that is unknown to us that makes your suggestion impossible to implement. That’s why it’s difficult to intelligently discuss MMR related topics. Because everything is so cryptic.

I think the needs of the of the well established 2350s should trump that of Overwatch as a whole. Why lessen their experience for the “greater good?” Seems tyrannical imho.

Very much this idd. It is the same across all activision game, they use the same MM system. Do you know why? CAUSE THEY HAVE A FREAKING PATENT ON IT!

Really can not believe people still denying its existence. Only way to beat the system is to play the game once or twice a week. Coz than your internal MMR is soft rested. Tried it multitabal times. In all the latest CoD games as well. My overall win % is 50% in Bops4 for example, but if I do not play for 1-2 weeks, my first game will be against people that do not even know how to aim, my second a bit harder, and my third is me with non prestige players against prestige 2+. It gets really wacky you do not play for a long time, I mean its almost funny, if you are a good player that is, how bad your opponents will be.

Do not believe me? Do not play Overwatch on one account for 1-2 weeks and see what happens.

You want real data. Youre the bottom % of players in this whole game. Its almost impossible to find fair matches for the worst players in the game. Makes sense right? There is almost no one in this game as bad as you players, so how is the game going to find fair matches? Youre the statistical anomaly by being so bad. You want fair games? Play AI on easy, might make you better.


No one gives u algorithms, not just blizz


Ooof, that’s gotta hurt. Truebut hurtfull

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thanks again for making these every season, way more people should read this