Another PTR cycle, the same forgotten robot šŸ˜„

he is viable in the situation that calls for that game mechanic, its just that the situation that calls for that game mechanic is niche.

So you are telling me that Bastion is just a function?

If you were to actually think about it, these characters are just functions. Theyā€™re just doing things. Magneto, case and point, is a favorite because he has eight-way dash and heā€™s really fast, right? So our more technical players, all they want to do is triangle jump and that kind of stuff. Well guess what, Nova can do the same thing, Captain Marvel can do the same thing. Ultron can do the same thing. Go ahead and try them out.

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This kind of player who sees things only as functions is the type to play Bap over Soldier, use IF and just shoot.

Then blame the other healer for losses.

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that isnt at all what I said. you pick bap if your teamā€™s strategy is ranged damage, because bap has the most ranged damage and because bapā€™s field and ult help win ranged damage battles. you pick ana if your team is pushing aggressively, to capitalize on anti heals.

Never mentioned you, actually.

I was talking about players who only see heroes as their basic mechanics.
If you took that personally, iā€™m sorry. But i never actually mentioned you.

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lol okay dudeā€¦

Iā€™d love to get this thread back on topic, if i am allowed to do so.

We need to change this robot.
And fast.

I find a prime factor in Bastionā€™s stagnant wasting is that he just isnt popular enough in game for people to care.

The devs hold more priority to the other heroes with the louder audiences, and Bastionā€™s serious player pool is so small that they dont see any worth in making him relevant. Thats the only reason I can see this.

At this rate, the only thing that will get players interested and warm up to him again is a rework. Super-cladā€™s short test-span is proof a buff wonā€™t satisfy the pro-hungry community.

I would love some more feedback on this proposed rework!
[New year, new Bastion. šŸ¤–]


And yes, i do agreeā€¦ no one cares.
And a rework might help.


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but youā€™re wrong. we were on topic the entire time. there are already viable forms of bastion in the game. soldier and hanzo and mcree all do the same thing that he does. mid ranged heavy damage. they just do it in more versatile ways. pharah is the same thing really. so is junkrat.

If we redesign Bastion to be THICC, I bet more people would be invested in balancing the hero.

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Which makes my point.

Bastion isnā€™t the King of what Bastion needs to be the King of.

Sustained damage, and area defense.

Mccree, Soldier, even Junkrat bring unique forms of this, but not in such a basic way. And with added nuances that make them unique heroes.

Bastion needs to hit hard when he does hit, and make room for himself when heā€™s allowed to set up.

damage is not bastions problem. his problem is that he cant move. and thats his onyl problem. put his gun in mcreeā€™s hands and it would be a nightmare. and mcree is MUCH squishier.

Damage is indeed Bastionā€™s problem.

Bastionā€™s main issue is that he can only apply what damage he does have, when totally and completely enabled by an entire team.

And aside from that, his damage isā€¦ weird.
Restricted in too many ways, and bent out of shape.
Made to seem strong when he is enabled, and very not-strong when heā€™s alone.

bastions issue is he can only apply his damage when enabled

because he cant move.

This is such a 1 dimensional way to view thisā€¦

Say youā€™re junkrat trapped, but the junkrat is nowhere to be seen, or respawning or whatever.

Are you just incapable now?

You can still apply damage, and even higher damage if you are intentionally giving yourself this downside as a balance to the damage you are capable of.

If he could defend himself, this would be even more easily balanced.

Slap a shield on him, with some rather unique functions, and now he has a purpose to stand still in the heat of battle.

Even the devs knew this at first.

so what you want is Orisa with hitscan that deals 4x her current damage per second. sounds balanced.

Who the hell ever mentioned ā€œ4 times Orisaā€™s damage per secondā€

Yea, he would need burst, but you are basically trolling by this point.
Please be constructive or find someone else to poke.

bastion deals 15 damage per bullet and fires 35 rounds per second. if it hits all body shots that is 525 damage per second.

orisa deals 12 damage per bullet and fires 12 rounds per second. if that hits all body shots that is 144 damage per second.

not quite 4x, but 3.65X. and she isnt hitscan.

Bastion as far as i remember, only currently deals 450. (If all pellets hit)
For oneā€¦

And for two, you arenā€™t taking into account anything iā€™ve proposed.
In my proposed rework, he also has down near 150 or only 100 ammo in Sentry Mode.

Let alone, damage numbers and even headshot multipliers are up for debate.
So get off your high horse and stop acting like everything said here is wrong.