Another Genji discussion

Makes him more fun to play and that Genji was a lot better compared to this one if you were good with him. I was actually fine with him back then and then blizzard ended up mega buffing him :slightly_frowning_face:.


support translation: “Alright next hero”


If the goal is to get him back to that level of power instead of making him stronger than he was back then, fair enough.

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I just been seeing people asking for unreasonable buff for Genji without a proper balance nerf/ changes.

Giving him 30 damage, and reducing his ultimate charge by 10%

That is not enough…


His pickrate is significantly higher than syms in every single rank.


Not in gm, which the game is balanced around. All he needs is like +1 damage to be good.

His pickrate is over double hers for the month (125% higher)and 40% higher than hers for the week in gm.
Is that not significant to you?

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That’s not what it is at at the moment (genji is at .9% vs syms .4% for the month and genji is at .66% vs.47% for sym for the week, I’ll show my math if you want me to). And I know I’ve told you this before but weekly pickrates amongst the top 1% of players is extremely volatile.
But keep cherry picking.

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Nah 30 damage already makes him great.

Sym doesn’t even come close to popularity of Genji (which is why he got great pickrates in other ranks), but in gm people play stuff that wins them games and if Genji is sitting at a pickrate lower than 1% most of the time then you know something is wrong.

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Cool bro, I was responding to a claim that his pickrate is at sym levels. It isn’t.

Yeah that is true (that it isn’t) but my point still stands lol

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Say no more: Hey! Try this for Genji next Exp Card!


Which DPS are worse than him?


he about to say someone like ashe. remember this is the same guy who thought the ashe changes are gonna make her a throw pick when all it rly did was just remove the 1shot from mercy boost but give her faster fire rate = better dps. :roll_eyes:

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ik, he is more biased than egryn lol


lol :roll_eyes:

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bastion, mei, sombra, torb, list goes on

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Torb is good, he isn’t picked because of his stigma. And even with that Genji is statistically worse.

I ask because I don’t know which heroes you are talking about, not for you to say ‘list goes on’. List them all.