Another Genji discussion

Until there are serious conversations about nerfing blade in compensation for significant buffs to his kit, I cant see Genji being helped without him getting nerfed immediately afterwards.

And no, a % change to ult charge wouldn’t be enough.


The % is the only thing that Genji can get without making his ult bad.
Then they should treat the nanoboost (what i said before, 30% speed 30% dmg and 30% dmg resistance) and if it’s still powerful nerf blade dmg to 100 and buff rate of slashes from 0.9 to 0.75 (same DPS but less time to kill, just like Ashe)

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Yep it still does… :man_shrugging:t2:

He’s already good in anything below masters. Any improvements would make him broken. If you want him better he needs to be more challenging to get value out of. This means moving guaranteed damage out of dash :man_shrugging:t2:


Wow what a nerf :roll_eyes:

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Sure. However, it wouldn’t be enough to stop him immediately getting nerfed.

That’s what I meant about serious discussions. Blade may well need a soft rework to make it not a win the teamfight immediately or die without doing anything ult. Genji players need to pick what they want :man_shrugging: A good kit or blades mechanics staying as they are. They cant have both without immediate nerfs.


That’s when reflect nerfs and spread nerfs come in, along with a blade nerf. Not a dash nerf because the ability is pretty balanced.

Not oneshotting is a big, big nerf, but okay.
(120dmg * 1.5 is the damage he deals now = 180 per slash and 75 per dash)
(100 * 1.3 = 130dmg and when you dash 50*1.3 = 195 total damage)
And even on top of that he’s more killable due to the dmg resistance nerf

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I disagree. Also deflect nerfs are meaningless while he can cancel. Even when he couldn’t manually cancel, he still could with dash/wall climb :man_shrugging:t2:

5 damage isn’t exactly difficult to get assuming you haven’t dove in 1v6 :roll_eyes:

Also I strongly doubt that Genji will get some sort personalised change when he gets nano boosted :man_shrugging:t2:


Again, I didn’t like that change but his deflect not being able to cancel was one reason why he could be easily countered. Just count 1.5s and you’ve killed him. His deflect cancel was a good mechanic but was situational or you needed to use a 8s cooldown. From 2s to 1.5s in a fast shooter like Overwatch it’s a significant nerf. It’s 0.5s less where you’re save. Spread nerfs force him to have a playstyle where he’s got to be closer.

That’s like saying that the actual experimental change is a buff to Ashe, or that Genji’s in a good state right now because he can leave people 5hp, since well the kill will be cheesed by somebody else. It’s a big nerf since your team won’t be following up your slashes as fast and since leaving somebody 5hp means he can be healed (trans counters nanoblade 99% of the cases) or that Lúcio can use his beat without you oneshotting him.

When did I say that these changes are only for Genji? The changes are to nanoboost

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Dash is fine, it’s the bread and butter of his kit.

Most of us want a special clause to blade where it can’t be damage boosted.

He seems a solid pick for now. Would buff primary damage and fire rate and make the ultimate channeled to compensate
Then again, there are like 10+ dps worse than him,if not more


I know. I’m just not convinced that Blizzard would go for that or if it would actually prevent him getting nerfed if he received buffs to his kit.

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Which is where he’s strongest. Fan hits like a truck up close, is quick and can hs.

Which put you on top of the enemy which is Genji’s favourite spot/bad for many others :man_shrugging:t2:

The increased time would be a nerf if he couldn’t manually or otherwise cancel the ability with dash/wall climb.

Which is where he likes to be.

1 shot with zero charge time was broken in such a low team numbers/objective based game (I’m still not a huge fan of one shots as is, and my preferred heroes are Widow then McCree). When Ashe isn’t paired with Mercy, she’s actually :man_shrugging:t2:

Below GM he’s either fine or above average :man_shrugging:t2:

Perhaps they should rather than just have a single char wipe the team.

Sounds good :man_shrugging:t2: 5 hp is an incredibly low bar to reach :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My bad.

Personally I think the biggest issues with nano are the heal boost and damage resistance making whoever is targeted essentially unkillable :confused:

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It’s free damage :man_shrugging:t2: as it stands he’s perfectly fine in master or below. If he’s to be made better in higher tiers he will need to have power shifted away from guaranteed damage to something like his shurikens.

Kinda like moving damage outta Brig primary/shield bash to whip shot.

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I mean as soon as ana’s pick rate dropped his pick rate went down to sym"s level.

Yes it’s 50 damage and is what allows him to clean up fights after his tanks engage(which is supposed to be his job.) Nerf the damage and you get rid of his kill combos.

Yeah however we are talking about significant buffs to his kit too. It’s also worth remembering that nerfs arent necessarily always about balance but perception of it too.

He’s still a strong pick under diamond and significant buffs without more trade off in his ult may end up falling under damaging match quality for low ranks and cause nerfs.

We could buff Genji quite easily but should be careful. Do Genji mains want long term changes or short term changes that just get nerfed?

I mean, the change I want most is to revert him back to may with 30 damage shurikens while at the same time nerfing his ult charge. Just revert the spread and deflect buffs, no one asked for those and they just lowered his skill floor.

made a thread a couple of days ago

I wouldn’t have an issue with that but then we’re pretty much back where we started. That isnt necessarily bad, but does it change much?