Whoop! The anniversary update is live! Make sure to restart your blizzard client to get the update.
Here is a link to the patch notes:
Whoop! The anniversary update is live! Make sure to restart your blizzard client to get the update.
Here is a link to the patch notes:
For real? Earlier than usual
much earlier for me as well. I see lucio ball and petra death match in arcade
yeah its live wtf so early???
Its live so early!! Usually updates come in ~4 hours (3pm EST), thank you for informing us!
It should have been up yesterday. Come on blizz, get with AEST.
i got some summer games stuff in my free loot box
Woot! Early! Way to go blizz. GL everyone
I couple hours earlier is perfect for me. Thanks, Blizz.
At least 1 suprise after the leak. 1gb on ps4.
Thank you for the early patch!!!
did the ptr come to live as well?
Its a very small update, I assume its only the event
You’re fast! Nice one. Thanks for the quick post
It’s too bad I’m a work…guess I have to live vicariously through others until later, lol.
Why? Blizzard never updated the game on a Monday.
laaame thanks!
20 char
Ah always stuck at work on patch day
Turns out that countdown I made yesterday is pointless now… Oh well.
got the new symmetra one…yeah…
well i can keep my 11k credits because there is so reinhardt or roadi skin…