Because that is not true!
It is not recently… It has been going on for a REALLY long time. She only dropped out of the meta when Baptiste was made insanely OP, because running both Ana and Bap isn’t really viable.
I don’t understand why Ana is getting a free pass, she has been the most picked hero in the entire game for over a year now including GM and she has only received minor nerfs.
Every other hero that has been meta in this period has now rotated out or received nerfs upon nerfs to kick them out of the meta except Ana.
People like to say that she is overrated and people only play her because she is the only skillful main healer, and I disagree with this! We have Baptiste now which I would argue ta…
Pick your poison but one of these statements is true.
At the top tier of play Mercy is outputting less healing than Ana while also dealing next to no damage and getting basically zero eliminations.
If we look at the utility each hero provides, Mercy brings resurrect to a fight but Ana brings both her nade and sleep-dart.
Nade on its own has comparable strength to resurrect and sleep-dart is probably the strongest CC in the game, considering if you can hit it.
Furthermore, Ana’s ult is a lot…
These threads were made July/august 2019.