Ana is the most picked hero in GM

Oh I think you seriously underestimate where this will go.

People don’t care if it is skillful when it becomes the viable thing to do 90% of the time. As Ana takes up the top spot it will be seen as refreshing at first then it will go to an expectation to have an Ana after people become expectant on having her abilities in the teamcomps and develop more comps including an Ana. Then comes the stale META problem again and possibly this time it may not be nerfs they go with it might just be a rework since it will come up that things like nade will be noted as being “unfun” to play against because there is no reason to believe that that logic won’t be applied here because we should all realize by now that Blizzard doesn’t care if a hero is considered skillful or not when deciding these matters.


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I’m okay with Mercy being less used the higher up you go, with Ana reining at the highest levels of play.

I’m not okay with the methods used to restore that equilibrium.

I miss Mercy being a high-risk/high-reward hero once you leave mid-ranks, and becoming much more punishing to make judgement errors with the higher you climbed. I miss that “chessmaster feeling.”

Can’t Blizzard rework Mercy again so she gets the chessmaster feeling back, without usurping Ana’s position as Queen of the High Elos? Mercy should be balanced, fun, easy to pick up but challenging to master.


More important is Ana better? If the answer is Ana is more often than not a good choice then teams will demand Ana be played over Mercy and they will complain about Mercy being played because they (at that point) see Ana as providing what they want and will be used to what Ana provides.

In other words, we will be right back to Season 3 again.

You may think so, but how will the community feel in 3 months time will they be forcing Mercys off her or deriding her players for not being “skillful” enough to be playing Ana 24/7?

Blizzard has done amazing changes to the balance lately, definitely steps in the right direction. Just need to fix Symmetra, Bastion and Torb and the game would be in amazing state.

And In a month from now, this will be the OP:

“Waaahhh, Ana is a must pick! Waaaahhh, Ana is in every game! I’m so sick of the Ana meta, please nerf her right now Blizzard!”

I mean why not at this point. In the end that’s the only thing that really matters to Mercy Mains and Mercy Players.

I can deal with the insults if they come my way for playing my main, but I’d like spark of gameplay back that was there in Mercy 1.0 .


Excuse me, Sym recently got a Rework she’s fine and balanced and because her mechanical skill requirement is lesser than other DPS she shouldn’t be dominant.

^ actually I don’t agree with that viewpoint, but it is certainly one method of justifying the stats quo of changes or lack there of used around here.

Yeah because that is what happens to dominate heroes even Tracer got touched.

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Nice troll post. Actually, you are objectively wrong:

  1. Sym does less damage than most DPS heroes - Most DPS do close or more than 180 damage without even taking into consideration headshot damage.
  2. Sym requires to be close to the enemy with 200 hp, no sustain, no mobility, no escape ability of any kind.
  3. She requires to have 60% overall accuracy and near-perfect tracking to actually do that damage since it’s damage done over time.
  4. Her secondary is one of the most easily avoided projectiles in the game.

So at least put a little effort in your trolling mate.

The balance changes are amazing and step in the right direction.

You mean, minus the broken nade with a bunch of new hero’s buffed specifically to be tank busters making other comps actually viable as well.

Sounds great tbh.


Some of the people in this thread are acting like Mercy has a 45% winrate. She is hovering just below 50% which is fine.


Maybe just maybe, I’m making a mockery of the kind of comments that get throw at your commentary how the community really doesn’t listen to the concerns of a hero’s player-base. Because I think it bad that it is this and self harming to the community.

Objectively wrong with a statement I disagree with? I think you don’t understand what I was alluding to…

Yeah that’s why you should still consider her a support in the end…

Yeah I miss that barrier on “E” too BTW… I mean it

Like how is her primary fire spouse to be effective if you have to be up close without a self-defense.

You know I didn’t believe they needed to completely get rid of her lock-on beam. I actually hate the new visual effect of the new beam (just a crappy Zayra copy), but oh well I guess.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, will you give my arguments the time of day too about my Main?

Because yeah her projectiles are not great and sluggish.

Yet you say this…

Just FIX’em right? How will they do that? I can’t wait to see your reaction to the next round of changes they bring…

Would 45% not be fine then? What about 46%? What is your threshold? And why is it your threshold?

Less than 50% suggests imbalance on the weaker side of things, but in the end who really cares I don’t actually care about winrates or pickrates because neither of those things = a good experience or hero kit that is as compelling as it may have just been before that major change occurred.

Great for now, but this is repeated history regarding the musical chairs of optimal picks thou in the end I don’t care about “optimal picks” I care about heroes providing a good thematic engaging gameplay experience and being viable enough that you feel its worthwhile playing.

But I do enjoy pointing out the community’s fickleness in regards to this “musical chairs of optimal picks”.

But they can, Ana has the highest pick rate of all healers from Plat to GM and its steadily going up. And Ana has a higher winrate than Mercy in plat and its going up. I am upset that 2 out of 3 main healers are bad most of the time in plat and above.

This is very stupid and why the rework is a failure and why she needs work. Mass ress Mercy was annoying but at least you had clear differences between ranks, and while she had a low skill floor she had a high skill cap. Neither Ana or Mercy were dominating for a couple of months.

Except during the one week since the changes in gold and below Ana and Mercy have near the same winrates, and Moira is doing better than both of them, hell in gold she out heals Mercy and has over 6k dmg on average. So no the worse the team is the higher value Moira becomes, only in bronze you could maybe argue that playing Mercy gets you more or less the same result as playing Moira.

And Mercy was changed and nerfed every month during this time, why is Ana not allowed to be? People even thought Mercy was trash tier after her rework for about a week until the community caught up.
Since Ana already had her queen of the game moment until she got nerfed, if we consider ‘‘fair’’ to swap around healers that are extremely dominant wouldnt it be fair to Moira players to make her the dominant pick now, since both Ana and Mercy had their moment in the sun?

In the end I honestly love playing all healers, this is why the idea of ‘‘wee Ana should be the overbearing presence in healers’’ bothers me, I dont want Ana nerfed (we still need to see if its necessary) but in Anas current state Moira and Mercy need some work/help/buffs to compete with her.


You know it’s refreshing to see someone realize this situation in the making.

I just hope you Ana Mains don’t have to go through what you had to go through already and possibly loss something you like about your hero.

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Nobody likes to look ahead to the future.

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I have to admit, Ana’s pick-rate in Gold worries me a bit. For now her win-rate is still lower than the others, but if it starts to climb there it really is a red flag… at the same time I certainly don’t feel that she’s too powerful in any way (I’d be more inclined to say the opposite). But if she does end up sharing pick-rates and win-rates with the other main healers there it does indicate some form of imbalance.


Yes, I think she’s close to it. At least as far as being a main healer is concerned.

Her win rates in almost every rank are the lowest among all healers by far. In most ranks, her win rates are among the lowest of all characters and are way below the average win rate for that rank. In diamond and masters she is dead last in terms of win rates. To me that indicates a character that can’t properly do her job.

That’s how she plays out too in my experience. She seriously struggles in keeping people alive at key moments. She’s still good at healing less important damage, but struggles when it counts. It makes for an extremely frustrating game experience.

If she was a map/comp specialist then her win rates would go up since specialists play in synergistic comps. That’s not what I’m seeing. As a comparison, Ana is usually considered to be quite map/comp dependent. Her pick rate is on par with Mercy’s at higher ranks and her win rate is much higher. It’s not a specialization issue, it’s an over reaching nerf issue.

Out of curiosity - what makes you think that she’s viable in most ranks?

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