Ana is the most picked hero in GM

This is how it should be. Mercy has been relegated to specific comps in GM (though she retains dominance in lower ranks) and Ana is now able to finally be the highest skill cap support.

The recent changes in general have been fantastic. From the sniper nerfs to Wrecking Ball, each patch has brought Overwatch closer to a state of balance.

Not only does the support class feel relatively balanced, the tank class has a good distribution as well.

That said, thee is still room for growth in the DPS category.

New Symmetra brings a lot of unique utility to the table, but organized teams simply haven’t had the time to experiment with her and no solo queue team is willing to take that risk. This is probably where a “wait and see” philosophy should be implemented, but any changes to Symmetra should likely focus on her underwhelming primary fire. Possibly a revert to the original DPS values.

Sombra is seeing a rise to prominence in organized play due to her new rework and Wrecking Ball’s introduction, along with the general shift back towards Dive and away from Mercy, Brigitte and snipers, all changes that benefit Sombra. Sombra appears relatively balanced in the higher tiers of play, something that fits her communication-heavy design.

Torbjorn is still situationally viable on maps like Numbani and Hanamura, and most of his issues will hopefully be alleviated by his upcoming rework.

Bastion still finds use in Overtime and on Escort attack (especially Junkertown) but he is relatively underwhelming. That said, increasing experimentation with New Symmetra is likely to help Bastion, though he could probably use some buffs. Like with Symmetra and Torbjorn, Bastion will need flexibility to become a more common pick.

Soldier: 76 is not a bad hero, his issues mostly came from the armor + Mercy meta that made him significantly worse compared to snipers. With the meta moving away from those things that caused Soldier: 76 issues, he is likely to see an increase in play. His Counter-Dive synergy with Ana (Biotic Grenade + Biotic Field) is still extremely powerful, and that isn’t going away any time soon. If he was to be changed, the most obvious candidates are a revert to 20dmg or some improvements to his spread.

McCree is in an interesting position. His m1 is still extremely powerful and Flashbang is a deadly cc tool, but his ultimate, large hitbox and lack of mobility make him a flimsy pick. If anything, McCree should have his flexibility buffed in a similar vein to Symmetra, Torbjorn and Bastion. That being said, McCree is not in a terrible position overall. He is very good against Sombra and he is extremely powerful on maps like Illios Well where all major sight lines fall in his falloff range.

Reaper still suffers from many issues, mostly down to his poor Teleport ability, poor ultimate and RNG shotguns. To fix Reaper, remove the binary nature of his shotguns at a bare minimum. In addition, his move speed during his ultimate should be increased to make it feel less like a worse version of Pharah’s Barrage. Lastly, his Teleport should have it’s total cast time reduced from 2.5s to 2s by removing the arm cross animation.

Mei appears to be in a stable position right now, as she is capable of being a short range and long range threat while also provide unique utility. Her only glaring flaw is her insane Cryo-Freeze cooldown. At 12 seconds, Cryo-Freeze is simply worse than other comparable defensive abilities. A reduction to 10 seconds would be a welcome change for Mei.



Ana takes her rightful place.
Yas queeeeeen


The cosmic equilibrium has been restored.


And there I was thinking peoples argument for nerfing Mercy was that one healer shouldnt be the optimal pick for most comps, but I guess when its Ana then its fine for her to work with most comps?


Well Mercy is doing fine in Plat, and dominating Gold and below. That’s over 85% of the playerbase.


You mean to tell me Mercy is still picked a lot in ranks where most players dont understand grouping up and the concept of line of sight forcing the supports to either pick something that can compensate for their teammates or not be able to play properly? No way! So weird!

Mercy is the only healer with a below 50% win rate in plat, so basically youre saying ‘‘people still play Mercy in plat a lot and are deranking accordingly for playing her, this is fine’’

p.s. that 1.90% on fire time compared to the second lowest being at 8.90% is even funnier when you look at the stats.


Second highest pickrate in at but lowest winrate and on fire rate out of all support heroes. Her winrate is close to 50% but still below it which is fine, but with this pickrate its less fine.


You’re confusing ideal for most comps, with ideal for all tiers.

Ideal for most comps isn’t a problem. Ideal for all tiers, specially for a low skilled hero is a problem.

mercy was low skill high reward, while ana was high skill low reward. This was the problem from the start.

Now however, Ana’s better for high skilled. Mercy’s better for low skilled. Kind of a balanced situation. And the way it should have been.


Not really every Main Support should share the same spot and have clear strengths and weaknesses, right now Ana has the least of Weaknesses of all Main Supports and moreso her strength got buffed lately.

For now Ana might be fine getting picked over Mercy but soon enough People will see that playing always 1 Main Support to win will get stale and boring that’s why everyone wanted Mercy nerfed in the first case to see some variety.

For my taste Moira should be buffed so she can take an challenging spot against Ana as Main Healer. Mercy is already fine and will and is still doing good.


Basically, we’re back to one of her pre-rework arguments of “she’s one of the most picked heroes with one of the lowest winrates” :man_shrugging:

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Completely disagree. The next 6-10 heroes need to be tank/supports. There are so many DPS characters that players can choose from (even before the 4 classes were merged into 3) and as a tank/support player my options are VERY limited.


I got a bad feeling about this. Just like mercy, no support should be dominating.
If she’s the most picked out of most ranks we’ll say “because she’s good and takes skill” but if everyone has skill then everyone will pick Ana and boom, we get a nerf since that’s all anyone will play.
This Ana main feels a nerf on the wind.
They need to give Moira her heal through shields again or we going back to an Ana meta.


Don’t gotta worry about that with this playerbase.


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I noticed, I love getting nano bladed 24/7, very fun gaem guise.


I’ve already told him that he shouldn’t be using gold and below statistics for an argument
but he doesn’t listen :man_shrugging:


Im not confusing anything, when people were calling for Mercy nerfs we were repeatedly told that the problem with Mercy is that shes an optimal pick for most comps. And that people hate seeing a hero viable in 90% of comps.

So balance in your opinion is to have 3 main healers (if Mercy can be called that since she cant really keep up with Ana or Moira atm) out of which only one will be viable in high ranks and not considered throwing? (since Mercy in Masters has a lower pick rate than Zen and a 49% win rate)
And 2 at plat (kind of)?


Let’s go back a few seasons. Season2? Most ideal. ana. Season 3? ana. Season 4/5? Lucio zen. /6/7/8/9/10 mercy zen.
There will always be one ideal hero that’s better than the rest. doesn’t matter how you balance it. People didn’t want mercy to dominate every tier. If one hero deserves to be in that spot, it’s better for that hero to be the most difficult hero of that category.

And no. Mercy isn’t a throwpick. Ana’s just better. And you should worry about plat and not gm, which your rank is. In plat, mercy and ana are both viable. Both acceptable and both work great. and they both have relatively the same pickrate and winrate more or less.


And I keep replying that:

  • Gold and below make up about 60% of the players
  • There’s a lot more individual players who pick Mercy than Moira/Ana, in Gold and below.
  • All main healers have a negative winrate at Gold and below.
  • So when you look at overall winrates this has a big effect.

It’s called “Weighted Averages”. Math shouldn’t be controversial.

As for Plat-GM, the lower winrate probably just means Mercy pickrate will continue to go down slowly, but will probably eventually go back up slowly.