That’s not how a hive-mind works and it’s obviously a metaphor. There are individual players with specific agenda, which will do whatever they need in order to push their agenda - up-voting those with the same agenda, disrupting those with a different opinion. I don’t believe all of them secretly communicate with one another and that’s not what I’m saying, that’s you projecting. I certainly don’t believe any poster on this forum actively communicates before posting. Way to put words in my mouth and put my position to the absolute extreme.
I’m not attacking Mercy players - I am a Mercy player myself.
Here’s some evidence for you then:
Three examples of people attacking Symmetra to try and get an emotional rise from me and to bully me into a specific opinion. Unless of course you think necro-ing one month old thread is justified by going through a person’s profile for the specific intent to troll.
I also had to appeal my silence and it took time to have a mod review the evidence and find me innocent. And threads of similar cases have come up on the forum:
So there’s my proof, look around the forums and you will find that there are other people like me.
Why am I not surprised even in the slightest