Ana is the most picked hero in GM

That would be my concern as well because I think Ana nerfs would make her feel sluggish or underwhelming to play.

That’s why I said it’s a troll post. Symmetra and Mercy shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. One is the worst hero in OW, getting players banned just for playing her and falsely reported with Zero percent pickrate in OWL, the other one is the most used and most popular hero in OW in general, an absolute must pick for several seasons and overall one of the best heroes in the game.

The community doesn’t listen to the concerns of the Reverts primarily because of the kind of reputation you have. You falsely report people and bully anyone that disagrees with you, you spam and destroy any semblance of dialogue and debate. You hide behind your numbers to employ mob justice. And you do what you just did - belittle other heroes because you didn’t get what you think you are entitled to. Not all Reverts are like that but most are.

Yes, you made a troll post trying to get an emotional rise from me and I destroyed your post with logic and facts.

Again, Symmetra and Mercy shouldn’t even be in the same sentence - incomparable.

Already provided plenty of examples how to fix them in the appropriate threads. I’m okay with the changes, I’m not a one-trick Symmetra and I can play any hero consistently except Doomfist and Orisa. I haven’t played Symmetra since 3.0 was released in live. Yet, you don’t see me spamming the forums or making fun/trolling other people.

Ana has more weaknesses than any other main support, and her role as the tank or deathball healer has already been filled by Moira. Ana is the middle ground of the main supports, she’s played because she’s flexible in terms of her healing and damage and her utility punishes over extension and heal heavy compositions. Once Winston, Genji and Tracer comeback into the meta, grandma is going to have a hard time in the back line and I think a lot of people are overlooking that Zen/Lucio and Brig/Lucio are pretty viable.

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As a gold player

The funniest thing is going to see people who complained about Mercy being a ‘must pick’ defend Ana if she becomes a must pick as well.


Wrong. I’ve definitely played enough tanks. 18 hours on (as of right now) and 14 on Hog and ~41 on all others. I may not be a tank main, but I know how to play them.

It seems pretty even tbh. Plat has so much varying skill that neither hero is optimal. Mercy doesn’t provide the burst healing 3 tanks needs and players don’t provide the mechanical skill Ana needs.

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It was like this even after the Ana nerfs in S3 but nobody seemed to have cared about stats and would rather complain about “muh PoTG.”

But oh well, you guys brought the 6 seasons on Mercy hell upon yourselves by pulling that crap, and history is probably gonna repeat itself.

But Kazper, didn’t you know only bad players hid to rez?

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Lol, funny enough I also found this thread the other day.


This is absolute gold, thanks for sharing. I prey to Jeff and the Blizzard gods that mass rez never returns to this game.

Say what you want but those stats have never been this balanced between mercy and Ana. Look at that 50/50 winrate, pick rate around the same thing in platinum and in general its very close.

Only on the higher ranks you’ll see more Anas, but you could say the opposite for the lower ranks where you see more mercy players.

I know overbuff isnÂŽt the best source, but that seems too perfect to be true.

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Sym is going to be a big part of an eventual meta that revolves around changing up how levels and platforms work.
I think she’s just a piece to an eventual “mario maker” style comp. I don’t know though. This may be wishful thinking

I literally said in the pick rate of supports, no idea why you are linking pick rates of ‘‘all heroes’’ instead of simply clicking ‘‘support’’.

Im not sure what youre trying to prove with the clip? We got to see 2 morons a Mercy player that was doing a bad job and did a bad ress because of it, and the soldier using his ult while under 50% hp while being shot by a dmg boosted phara. Sad thing is isnt even the worst ive seen, seeing a pocketed soldier unable to kill baby dva and then popping ult to kill her when she gets mecha back, aka unloading ult into her dm and doing nothing, has to be my personal top boosted plays in GM top 500.

Mercy Main Problems (SOLO HEALER?!) - Little Menace [S5 TOP 50 PEAK] - YouTube a top 50 Mercy, 0 hiding, 1-2 man tempo resses. btw just in case you forgot, Mercys ress used to be an earned ability, meaning the better you were the more resses you could get cause you would have more ults, if you got killed on Mercy =no ult charge=no ress. This idea the community had that Mercy needs to hide and ress 4 or 5 people was a serious pain for Mercy mains, cause they regularly got yelled at for tempo ressing. Primarily cause its stupid most of the time unless theres a combo to worry about, and then you have to track ults and know your own ult charge rate to counter the combo, cause guess what if you lost 2-3 people in a fight and enemy lost 0 you lost that fight and they have no reason to burn more resources and you waiting for the rest to die is stupid and giving up tempo and ult charge to the enemy. But yeah if you want to pretend that all that Mercy was is hide in a corner wait for everyone to die then ress, thats your choice and no one is going to change that after 3 years.

Are you intentionally trying to deflect? It doesn’t matter if I clicked supports or not, the result is still the same between Ana and Mercy.

I only see one. A soldier who did exactly what he was supposed to do and who would have won that fight had he been pocketed, but was forced to play without their mercy because their mercy refused to play, or even respond just so they could get mass res. And this is in masters.

I actually just skipped to a random part of the video, and at 6:10 this person says they’re going to play for res and goes to hide. They even say I’m trusting you guys not to get off, I have res.

So not only would I have given you the benefit of the doubt that yes, some mercy players didn’t do this
 You sent me a clip of where someone still attempted to do it. Are you kidding me? And how many of those res were through walls without line of sight, i’m counting at least half at 3/6.

I does matter cause youre refering to different set of statistics to try and disprove my argument. If we are using the statistic you linked with the conclusion that:

You wanna talk all heroes? Then we also must conclude that Ana is currently overpowered or very easy to play in all ranks. Since if you look at this weeks statistics for all heroes and all ranks the difference in pick rate is even smaller 8.19% to 7.97% in favor of Mercy and the win rate difference is even bigger 48% to 50% in favor of ana with an on fire rate of 2% to 12% in favor of Ana.

If this were true from Plat and below and Ana was balanced and Mercy is a low skill hero but in a good place, Ana would not have the same pick rate when taking into account all ranks as Mercy while having a higher winrate. The logic of a high skill balanced hero follows that they will do much, much worse in low skill tiers than a low skill balanced hero, since that part of the community doesnt provide the mechanical skill Ana needs. Taking into account that Plat and below hold about 85% of the player base, and around 60% are gold and below, the logical conclusion is that her pick rate and win rate when taking into account all ranks would have to be lower for a very demanding difficult to play hero that isnt overpowered.
Here we need to figure out whats going on, either Ana isnt as difficult to play as people are trying to make her out to be, since the majority of the players are doing better with her than with Mercy whos supposedly insanely easy, or Ana is overpowered and is way too easy to win with even for the low skilled players.
There is no other explanation for her pick rate to be the same as Mercys while having a higher win rate when 85% of the players dont have the mechanical skill that Ana needs.

Running into a phara Mercy and poping ult while below 50% when he saw his support was afk? Solid work. Always ult even on 50% hp into a dmg boosted phara even though people arent in the position to help you. Do I agree with the Mercy play? Lmao, ofc not. I actually watched the entire clip you sent, so it really doesnt abolish Soldier from being a moron when he saw his healer appear afk and not respond. He had a choice to either pop is ult before his hp got fd by Phara or wait to use it. He chose to waste it into death, that makes him a moron.

watch the entire video or dont watch it at all.

he didnt though he flew on the other side of the building (from the payload) to ress.

Are you? What are you trying to prove?
I said it was rarely done unless you had a specific reason, which is why using your ult at the right times and knowing what those times were was even more important, as was changing your strat depending on whats going on,while you keep trying to pretend like that was all that Mercy did.
1:15 one man ress
2:17 2 man ress
3:58 1 man ress
5:18 2 man ress
6:24 2 man ress after he said hes gonna try playing for ress
10:10 1 man
11:30 2 man
12:47 1 man

So out of 8 ults he tried the hide thing once and then didnt do it, and somehow you decide that proves your point that Mercy only played to sit afk in hiding and then ress everyone.

For the last time, you choose to believe that Mercys game play used to be hide&ress brain dead, and after 3 years no one will change your mind. Lets be real, at this point it would just mess up all the boxes in your head, and it wouldnt even be useful since shes a different hero now.

In the meantime, I think its best you go and enjoy your time with Ana for whatever time she will have in the spotlight instead of trolling the forums. People get bored and annoyed from dominating heroes, they always do, no matter who the hero is, or how easy or difficult it is to play. Have fun.


@ me when Ana becomes a must pick on all ranks i mean, she must be borderline oppressive on Bronze to T500

Man Blizzard must have overbuffed her so much so she’s on must pick status on ranks where she was meant to be weak at.

Oh wait

Show me on the doll where the Ana mains touched you

No, this is not how it should be

Now it’s harder than ever for new players to get a decent start with all the simpler heroes being more and more useless, or more and more difficult.
This game isn’t supposed to be all about tryharding. If you want a tryhard game go play cod or csgo. Casual players matter too.

New players getting their start will not have the MMR required to even get punished on anything they do, regardless of the hero they pick.

The hardest hero in the game being good in high tiers isn’t making the game more ‘tryhard’. And having a serious faction of the game isn’t a bad thing, especially since the choice is completely yours to never engage with it at all.

Literally not. You’re actually deflecting.

Or, the meta fits her as goats requires strong healing.

Your argument was plat. Now you’re trying to move the goalposts?

His support wasn’t afk. He was full when he went in. His support was your average mercy main during mass res SR exploit, and refused to play with their team, only caring about getting off that huge res so they can pad their own stats. In a normal situation, soldier would have ate pharmercy had he had the sustain from his healer, which he did not.

And lets be perfectly honest here, this was the extent of high skill cap you were referring to in your original argument, which in my opinion is anything but high skill.

Give me a video worth watching. You through a random video at me saying it proves your point, and it doesn’t.

No because his team didn’t play on point like he wanted them too, and you can see they were up in numbers in the killfeed so he came out of hiding to res them.

“i’m going to play safe” Immediately goes out of the fight to the far side of the map and then flies in to res his team mates that died because he wasn’t there healing. I’m glad you pointed that one out, i missed it the first time.