Ana is the most picked hero in GM

Yep you could do it with any character

Your right I was trying to say Ana is superior to mercy and if the pickrates and winrates are anything to support it with I’m right that she is superior to mercy right now


I know it is but I’m stubborn and stick by my stupidity

Depends on what your definition of pure healer is I’m going to assume by what you say next yours is someone who can only heal

You forgot about her ultimate which was massive utility

I wouldn’t say sniper comps but pharmercy yes, but not because damage boost more because of their synergy damage boost was just the cream ontop with that

Just gonna point out something, you just contradicted yourself, thats the only problem I have with this section you contradicted yourself, I hate when people great at arguments like you do this :frowning:

I assume by escape you mean bunny hop and valk correct?


It looks like we’re moving towards a quad-tank comp, so yeah I guess it makes sense that she’s up there :man_shrugging: Things come full circle, I suppose

I’d argue both have their niche and the problem right now with healers is the meta. Right now we don’t have one healer that fits in every team comp. What we have is a clash between goats 3/3 and double sniper.

Honestly i feel like a dive with hammond is gonna come out ontop of them all

Where’s the contradiction? I’m genuinely curious. Compared to Ana’s amazing utility, mercy 1.0 did lack utility, so her having the best healing was the trade off. Now Mercy has even more utility then when she did then, arguably has the best utility which makes sense bringing her healing back in line with the rest of the support roster.

Yes, more so bunny hop though since valk can be used for an offensive push or a defensively against trash damage.

Maybe. In which case we’ll probably see Brig come back with Ana, strictly for CC. For now though, hanzo’s high damage output is making dive risky. That with the recent buffs to Mei. Dive tanks kind of get locked and shredded. I’m assuming triple tank dive would also come with Mercy. 3 Healers to keep up the three tanks.

Mercy’s on fire rate could still definitely take a looking at. 1.96% is incredibly sad and low and only gets worse with each nerf. But it is hard to buff her on fire rate without having Mercy PotG galore.

Honestly it might just be me mistaking you calling healing a utility when you were talking about damage boost in that part but the contradiction I saw was you pointing out she also and the utility of damage boost and than calling healing her only utility again that might be me misreading it

I feel like the triple tank dive could nullify that since there’s plenty of stuff to get in the way of that damage output

Thats true mei is a nightmare for hammond and somewhat

I feel like all these comps would probably rely on maps tbh which would be a good thing but at some point I feel like someone will find the one meta comp and I’ll honestly be upset

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No. I’m saying one better support is to be expected. OP means overpowered. And what EXACTLY do you find overpowered about ana? I’m curious to know.

Please stop. You don’t even know why mercy’s pickrate is plummeting. I’m 100% sure you think it’s just because of the 10 healing nerf. Go and watch some explanation videos. People who analyzed the meta. Who explained how and why it turned the way it is right now. You might get a better grasp. Before that, I can’t explain things to you. because i don’t want to spend 30 minutes answering to everything.

Hanzo was heavily based around the meta and Mercy’s damage boost. That’s the problem with metas. They accentuate the strengths and don’t look like they have a weakness. It is the natural balance order. Keep nerfing until a new meta, then start bidding. Keep nerfing the other heroes in another meta and keep buffing the others, rinse and repeat.

And when Ana gets blamed for “causing” an unfun META we’ll see the same old junk posts complaining about her and we’ll see Ana get nerfed into the ground and other healers buffed to over take Ana again. People really should consider that the systemic problems have not changed just the names of who’s top have been switched out.

This has been said in the past when Ana dominated the high tiers and what did Blizzard do hmmm?

No hero should dominate as it creates stale METAs how many times does this have to happen till the community entirely gets this? But in the end as long as your favorite hero is top you are happy and that is all that really matters so it would seem.

I’m glad someone gets it. Ana may come back as a dominate healer, but that will lead to her becoming a must pick as people come to expect there to be an Ana on their team. That will eventually lead to another “stale” META which will be wined about and that will lead to Ana nerfs the cycle will just continue. But is any consideration going in the experience playing the heroes seemly no because if it were then you would not simply drop nerf after nerf (like what happened to Ana in the past, while Mercy was buffed, then Mercy reworked, then Mercy nerfed ).

Its just a cycle really at this point destine to repeat itself and so many are blind to it; it is possibly is meme worthy.

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You know that those comments were made about Mercy in the past. But you saw what was OP about her through your bias. Now if Ana stays top people who get counter by Ana will complain like they did about Mercy.

Ana is fresh on the top so those complaints won’t be here today, but they will there by next season if Mercy doesn’t regain her position.

The community will complain about Sleepdart being to powerful and unfun to play against.

The community will especially complain about nade providing too much value (it heals and prevents enemy healing).

I expect nade to be the first time targeted by the community, so I hope you are ready to fight off the justifications for Ana nerfs as people come to expect there to be an Ana on the team.

Not going to lie, I’m going to smile if Ana becomes a must pick and is complained to hell like with Mercy as Ana mains try to defend her, history repeating itself.


I think that’s pretty much impossible considering Mercy had a higher overall pickrate during the original Ana meta, than Ana.

That doesn’t matter, if Ana becomes the new top dog players will want her nerfed.


Pharmercy is still way too strong in GM on PS4. Nerf pls.

Ana is still trash on PS4. Buff pls.

Widow needed no nerfs on consoles.

We still need another 8 tanks and 9 healers before the next DPS, though.

Regarding Mei, I’d rather not buff her stall more. Instead, I’d prefer to make her ice block reload her gun.

It’s quite funny that some people are going after Ana mains now, as a form of some sort of revenge I guess (you know who you are)? :sweat_smile:

Even funnier fact: people complaining about Ana’s top pick over Mercy, aren’t even in the top 15% SR range that those rates indicate. Everything until Diamond still heavily favours Mercy, for the sheer value/ease of use she has over Ana. Even myself as puny Plat flex who plays both Ana and Mercy, can admit that at this level Ana’s value isn’t any higher than just playing Mercy. So what’s up with gold Mercy’s trying to witch hunt Ana players now, when they don’t even want to look at Mercy’s top pick rate at the pro level (contenders & OWWC)? Why so biased? :joy:

This would be a bad idea regardless of where the pick rate goes. Vengeance is a really bad basis for game balance. It makes no sense and it adds nothing but animosity to the community.

I love Mercy far more than any other character. I wish Ana nothing but good. She deserves her time in the spot light, and I will always root for her.

I don’t however think that the price of this should be for Mercy to be in a non viable spot or that she should feel horrible to play. Both of those things are happening now. They need to rethink this nerf and come up with a different solution.

Do you watch contenders/OWWC? How is she non viable, care to explain?

Do you honestly think Mercy is in a non-viable spot?

I think she’s pretty viable in every rank, but more comp/map dependant for the highest skill tiers.