Ana has almost 100% pickrate. Every match, there is an Ana

Her kit is already massively overloaded in Overwatch 1 compared to every other support and she’s been a meta pick for almost her entire existence. Keeping it that way in Overwatch 2 when every other hero has had their CC and hard counter potential reduced is just insane.

If people want to play Ana because she’s fun and engaging, great, but nobody should feel forced into playing her because dev favoritism wont let them touch her absurdly bloated kit even if it makes every other support look useless by comparison.

Even then the “people play Ana because she’s fun and skill based” crowd seems pretty disingenuous to me. She’s really not that skill based. Her “skill” shots are a “dart” the size of a basketball and a grenade that does basically everything in a radius that covers a third of the point. Y’all are acting like she takes some kind of brain trust to pull off and that somehow justifies her S tier kit, and it’s honestly just laughable.


Let people play what they want. As more heroes come out you will miss the ana onetricks. As a dva onetrick I will miss knowing there can be a grandma looking out for me :sob:

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It’s not that that don’t care, that don’t like it. There’s a difference.

This basically.
I don’t even try to outplay the enemy rein anymore, ana is my real enemy and I can’t touch her.
On attack I just play stupid and go in, even if I feed it’s just more ult charge for my ana, doesn’t even matter how I play until I have my ult. Just feed, whatever.
On defense I just try to not even play, don’t engage, stay away. Less chances for enemy ana to cc me.
No play and counterplay with enemy rein. Just focus on ana line of sight. Doesn’t even matter if I get shattered then charged if I have the better ana.
So many times I know the enemy rein is so much better than me but the enemy ana is distracted trying to help her genji get charge for nanoblade so they just lose every fight

if a character has such a high pickrate, they are probably way too good at something, compared to winrate, which doesn’t make a difference if the character is always on both teams, one will always have the losing ana, there’s gotta be a time to know when to only look at one of those stats


Nope. Literally one year ago, people were whining about bap and the same people who were crying about bap were defending ana for “having a weakness: not having mobility” So Baptiste has range, damage, mobility, and sustain

There’s also this too:

Literally nothing about ana and bap has changed since then for OW1. Last year, I spent most of my time defending bap and I probably made no difference because people wouldn’t change their mind about bap being OP and ana being an “ideal support”.


But that doesn’t make sense. If Ana is this broken mess, why was it when I was last here, she wasn’t even meta or the focus of complaints that were being pushed towards Zen and Baptiste?

Like no-one was complaining about Ana the last time I was here, it was ALL about Baptiste, Zen, and Brigitte

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You do know that the bubble comes with 2 charges with that change right?
So effectively all that has changed is that Zarya can effectively decide how she wants to distribute that 2 charges.
If none of your teammates are in danger but you are under heavy fire, you can use both bubble on yourself, same can be said in reverse. You can put 2 bubble on an ulting Genji for example. There is no point in having a separated teammate bubble when no one is around you while you are getting obliterated.

Okay I’m not hard-set against you or anything, but I do feel like I have to point out that you know if we look at posts from a year ago we can probably dredge up a bunch of anti-Ana posts because A: There’s almost always nerf posts about almost every character. That’s like, one of the fundamental elements of this forum. And B: Her anti nade has always been hated.

I don’t know that this is the strongest argument, is what I guess I’m saying?

People have always been complaining about ana.
And bap, and zen, and brig, and sombra, and cassidy, and genji, and hog and etc.
It’s what the forums are for.
It doesn’t matter how often people complain, it just matters whether what they are complaining about needs to be addressed.


My point is bap was receiving half of the hate, if not more for the past 12 months before OW2 beta was unveiled. So where is all the bap hate now if OW1 balance hasn’t changed at all in the last 12 months? Why only ana all of a sudden?

It’s because people have seen ana’s broken state in OW2 and took that as an opportunity make “ana is the most broken support of all time” posts for the click bates & upvotes.

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Anas strong even in dive metas at the moment, even without brig. She’s basically the designated sacrifice cause it takes alot to kill her and she’ll get alot of value before she dies

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I dunno what you mean by “at the moment”. They don’t really balance the game much. Ana is usually run in dive variations with a Brig on her 24/7. Outside of dive variations, pretty much any other flex healer is used more often.

Every time we explain why she is OP, we are told “But they are all skill shots!” which has been proven to not be true over and over. I have posted the same two videos showing how huge the sleep dart hitbox is, and anyone can watch any Ana video showing how easy it is to land bionic grenade.

You have been in those threads, and completely ignored those videos and continued on.


You can just chuck antinade up in the air in the general direction of the point and hit stuff pretty often, skill shot my sweet heiny!!

Heck the fact that she’s so highly picked even in the lowest ranks of the game kinda puts that theory to bed.


There are only 7 supps and only 1 shoot-y(seemingly the most popular gameplay in ow) supp among them.


Its a grenade. Wouldn’t be weird if you couldn’t throw a grenade in some general direction and hit something? That complaint is really up there with “Why does widowmaker, a sniper, have to stand back so far and shoot?”.


Yeah, I have, and its foolish for you to mention that and tell me that I’ve seen the threads. Those threads have top tier Ana’s landing insane shots with high accuracy, and I point out “the average ana can’t do this, why in the world are you complaining about an OWL tier Ana when you’re hard-stuck gold?”, or something like that.

Sleep dart IS a skill shot, and that doesn’t just become not true because you don’t like it. You say

Well excuse me. Where? When? Who proved it? How about this, I want you to play Ana in Overwatch, and lets see how low skill her shots are, will you?

Give us more support characters and we will happily play a wider variety of them.

This is true, but the developers should be rotating this between different heroes to make the game more variable rather than the stale mess it has become with 10 or so heroes dominating constantly for well over a year. It has become very repetitive and Ana is a major part of that because of her constant presence. Sure, 1 hero AT ANY TIME will be dominant, but it should not be the same hero forever (with perhaps some short breaks) like Ana. She is part of the problem with OW being stale and uninteresting to play.

She is, I suspect, also a gatekeeper on the tank role with people moving away from it just because of her. i certainly moved away from it because she is in way too many games and can make tanking pretty miserable, and not just for Hog. Others have commented on doing the same thing - not playing tank because Ana makes it unfun.