Baptiste Heals Too Much, Makes Moira Irrelevant, Both Need Changes

I’m really tired of people on here pretending like Baptiste being blatantly overtuned is not one of the major reasons Moira is considered “bad”.

Right now he heals 15.5k healing on average.

Moira only heals 13k healing on average. She’s supposed to be the raw sustain queen who sacrifices utility for healing throughput.

Ana only does 11.7k and Mercy only 11.1k. Baptiste is doing 4,000+ more healing than these two heroes while having MUCH better damage, a defensive ult on CD, and a strong ult. Moira has no damage and no utility compared to him, yet he heals 2,300+ more healing than her. No one sees that as an issue?

Or the fact that while he’s outhealing everyone by MILES he also does more damage than every other support but Zen. He’s better at healing and damage than everyone AND has IF.

Oh, also, he has vertical mobility whenever he wants, which is one of Moira’s main weaknesses :slight_smile:

And no, that’s not just a Moira issue. She’s been doing around 13k the past 6+ months. That should be the benchmark for high average healing. Bap used to be doing 13k a while ago before his HPS nerf, and then he got his 60 HPS buff and now does 15k. It’s a problem that needs to be fixed next experimental. Nerf his HPS to 55. Buff Moira HoT.

Moira should be at 13k-14k. Mercy, Ana, and Bap should all be around 11k. If Bap is going to have such strong AoE healing then IF needs to be heavily nerfed or reworked or even moved to his ult, making a weaker 30% version of Window his E. Even then, his healing still needs a nerf.

Even in the Pro Experimental Tournament Bap was played A TON and he had a worse shift and a way worse IF in it.

Obviously tanks need lots of balance changes and certain DPS need nerfs too but Moira and Bap are the main issues in the support role right now, all the other supports are pretty well balanced.

And for anyone who wants to keep reading about why Baptiste makes Moira irrelevant in this game:

Moira has always been niche since Day 1. She is, by design, meant for close knit comps that benefit from high AoE sustain. No one could pump out as much raw healing as she could. She spawned the Quad Tank Slambulance meta back in Season 9 and OWL. Even during 60 HPS Mercy sniper meta, Moira quad tank comps were being ran on several maps.

Then the Devs added Role Queue, 2-2-2 lock. This removes quad tank and multi tank comps, which was one of Moira’s only niches. She was still good in bunker though, having insane sustain and self survivability, and was ran in the early months of Double Shield when DPS like Doomfist, Mei, and Reaper were meta. The Devs decided to nerf her sustain because it was too much. Soon after, people realized just how strong Baptiste was. He quickly began rising in pickrate. Then he got a DPS buff that hit live and cemented him in the meta, and shoved Moira further out of it.

A year passes of Bap being meta, Brig being meta most of it, Zen flowing in and out of the pro scene, Ana played a lot on ladder but never in pro play. Moira sometimes popped up during rush weeks in Hero Pools…usually when Baptiste was banned.

Then the Devs start nerfing power creep. Bap gets nerfs to his E and his healing and ammo. Moira gets her rework, making her require a bit more aim (although still super easy to aim her right click), buffing her raw healing but making her resource drain faster, and allowing her to recharge it much quicker with her newly tightened damage beam. A fair trade off that made her more skillful, with higher potential output.

And guess what? Moira was meta in October shortly after much of this happened. Moira Lucio rush comp was meta and became more used the higher up GM you went, and Mercy Ana dive comp was meta alongside it. It was one of the greatest periods of meta diversity we’ve had in years. I remember playing support in GM and having to swap off of Mercy Ana and go Moira Lucio because Moira just had so much better anti-dive survivability and also she had the uncontested raw healing output to keep up a Winston who was facetanking Reaper and Zarya.

This was a great time for support and tank diversity. All tanks except Orisa were viable. All supports except Bap were viable. Brig and Sigma had low pickrates but people in GM were realizing they were still strong and thus they started rising. I remember top500 Moira mains coming on here to thank Blizz for her mini rework because it made her more viable and engaging.

And then the Devs rolled out the HP patch, buffing Brig HP (which was disastrous), and Mcree, etc. And then even after they reverted the Brig buff, they buffed Bap’s healing. And his damage. And then buffed his ult size even when his pickrate had already spiked after his initial set of buffs. Blatant overkill.

So now we have a situation where half of the time since then the meta has been a spread out, nearly shield-less poke comp with snipers and Mercy/Zen/Brig. Obviously Moira won’t be viable in that, we already established that her niche is close knit tanky brawl comps.

And then when that meta finally ends over a month ago, we enter into a rush meta. And you guys are surprised that Moira isn’t picked during it, but instead Bap is? When the Devs blantantly overbuffed him, gave him enough HPS to output just as much AoE sustain as Moira, while buffing his ranged hitscan damage as well which was already much better than Moira’s DPS output. And on top of that, he has Immortality Field which is literally a consistent Defensive Ult on Cooldown. Moira has to sacrifice utility for high healing, but apparently Baptiste doesn’t need to !! And Bap’s window was already strong and is now literally a win condition where you have to hide out of LoS for 10 seconds or literally explode.

So when I come on these forums and see players saying Moira is bad because of a mini rework that she was literally meta after for a month, it boggles my mind. And what boggles it even more is when those same players suggest that Moira will be “good again” if the Devs revert her life steal or HoT buffs…as if either of those things will allow her to compete with Baptiste. Wowee, Moira has more lifesteal! Bap still has Exo Boots and IF and his own powerful self heal CD.

TLDR: The bottom line is, Baptiste needs nerfs. He heals too much, it should go down from 60 to 55. This change alone gives Moira a better edge in the raw sustain niche. Immortality Field needs nerfs/changes. I’d prefer it to be moved to his ult, with a weaker version of Window as his E. Or make it only give Damage Reduction instead of immortality.

And Moira could use small changes that actually help her be more flexible outside of her niche. Make her primary fire healing spray travel faster. It takes a second to reach targets and start healing them, which is the difference between life and death a lot of the time. If it was faster or even nearly-hitscan, it would make her range actually feel like 15m and give her more versatility healing more spread out comps or mobile heroes.

Revert the HoT nerf as well so she can pre-heal dive heroes like before, spraying them before they jump in.

If she still falls flat, which I doubt she would after Bap nerfs + small buffs, they could allow her to detonate her orbs by pressing E again after sending them out. Make them do a small burst of healing or damage in an AoE, or maybe a more utility-esque effect like a minor anti-heal on damage orb and a cleanse on heal orb.

Simply buffing Moira will NOT help her compete with current Baptiste at all unless you make her ridiculous levels of OP. She’d need like 85 HPS with better heal orbs and make her ult charge every 20 seconds and let her heal through shields and Mei Wall and make her beam 80m long and do 75 DPS and- you get the point.


Don’t forget that Bap also outdamages every support bar zen, who is meant to be the dps of supports. Moira was meant to be only healing and damage, yet baptiste does the most healing and almost the most damage off all supports. Then throw in the best support ability, immortality, and vertical mobility.

No wonder Moira is beyond trash in GM right now. At least Ana has cc and nade to compete with him and be useful.

And I think buffing Moira healing output a little bit would be good. I secretly wish they would make her resource gain faster with more healing but her resource depletion faster but that’s for another time


YUP I just added this point in.

It’s absolutely ridiculous that he hasn’t been nerfed yet, although I suppose the Pro Experimental Card wasting the past 3 weeks and preventing a real balance card from going up has had a lot to do with it.

I haven’t read the whole post yet but I will say I wholeheartedly agree with your comparison of the two heroes. Moira’s whole design philosophy is a support that has no utility and brings power through her raw healing. If this is the case, why and how can she be outhealed by another support, who has one of the best forms of utility in the game?

I currently am maining Baptiste. I love his gameplay and he’s how I’ve reached Diamond. But I can concede that he either does too much healing, or Moira doesn’t do enough.


Not to mention that bap has good mobility, so that makes moira even more worthless.


True, that is one of Moira’s main weaknesses, lack of verticality that makes her less versatile on certain maps and comps.

But Bap just goes wheeeee whenever he wants

1000% this. The Devs HAVE to know this…right?

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Such a shame I was actually starting to enjoy him. Oh well. Meh who am I kidding, I prefer the long nailed extremely passive aggressive red head hottie anyway.


Don’t blame Bap for the state of Moira. It’s just lack of a Moira buff, maybe Bap needs some tunning but they are 2 very different topics.


No… they aren’t. Both of them specialize in aoe healing. But Baptiste’s aoe healing is far far better than Moira’s. And that’s why Moira is severely underperforming. Because technically this is her meta… but since baptiste is just a 1000X better Moira there is just absolutely no reason to play her ON HER OWN META.


You clearly did not read the post at all because they are not two different topics at all.


Interesting comments

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Pls I know I wrote a lot- :sob: don’t need to make fun of me :joy:


Moira was literally meta in october in rush before the bap buffs.


As a mobile user, did you really need to quote the whole skyscraper?


This is exactly what I was thinking. Literally 5 screens of text.

Just think of me as your thumb personal trainer :laughing:

Yeah, maybe we could gut bap in an attempt to make moira relevant. Then we’ll have a rein/zarya situation in regards to what supports are viable.

Don’t you people ever learn? Watch. Exercise critical thought. This race to the bottom, endless nerf cycle does nothing but shorten the list of viable heroes. It has no end. Buff moira. She was unjustly nerfed. Leave bap alone. It’s that simple.


Nerfing heroes that are objectively op is not gutting them.


It is if they do it like Orisa level.

Well I wouldn’t mind buffs to Moira or Zen but I guess nerf Bap some more?