Ana Grenade Nerf to 3sec duration - Is it Enough?

It’s something, but not the something we wanted.

No, it’s been 3 seconds forever and it was still a problem then.

It’s just a fundamentally busted ability that needs a rework. But I doubt it ever gets one because Blizzard is seemingly averse to actually putting work into fixing issues and there’s a huge amount of it that would be required to rebalance tanks and supports around nade not existing in its current state.

Just the damage tbh just so she can’t snipe in the backline for 70dmg a shot. Could make it heal as well to force her to play closer but that could be a little much

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0.5 sec nerf is worse than 75%

like what u going to do with 75% reduc heal, your mercy pocket now 15 hps which still wont save that tank

hell i even said 0.5 sec is worse nerf than 50%, since u still be doing miniscule healing anyway might as well healing someone else

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its 4 sec on overwatch 1, its 4 sec in season 1 overwatch 2 (while she was considered weak back on season 1)

she was nerfed to 3 sec back in season 2 but reverted to 3.5sec in 1 week because how bad she was

i will not surprise she will get buff on other aspect next week for this nerf, maybe her nade cd will be back to 10 sec again

Sounds like they kneejerked this in the first place and didn’t let people sit with it tbh.

I think you just explained how 75% heal reduction instead of 100% (or any % other than 100%) is better than the duration reduction.

At this point there’s basically no way Blizzard hasn’t tested this yet. It seems pretty apparent to me that they’d rather balance it around cooldowns/duration then effect.


It’s going to continue to be a problem until they suck it up and accept that it needs to apply healing reduction not healing negation.

I think the most logical way to approach ana is to nerf her back to the ninth layer of hell where she spawned from

As long as her grenade removes 100% heals, it will ALWAYS be a problem.

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing your allies covered in purple goo, and you watch them die because there’s nothing you can do about it.

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yes, 75% healing reduction at 3.5 sec is better for ana player and stronger overall

compared to

100% / no healing at 3 sec, this make her alot weaker

other supports have problematic abilities too but i think it’s awesome how nade is so oppressive even other support players will agree

So judging by the various much faster TTKs out there even for tanks with no defensives…


Absolutely not.

3 seconds is still a ton of time to kill something.

In a 5 minute match Ana can chuck 5 grenades in 1 minute. Meaning a typical 5 minute round that is 25 nades at 75 seconds, or 1 minute and 15 seconds of no healing.

In a 10 minute match Ana can inflict, 2 minutes and 30 seconds of no healing, potentially.

So we only really shaved off 25 seconds of no healing duration. This is of course assuming Ana tosses it everytime its up and lands it.

But the fact remains. The potential for this ability is about 1 to 2 minutes of heal restrictions.

That is a lot of time to be debuffed.

It is the same as taking away 9 bullets from Bap’s ammo (45->36). This is not a fundamental change, hence, nothing gonna change.
A fundamental change that is good is not making it non-anti but 50% anti - that is bad decision too. But making it hard skill shot, less AoE, not having damage attribute - are good changes. Nade should not be 3 in 1 effects when it is still AoE.
To properly nerf Ana, you do not even need to touch the nade. All you gotta do is to increase her player model hitbox size making it equal with othe squishies (address kiriko, mercy, illary in the same way) plus, add falloff to her hitscan, why on earth she can shoot across the map even for damage and get 70 per hit all the time? How is that fair? Why other hitscans have 25-30 meters damage falloff whereas Ana has no limits in this regard? You can even go further and add falloff to her healing as well, remove forgiving healing atribute, make it 100% skill with no cheese. Why an actual sniper like widow has falloff, and she’s a damage dealer that can only do headshots, and Ana doesn’t?
Forget about the nade, there are plenty of broken stuff in Ana’s kit so far. Generally, supports passive is a massive issue. Imagine the Widow, a sniper that could have passive heals and no falloff, here is your Ana case rn!

Until they admit that -100% is too hilariously volatile, then no!
I am enjoying the nerf compared to the past few weeks at least though :stuck_out_tongue:

Make it 3.5 seconds again and then reduce -100% healing to -50% healing. THAT’S the core of the problem.

And yeah, it will create other issues, but they need to be addressed too.

so u want it stronger?

since as ana main i take extra 0.5 sec and 50%

since 50% are basicly same effect anyway lol

mercy does what? 27.5 hps? it would not made any difrence on tank who getting focused

Ana doesn’t need a nerf, Anti needs to be reworked. Its that simple. Its an ultimate-like ability on CD.