An Idea for Mercy From a (Non-Mercy) Support Main

Yet you won’t give a single reason why they’re invalid. I have given multiple reasons why they are valid; therefore, you are wrong until proven otherwise. And knowing your past responses, you won’t, because you can’t.


Answer his question.

What makes them invalid?


With apologies, the reasons you provided are indicative of the fact that they are invalid rather than valid

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No, they’re not… all of those requirements are needed for a statistical poll… do you even understand how statistics work…???

You need an unbiased poll, you need random participates, whether invited or not, and you would need a blind study so that you can’t interfere with the results.

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I am fully aware of how statistics work

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Obviously not.



Apparently not…


You stay trapped in your own little world, buddy. The rest of us are going to try to properly fix Mercy while you sit in your bubble alone.

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Inb4 “Mercy doesn’t need fixing”


If I ran a pool at a vegan convention asking a single question

what is better, meat or vegetables?

I will get data, and it will be statistical data.

It will also be invalid for the purpose of proving that one or the other is better

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But this poll was run in a multitude of places, even those NOT predominantly occupied by Mercy players, yet the results still stand.

Just because the results don’t match your opinion, doesn’t make them invalid.

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The difference is we’re not asking Mercy mains in specific. The entire community was asked as a whole on multiple social media, meaning it is unbiased. You gave a BIASED poll. Dear god, you are stupid.


As I see it, that is the case

The old adage that starts “if it aint broke…” comes to mind

Further, and speaking of old adages again, Blizzard is between a rock and a hard place on this one. A large segment of its customers like Mercy as she is. Another large segment want her to be changed. Changing her might (I emphasize might, we’ll return to that in the next paragraph) make the latter segment happy while making the former unhappy.

And…what change to make, if any is made at all? Some who want Mercy changed want mass rez returned. Others want rez in any form removed entirely. These are mutually exclusive positions, meaning that Blizzard could please the one while further upsetting the other

But it was biased!

Dumb Merkle mains!

It doesn’t agree with me so its biased and invalid!

He said it. Not me.


How about my rework. xD calm down everyone please don’t fight. ._.

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Don’t throw me under the bus like that. :joy::joy:

Factually, no, the entire community was not asked

Factually, many players have never been on these forums or on Reddit

Factually, I have not given/taken/administered any such polls, biased or otherwise

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Ana dominating both Mercy and Moira :thinking:

Mercy only being used for Pharah, Widow, or Ashe :thinking:

Mercy having one of the lowest winrates in the support category :thinking:

Mercy having one of the weakest, and one of the only sustain support ultimates :thinking:

You gotta put more thought into your bait, dude.

Factually, my opinion matching or not matching the results of a poll are of no relevancy in determining if said poll was conducted in a valid manner with valid methodology