My mercy rework idea

Here’s my mercy rework idea

Caduceus staff

  • Healing beam: revert from 50 to 60hp/sec.


  • Affect all alive teammates in 15 meters when used (except herself)
  • If teammate(s) are eliminated in 5 second, they will instantly revived (with 2 second of invulnerability) otherwise ,they will be healed 200 HP and removed all debuff/cc
  • Lasts 5 second (will be removed if eliminated by environment kills)
  • Requires line of sight and can be blocked by barriers
  • Ultimate charge gaining will be reverted to original.
    *In deathmatch mode, mercy can self-resurrect.
    My opinion: I think this will allow mercy uses ult for engaging teamfight also make a pressure to enemies.

Valkyrie (E)

  • Increase healing rate to 70hp/sec and damage boost to 40% , and will reduce to original rate in certain of duration.
  • When activated, mercy can hover freely with speed of 9 m/s. (mistake)
  • While active, caduceus Staff’s primary beam target will split off to nearest teammate(1 at a time),healing them or damage boosting them for the same amount.
  • By prioritizing target of beam, the current teammate and previous teammate will be healed/boosted.
  • Increase projectile speed of ammo to 80 m/s.
  • No longer infinity ammo.
  • No longer guardian angel cooldown reset.
  • No longer increase range of primary beam and guardian angel.
  • No longer gains vision of enemy health bars if they have taken damage (even if Mercy did not deal the damage herself).
  • Lasts 5 second.
  • Cooldown 12 second.
    My opinion: This will give mercy another mobility and keep her Valkyrie for increase rate of healing/damage boost.

Why would you get rid of that? It was a bug that got fixed lol?

I don’t get the E ability? Is it a single target beam with 1 chain on the last ally you targeted?

I do really like the ultimate (it would also need a cast time of 0.8 seconds and I think Mercy should be healed when the ultimate is finished since she originally had an issue with staying alive).

Also does it not effect allies who are dead when it’s popped?

I think it would be too op(or not?) if you can see enemies’hp ,also you could get ult really fast, if it spreads all teammates. Yes, it’s single target beam. For ult, mercy should be healed is good, but I don’t think she can revive dead teammates(even revive mean back to life LMAO) because I’m trying to fix about hide-and-rez which it’s equal to mass rez+new ult. I think this ult would help mercy engage/defense teamfight like another support. Also mercy could be played safer than before that still have mass rez but don’t need to be prioritized.

No just no, thats op, no

You know whats the saddest part? Blizz revorking her without even trying to fix what she already had. If they took “time”(effort prob) to look into the issue, Mercy mains would not be this upset. But no… they straight up went and changed her whole kit… If they did that to Widow i would have uninstalled this game right away. =/

Thanks for replying, what should it be then? It’s just a 5 second. (edited) I think I referred from overwatch wiki that says Valkyrie’s movement speed is 30 m/s but IDK how speed is valk?

30 m/s move speed is about 6x the standard move speed, if you want to experience how fast that as, choose tracer in a custom matcch where move speed is set to 500% and see how fsr you can get in 5 seconds, I would suggest if you want it to increase move speed to keep it at its current move speed at most of 9 m/s at most

I can see it I used to be a mercy main since the mercy 2.0(with her gun is like 76) which is fun I know Dev would love to hear a comment and everyone should be able to argue. Whatever, I still play mercy even though what her kit will be.

Are you sure this isn’t a typo?
Valkyrie’s current flight speed is 9m/s, while GA is 30m/s in Valkyrie (20m/s without ult)

I intend to write in same speed as current Valkyrie, sorry for my mistake TT.

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