After the lucio buffs.. what can we expect for ana?

Tbh i dont know… but it will be massive.
Maybe some kind of autoaim abililty.


ana is a high skill hero.
dont expect anything


i thought so… but not anymore. yesterday changed everything.

she was always nerfed from day 1

yea… but blizz is listening to the playerbase.

genjis deflect
tracer got her first nerf
scatter removed
junkrat nerfed again.
brigitte nerfed as well

i’m pretty sure they have plans for ana… but i’m afraid they will drop a bomb on her like they did with lucio. so they reduce the skill.
like no one complained about lucios wallride being too hard.

ana right now is useless.
play mercy, moira, zen, baget or lucio

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lmao… yes. i’m planning to go master with brigitte next season. watch me xd

i wont say she is useless
she counters all supports…see Anti nade is OP
look mercy , lucio , briggie, moira healing can be completly stopped

also flanking moiras cant self heal if naded

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yea… i still see anas winning in ranked.

shes not an instalose.
a lot of dps mains play ana.

welp she can 3 shot anyone at range or 2 shot close by (shoot melee + shoot melee)

I’ve try Lucio, and I agree with other topic, it’s not a buff, it’s another nerf.
Don’t ask the same for Ana plz, she’s fine :slight_smile:

Fade gets rid of anti heal effect and she can orb afterwards… Ana is not useless, she is just extremely underpowered right now and its so much harder to get value out of her than other healers as shown by her negative winrate in almost every tier.

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you forget one thing: she always had a negative winrate on lower elos…

And now she has a bad one at all elos but GM. If that doesnt tell you something is wrong then I don’t know what will.

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i’m all up for giving her passive healing in form of shields.

but ppl act like she used to be a superman and forget that shes always been a bad pick on lower elos like gold, plat accordingly to her winrate.

What was the Lucio buff?

b o o s t t h e n a n a

It’s kinds of weird, like I love playing her, but I enjoy player her bc she’s hard to play. Idk if I would want a buff if it ends up being something like lucio’s recent one. Maybe she’d get an autolock ability or a mobility ability though, that’d be cool and expand upon her kit a bit.

more changes here:

basically they improved his wallride; boop doesnt cost ammo anymore.
you dont need much skill anymore to wallride.

Thanks for the information