After the lucio buffs.. what can we expect for ana?

Really, just apply what fans suggested: shots pass through targets that are 100% health.
It’s difficult to think why this isn’t the case. Even if she literally hides behind tanks, that’s…what tanks are for.

Roller Skate Ana perhaps? Nice speed increase for Granny Amari .:thinking:

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Or they could just give her wall-climb so she can see around tanks? Or give her a better way of healing herself. I’d settle for anything to be honest.


Yeah I would love that.
It’s so boring when u wanna heal someone and a fat tank come between you and the guy who really need heal fast…
Most of time the poor guy die… Very frustrating.
Same for the grenade.

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grenade volley pls

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is it just me or junkrat’s bomb bounce is decreased?

implying lucio was buffed.


It’s only an improvement to wallride if you didn’t know how to use it before. it’s a net nerf for lucio mains.