According to Genji logic, Brigitte should NOT be nerfed

Overall Genji is easy to me when I play Dps, Tracer is a bit of a problem. But uh Brigitte’s AOE needs a check for walls I can’t count how many times I make it around a wall and the flail kills me through it. The only real buff I see coming and people aren’t going to like it “Tanks are going to become CC resistant”

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Don’t forget self healing.


Or armor.

Balanced, underpowered, or overpowered… Brigitte’s design is bad for the game.


Moira is not good enough to counter genji and tracer

How so?

she can’t kill flankers by looking at them

never mind genji loses the war of attrition vs moira basically every time


For example, Tracer.

By the time your slow no-damage lock on beam does anything to Tracer, you’ve already been one-clipped. Moira only counters those Tracers who do not have the tracking to make the one-clip or the accuracy to just outpace her puny “damage”.

The most Tracer will have to do is wait until fade is on cooldown and that’s it. And if somehow she has missed enough times that Moira is doing significant damage to her - then Tracer does the same thing she does every time a matchup isn’t actually going in her favor, which is escape, recall, and try again.

Brigitte has the ability to consistently deny the “escape, recall, and try again” part with her combo. That’s the part that makes her the only Tracer counter. Before that, the only way Tracer would get caught was her own mistake.


But Genji and Tracer are just such perfectly balanced heroes!

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I consider getting within range for Brig to combo a mistake. Am I missing something?


I don’t necessarily disagree with you on Brigitte, actually.

Just pointing out that Tracer always has the overwhelming damage advantage vs a Moira + there’s nothing a Moira can do to deny Tracer an escape.

Honestly, Zen stands a better chance to randomly frag her than a Moira does to defend herself. And Zen has never deterred Tracers. That should tell you something.


Is mccree even that bad against Genji/Tracer?

I’ve been playing a decent amount of mccree on my dps account and he seems to be pretty good against Genji since it’s not very hard to throw flashbang over deflect anymore. He’s not a hard counter or anything, since Genji has the advantage when flashbang is down - but he’s at least a soft counter.

The thing with tracer is that (at least in ~3700SR where I play), they’re not very good. I can usually bait a blink or two by looking at her, and maybe scare her off with a shot or two. It’s definitely not as straight-forward of countering genji, but it’s at least an even fight against the best duelist in the game.

It also gets a lot easier when a mercy pockets you, and let’s be honest - you’d probably want a pocket mercy if you’re playing mccree.

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So what you’re saying is it’s perfectly fine to stick a passive healing ability on Genji and he still be one of the best 1v1 heroes?

You heard the man, Blizzard

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Calm down.

She is a support she can be Overpowered.

(Forum Logic Since Mercy Rework)


To be fair, had Genji actually gained something like that, his mains would still claim it’s “balanced” and “takes skill” and “you’re just an aimless Mercy main” somehow among many other buzzwords.


This. Everything about this is the sole reason i opened overwatch twice during the event and since it’s ended played once.

Playing tanks at the moment feels like putting toothpicks under your toenails and kicking a wall.

Playing A Dps That isnt Hanzo Widow or doomfist is pointless.

This game is currently in a bad state.


What are all these mains that are countered by Genji, out of curiosity? I don’t know if your QP playtime is accurate to what you consider your “mains,” but a lot of your most-played characters are pretty strong against him.

So, by your logic, Supports should be good in 1v1, but DPS shouldnt?
Is that right?
But yeah, i mostly play Tracer, Brig is completely fine.


I think Quest means that if Genji was a support, people would be fine with him able to 1v1 good.


Or maybe a team game shouldn’t focus on 1v1s so much.

Winning 1v1s doesn’t make a hero broken.

See Bastion over there for a clear example.