80% of people on here: mercy needs a buff

Yeah but that’s because those DPS mains are not able to kill the Mercy, Ana is static so it’s easier for them.

Fun fact: yesterday I was in comp with Mercy, 2k8, and a Tracer insulted me in caps lock because I didn’t want to f.ing die. It made me laugh

survival tools ftw!

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Pretty sure that change was unintentional, but dear god, it feels SO FREAKING GOOD. I’ve gotten a lot of extremely risky resses because of it. I PRAY that it stays.

just for fun, give Mercy a small AoE boop at the start and end of her Guardian Angel.

I hope too, I didn’t try it but it looks awesome.

I want an AoE boop that boop my allies so my Widow would fall from her high ground thanks to me.

lol, that would be hilarious. I was thinking more of the line of booping enemies away from her, from the opposite direction of where she is going and landing. Will be hilarious on maps like Ilios and Nepal where people are fighting near boop locations.

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They stopped caring after the forums raid.

They wont keep it lol.

mercy is in a fine spot imo. not too strong, not too weak.

https ://pngimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/reaper-shrug-png-1.png
a girl can dream

sadly that’s a fallacy my friend, yes there have been multiple megathreads with a ton of answers but if you take a look inside you’ll realize that a lot of the people adding to the bulk is the same person over and over, not to say the number of people complaining about mercy is insignificant but I would think it’s more like 60% of this forum alone, on reddit it’s like 10%, go figure

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Preeeetty sure a lot of the main “voices” on the mercy thing are permanently banned, which is a relief tbh

Alright can someone who knows what they’re talking about please compose a large post detailing why Mercy is currently regarded as in a good state.

(And if you’re feeling really generous do it on all the other Mercy buff topics too.)

Mercy does not need a random buff, don’t even need a healing increase.

She needs to be free of the chains that binds her to her teammates.

She needs a form of independent guardian angel, she needs to be able to damage boost herself, she needs to have rez replaced by a self sustaining ability, she needs to be able to shoot and heal at the same time, this is what Mercy needs, not some barely thought, half assed minimal effor of a pseudo-buff.

so you want Mercy to be a dps with self sustain and crazy mobility? why not make her able to grab the point/payload and lift it into the air with her

Hmm, if true then it’s a change in the wrong direction IMO. If she isn’t rewarded much for good aim then she should at least be rewarded for good timing/multitasking instead of being more of a pocket healer than she already is.

Being able to tell when an attack is going to hit and flicking boost at the moment of impact while still keeping an eye on other allies was one of the few ways someone could stand out as a Mercy player.

I’m really into the battle angel aspect of mercy, I do not think that she should be able to mop the floor with everyone, but she could at least have the lethality potential equiparable to other healers.

And I do not intended to say that she should get all those buffs together, one or two of these suggestions would be enough.

I think that she suffers heavily because her gameplay and skillset. People think that she is the most different characters compared to other fps because her beam and ‘no need for aim’, but I think it’s because how powerful her kit would be without the restrains put onto her, imagine a full offensive and independent Mercy, it would be a monster.

I have some ideas for things that could work to loosen her shackles a little bit without turning her into a war demon.

It’s not a huge change, we’ll still be able to multitasking, just not in the same order. Buff before the fire and after, heal or go help another mate.
I think you’ll still see a huge difference between good and bad Mercy mains.

She has the same 1v1 potential as others, maybe even easier when she’s using Valk.

Baptiste will be pretty similar to her: you’ll have to chose when it’s wise to kill an enemy and when it’s better to heal your team.

It would not be Mercy. In the lore, she’s a pacifist.

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Thank god i’m part of the 20%

80% (made up number) of the community on here (which is also just a tiny fraction of the entire community) wants a buff…

The day that Jeff says he thinks she’s fine

Well, guess a buff is coming…any sec now…