đź”· The only possible 1/4/1 proposal

someone told me to give feedback on how this game could be balanced even after giving up on it instead of throwing shade at it, so here it is

I would like to see the composition of 1/4/1, that being 1 tank, 4 damage, 1 support, because of 2 reasons:

  1. There aren’t enough tank and support characters for 2/2/2
  2. There aren’t enough players for the tank and support roles, the damage role is dominating, which results in very long queue times for damage players

In order to have 1/4/1, major balance changes need to take place, as well as a change in the balance philosophy, which is:

  • Stun abilities belong to tanks ONLY

Allow me to explain this one. Ideally, Tank characters should be those, who are able to control their space, and do so without being very vulnerable. Damage characters are there to open up the space, to apply pressure on the enemy front lines. Support is there to help either enable the damage players to apply more pressure, or to help the tank keep the space secure.

The one lonely tank should be able to soak up a ton of pressure, given the fact that there’s only one support to help them in that regard, but their defense should be serving up the daring prey on a silver platter for their team to feast on, so that’s why all tanks should have all the stuns abilities. The tank should not do that much damage themselves in a way that they can go 1v6 with their CC. No, their CC can’t do damage. Not a single bit of CC in this game should do damage.

I do not have any specific changes to propose in regards of hero balance in 1/4/1, but I have some general idea and direction to go in with the changes.

Damage dealers

  • All CC is replaced with abilities that could be literally anything but CC.
  • Zarya is placed in the Damage category


  • Two specific Damage characters who rely on stuns, Doomfist and Mei, are placed in the tank category
  • Tanks receive many more CC abilities, most of them function as AoEs (Remember Reinhardt’s radial Earthshatter from the OW2 trailer? Something along those lines), those abilities don’t deal damage, only deal a hefty amount of CC
  • Beefier health pools and barriers


  • Supports should be very effective in both offensive and defensive aspects. Imagine Baptiste, Moira or Ana, but better.
  • All CC is replaced with something that suits this category (except LĂşcio’s boop and Ana’s anti-heal, come on now)
  • Better self-sustain for heroes like Mercy, LĂşcio, Moira and a MUCH better self-sustain for the other supports
  • All Support ultimates have their defensive side buffed. They can be used offensively, but their main use should be to protect.
  • Healing is increased, perhaps focused more on AoE
  • Self defense lies more in their damage output or mobility rather than self healing.

Sounds like an Experimental Card to me.


I wouldn’t mind seeing something like this on experimental card but for the record, NO ONE who actually plays sombra wants her moved to support.

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She seems more like an enabler than a DPS herself. But fine, she can stay where she is… for now.

This mode is avaliable since forever dude you did not knew that? is called “CLASSIC QUICKPLAY” 95% of the time is 4 dps or even 5 DPS

I appreciate the valid constructive criticism you’ve provided me with. /s

Thank you for the bump.

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Then, make Mei a Tank. I want Mei to be a Tank since forever, and it would make no sense if she threw ice but it didn’t do anything else but damages. BUT I love the Idea :smiley:

I didn’t know Classic Quick Play was balanced for 1-4-1 :thinking:


It’s quite literally in the post.

Thank you.

Would be interesting to mess around with. Would like to actually see it adjusted instead of like 1/3/2 where they just did 1 iteration and called it quits.


Oh sorry I didn’t see :sweat_smile:

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Definitely, I feel like the 1/3/2 experiment was a little rushed, or not so thought out as it should’ve been.

Your “God” jeff kaplan provide some pictures with the % of the people playing everymode Ranked have 34% then like 25% quickplay 2-2-2 and 1% the arcade modes.

So do you want the OW Dev team balance the ENTIRE-GAME the entire OWL on what 1% of the bronze scrubs play on classic quick play is like prz…

I think adjusting the types of crowd control by role could be interesting. Though some types would have to span multiple categories, like displacement. It’s used across all categories currently, and isn’t as problematic as other types like stuns.

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I still think those belong to tanks. Damage dealers don’t need them, and supports have (or will have with this version) other forms of self defense.

Except Lúcio… cuz frog

Honestly if 1-4-1 was to happen anytime for real, I would leave this game. It would be impossible to heal through the firepower of 4 dps

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I see your concerns, but I do not have the same concerns.

If she’s played right, she’s not a half bad assassin. She certainly fits the support role but most sombra mains I’ve seen don’t want her there.

Based on how supports often get their kits gutted, I understand why.

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If that is your answer that valid point, i dont see why i should accept your idea for 1-4-1

This could only work if all tanks and all supports are given the power of two heroes into one. Thanks would have to turn into unstoppable bosses and supports should be able to keep a entire team standing on their own

All dps ers would scream op this and op that, all while the last support and tank players leave overwatch because they get all the complaints after a match is lost…

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That’s essentially what I’m trying to do here.

Tanks would turn into unstoppable bosses… minus the damage, plus all the CC. Given the information I’ve provided in the OP, isn’t it pretty clear that this is exactly what I’m trying to do with supports?

What’s stopping players from leaving due to toxicity now? You can’t really change stupid. Toxic players will always be toxic no matter the circumstances, that’s not really something that hero balance can change.