🔷 How the "5 DPS instalocks" problem could've been solved

EDIT: jumping in with the hot tea :coffee:, somewhat related

Play-time based matchmaking

Match 2 supports, 2 tanks and 2 DPS together based on what role each player has played the most within the last X days, with no restrictions regarding the hero roster.

Having, for example, support as your most played game still doesn’t guarantee you will be matched as support in the next match you play, but you will have a higher precentage to be matched as your most played role.

You can communicate/strategize with your team to play a different role. The solution above is, from the technical side, much easier and, in my opinion, a good compromise between role queue/no role queue.

Judging by how role queue functions nowadays, I’m convinced the main issue Blizzard had with the matchmaking was that they had very bad time balancing the game instead of focusing only on the “5 DPS instalocks” problem, which is why they went with the strict 2/2/2 system.

Well guess what, queue times are long and Echo certainly didn’t help that.


Or realize that the “5 DPS Instalock” myth was just that, a myth. :man_shrugging:



You have open queue now, go play that if you still dont like 222.

Also, Echo is now banned this week. Dps is always gonna be the most popular role regardless of how many tanks/supports they’d add.


Thank you for completely disregarding my post and providing 0 thoughtful arguments to solve the problem.

In other words, thank you for the bump.


i would really like to see statistics on how the role distribution has been in open-queue modes historically.
im very sure that 4-5DPS is absolutely not a myth, but of course my anecdotal evidence is worthless, so actual statistics,… that would be great!


It didn’t even exist in the first place.

It was not, it was a regular occurance.


It could have been solved by Blizzard not completely ruining the QP queue…


I really don’t get why people are so adamant to flat out lie about this …

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It did happen quite a lot, to be honest.

Obviously, the main target with role queue was to get rid of goats, which Blizzard has been struggling for a long time to balance (and they never really did), but we can’t completely eliminate the fact that it obviously did happen.


You may not have experienced it, but it was 100% a regular occurrence for me. Maybe i noticed it more since i never did it myself?


yeah that wont help queue times

It was no myth.


It did not happen “quite a lot”. It happened once in a blue moon if even. Sometimes you’d start off with maybe 4 DPS but after a few seconds people switch. The same thing happens now with open comp. Go see for yourself.

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To you.

I remember that happening quite a lot. Lots of game just thrown because people wanted to play their DPS hero.

I’m not disregarding the fact that this wasn’t Blizzard’s main target when introducing role queue, but it did happen.


You remember it so vividly because you were SO incredibly annoyed by it when it happened these two times.

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I remember it happening multiple times a day, actually. I’m one of those who used to grind the game a lot.


Not in Competitive play

You must be looking at the past through rose-coloured glasses.


What about role SR?
Or if you want to play a different role?

It won’t solve these problems.
I see people with 1K SR difference between there roles quite frequently and I don’t want a silver tank in a plat game. A plat Rein will shred a silver Rein