⚙️ Workshop + Preview | DRAGONBLADE REZ | Mercy Rework

i really really love this idea!
i think it should work like this

Max 4 charges,
7 second duration,

Charges are gained one at a time and the ultimate can be activated with 1 charge, for 1 res.
upon activation all progress towards the next charge is reset and she cannot beam while in her ult, and the ability ends with no charges and she gains a GA reset upon expending the last charge.

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annnd no one listened to you after that. 60 hp/s was in no way overpowered, the same patch it was nerfed, ana got huge hp/s buffs. seriously it’s NOT OP LMAO moira has 65 hp/s on an AOE leftclick. and you think single target 60 is a lot? my god.

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Great demonstration, everyone with gameplay improvement suggestions should do the same to illustrate their point with Workshop if possible. Even though I have no take on the balance point of view, this really deserves to be seen.

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Huh, that’s weird and pretty interesting. I don’t think this is OP at all because it shuts out anything else Mercy could do.

I mean, I see the counterplay and such. Ults countering ults… I’ve learned you don’t do much with Valk when McCree or S76 save theirs just for you.

Maybe allow it to be cancelled?

(For laughs and kicks here is what I played with)
Passive Buff: Valkyrie
When Mercy has her ult ready, the following stats adjust. When the ult is used, the buffs go away too.

  • HPS: 50 :arrow_right: 60
  • Blaster: Mercy’s :arrow_right: Baby D.va’s

It was the powertrip I always wanted.

This is pretty cool. I’m usually always in the camp of “Rez can’t be instant” because of well… Seeing all implementations that kind of threw a monkey wrench in things with mass rez and it being instant with valk.

I could be mistaken, but I also thought the 60hps was dropped because even after the instant rez being gone, Mercy was still really strong because of the reliable healing of 60hps.

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Mercy has consistent heals, doesn’t go out of resources, can damage buff, rez and is the 2nd most mobile support hero. Ana has to hit shots and nades in order to heal people, moira goes out of resources, meaning she can’t heal as much in a long fight + she has a harder time healing other mobile or dive heroes.

Any healing output buff mercy gets has to get every other piece of her kit into account

consistent heals are useless, burst healing/insane hp/s is the only thing thats properly meaningful in a teamfight.

dont even try to tell me 50hp/s is fair mercy can do 1 of 3 things, heal(underpowered for main healer), damage boost (balanaced) or use her pistol.

she has to channel a beam, moira is healing with her orb or leftclick, combined for some insane hps, ana can increase her healing output by 50% and has a 100 ho burst heal.

the arguement “she doesnt have to aim” is moot. her healing shouldn’t be useless because “she doesnt have to aim” moira and ana have to aim, i play them, they arent that hard to aim with, sorry bout it. ana has incredibly generous ally hitboxes, and moira is the same.

bruh she’s made to heal. and right now she exists to damage boost.

Strongly against anything that buffs resurrect as an ability. It’s fine as is.

Even if I wasn’t, this is ridiculously overpowered and would make Mercy a must-pick healer again. Mercy moves too fast and the resurrect is too fast. It’s closer to being a ”nanoblade” rez than a ”dragonblade” rez. This will never happen.

I’ve always thought about this as an improvement to Mercy’s ultimate:

  1. Remove the delay as she’s ulting.

  2. Remove the damage buff from the right click, and add it to her left click. That way she’s damage amping and healing at the same time.

I feel like doing these two adjustments would make Mercy a little bit more engaging.

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I think the duration for the first video would work.

But instead of having a .45 second cast time. You should make it a 1 second cast time and maybe reduce the slowing effect to like -25% movement speed which would help it feel less sluggish but also reduce the risk of flying out of Rez range.


Question - what if Mercy doesn’t use all 5 resurrects in her ult? Does she float there for 8 seconds being able to do absolutely nothing? What if she ults to tempo resurrect for 1 ally? Is your team out your main support for 8 seconds?


The ultimate can be cancelled earlier by pressing the Interact key.


Appreciate the clarification! I think you already brought that up because it sounds familiar, but I may have missed it.

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No problem! All changes are in the OP.

If something like this happened for Mercy, I might actually play OW again. The true fun of playing Mercy was strategy, using one’s brains to know WHEN to use Rez. Well done, amigo.


My two concerns:

  1. It seems that this new mode you’ve created will kill her instantly when she’s done. Can this be averted or did you intend for Mercy to sacrifice herself to save others?

  2. I saw in the video that, at the moment she died, she had her ultimate. As I recall, ultimates take much longer to recharge, probably a couple of minutes at most, maybe 30 seconds on average, depending on how quickly the ultimate is charged and how it is charged. If your new ultimate is used, then shouldn’t it and probably the old cooldown if it’s still in place, still be subject to the same cooldown-and-charging procedures?

This is the limitations of workshop.

Mercy died after 8s because you can’t adjust Valk’s up time for some reason, so to end that, it kills Mercy to forcefully take her out of ult.

Spawning with ult charge is just to show off the ultimate. She wouldn’t permanently have it.


I explained this earlier.

This is the only way of cancelling the ultimate. As you can see, it’s based on the current Valkyrie, which can’t be ended until those 15 seconds have passed. Killing Mercy and instantly resurrecting her is the only way to end it earlier.

It’s there just so the ability actually functions properly.

Basically this

i mean this is just bad. (not the focus on rez but the concept of removing her healing choice)

not healing = oposite of what a support should be doing.

if u heal you prevent deaths.

letting ppl die just to bring them back is not a good trade off (as for a few seconds your team is missing 1 or more ppl and their healer and thus at disadvantage.


So a shorter duration moth?

What about the problem of deliberately letting your teammates die, shouting at them to die quickly while you hide in some corner? As cool as mass rez was, that part of it always sucked, and it would be present with this as well.


This is a defensive ultimate. Your teammates have to be pressured very well for Mercy to properly utilize this ultimate.

If you believe you can outheal the damage, you can cancel the ultimate earlier. However, letting them die if there’s enough time left for you to rez them is better, as they’re rezzed at full HP.

With so much counterplay in place, hide and rez would be very ineffective.