⚙️ Workshop + Preview | DRAGONBLADE REZ | Mercy Rework

Further experiencing this, I think it’s a great idea. Although I think mercy as a whole will need to be slightly adjusted to fit this rework properly.

not really.
max of 3 rez.

during time you spend gettign 3 up the remaining allies owuld die w/o healing.
and you’d be out numbered and just all die soon after.

a healer who can not heal during ult is not gonna work from a fundamental standpoint.

doing nothign but fly and rez a dumbed down tempo rezing we had early 2.0 moth meta.

again. not agaisnt focusing on rez, but healer who cant heal and only rez will not be beneficial as you basically screw 2 of your teammates in favor of 3 others for duration.

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Not being able to heal when using the ult discourages the Mercy player to stay in the ultimate longer than necessary, that’s why there’s the ability to cancel it. This is what makes it the exact opposite of what the first version of Valkyrie used to be.

The ultimate is not that long, either. It’s 6 seconds for the faster version and 8 seconds for the slower version.

Thanks for sharing another potential concept for Mercy, it looks interesting (better than the current version of Mercy which is pretty much the shambles of all reworked heroes so far) and looks like quite a bit of time was put into it. I wouldn’t mind trying this version in a more open environment such at PTR to see how she plays out against and with various players, before considering going live. It doesn’t look overpowered, at least on paper.


they do, just not for the mercy players. :smiley:

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Thank you. :slight_smile:

if she gets a rez interrupted by cc, i think it would be fair if she couldn’t attempt a rez on that specific target again. of course, this would be a rare instance where attempting a rez again would not just be asking to die, but theoretically if someone rushed to rez their “Carry” and got stunned out, she shouldn’t be able to go, get healed, and fly back to the same person 5 seconds later. idk to me it makes sense but i’m just nitpicky i guess

but cool idea!!! and i say this as someone who actually enjoys current valk


I did not implement that, but it sounds great. I don’t have much time to do that right now.

Mercy is one of the most one tricked characters to this day and here winrate with the exception of bronze and silver has an above 50 percent rate.

on top of currently being the 6th most played characters right under McCree.

this of course is from overbuff which is not indicative of the entire community, be it that we are talking about tens of thousands of players from all platforms.

So please do a little research before you complain about a none issue.

be it that the last part about her being fun is definitely reasonable. As she is “balanced” but not fun.

You can’t take pickrates from all ranks combined. The meta for each rank is different, in most (platinum and lower) practically non-existent.

As for GMs and above, where the top meta is played almost every time, Mercy is the 3rd worst support, 2nd is Zenyatta and Baptiste is the worst.

Mercy synergizes the best with both of those supports, so if Mercy was adjusted, the pickrates of Bap and Zen would go up, too.


so I tried the gamemode and here’s the things I think should be tweaked a bit:
Valkyrie needs it’s full length as after reading she doesn’t have enough time to do a lot of healing.
The roadhog should be pre-placed such as the soldiers in ZG773. It makes it a lot easier to practice rather than trying to fit them in a way that you can see all of them.
Healing should also be enabled as you cannot tell the 60 hps is active.
You should also change damage boost to a workshop utility item so you can damage the roadhogs to heal them.
Lastly, during a unsuccessful Rez the roadhogs will move back to spawn and you are forced to restart the gamemode
Thanks, that’s all. Amazing work!