⚙️ Workshop + Preview | DRAGONBLADE REZ | Mercy Rework


This took quite a while to recreate, but it’s here! I’ve been hearing about this idea ever since the dawn of times and wanted to see it in action. Fear not, it’s here! “Dragonblade” Resurrect!

I’ve been thinking… Is this the end? Is this how Mercy is going to be played? Just a sidekick? I know most of you guys are probably sick of Mercy complaints by now, it’s been more than 2 years! But please, listen.

Mercy’s generally boring. Her playstyle doesn’t appeal to many people, and slowly, but surely, the appeal of even picking Mercy is decreasing every day even for Mercy players, like me.

Mercy doesn’t currently have a moment of her own, which is in my opinion the main part that makes her boring. She also lacks room for skill expression due to being heavily team dependent. If Mercy’s team is not performing well, she is not performing well, either.

I wanted to give Mercy something I thought she deserves. A flashy moment. That is achieved by bringing Resurrect back to being an ultimate. It can also be done in more creative ways, but I love this idea.

I tried making this as polished as possible. I hope there aren’t many bugs, but the main thing is, it works! I’m not too sure if target selection can be made any better. (Of course it can, it’s just that I don’t know how, obviously.) Half of the Resurrect animation is still in place, so it does look somewhat decent for being just a concept, lol.

I’m just stalling at this point now, am I not? Well, here goes nothing:

For testing purposes, the workshop game mode also includes the ability to add Roadhog bots pressing Crouch, the ability to kill all bots by pressing Interact, and ultimate is available at any time. Those can be removed by removing all the workshop rules with the tag #TESTING

Here are all the changes that were made summed up;

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 60 HP/s

Resurrect (New Ultimate ability)

  • Allows Mercy to fly
  • Grants Mercy 5 Resurrect charges to spare for the duration of 8 seconds
  • When using this ultimate, Mercy can’t use her staff nor pistol.
  • Each ally takes 0.45 seconds to be Resurrected
  • Movement speed reduced by 50% while resurrecting an ally (That’s the original value of -75% that’s currently in the game PLUS another 50% subtracted from that value)
  • Provides increased movement speed when using Guardian Angel

The buff to her healing is in place to compensate for not having chain beams nor any other ability to take old Resurrect’s space.

The low duration doesn’t allow Mercy for much thinking while using the ultimate. The timings are tight and depend on how much your teammates are spread out. Mercy needs to think beforehand how to actually use it. There is enough room for Mercy to mess up or for her to be stopped.

All numbers proposed here are up for a debate.




I can tell how much effort was put into it, and I actually really like the idea. Allows for a ton of time to kill Mercy or stun her.

It kinda sucks though as this will be swept under the rug by a bunch of players who will insist that Mercy is fine despite her lowering winrate/pickrate.

I really hope that people know that a hero should be fun, if someone isn’t fun to play then they should be reworked, a hero being boring is a valid reason to rework them.

also in that video, mercy seems a bit too fast!

Thank you so much!

Yeah, it wouldn’t be much fun if it was left out completely ignored. I’d like to talk more on this topic.

And unless I left in the code some movement speed changes that I experimented with earlier, there shouldn’t be anything that would increase her movement speed apart from what Valkyrie does to Guardian Angel currently.


It looks good, but the developers don’t seem to care about making Mercy feel good.


First Congratulations for being a workshop user!

My feedback is that you should at least let her use the normal single target beam during the ult, because sometimes it’s not her entire team that is dead and it would’t be bad if she could use her normal single target beam if there’s no one to rez.


I’m sorry for the work you had here, but this is the most broken thing to be ever see in the history of games. Not only 60 HP/s is already broken by itself, but this ult is more powerful than the first/second valk, which granted her 2 ressurects in a 15 second window and a lot more powerful than mass rez, that required allies to be stacked up and put mercy in the open. Even if this was 3 rez charges only it would be broken already, maybe 2.


i mean, this hasn’t changed since the start of the game

Valk actually gave her more than she previously had

i don’t disagree with the statement, but i still dislike people trying to argue that mass res and 10 more healing/s somehow made her anymore interesting

as for your concept of this ultimate, i do think this is better than resurrecting multiple heroes at the same time in one big sweep, even though i believe mass res would have been fine in the previous iteration if she just had no i-frames, had a cast time, and had LoS restrictions

but at least individually, it gives you more opportunities to not let it get out of hand, rather than just whiffing one CC and the entire team is revived

but i still feel like it should have a longer cast time than you have it set to, because that’s just… busted

and preventing any action other than res doesn’t make it anymore “fun” than it currently is… so… that’s just… kinda making the problem flat out worse

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Valkyrie was (is) also an AoE damage amplification.

This version of the ultimate is just Mercy’s old ultimate with more counterplay.


I love the concept and effort you have put in. Well done! :purple_heart:

I also think this is pretty interesting, I’ll have to bookmark and try it sometime!



I’m just now testing it with AI bots (honestly if I could spawn real players with a finger snap I would), and I find this to feel weird flying around without the ability to do anything after rezzing 2 allies. But since there isn’t much one can do with a mechanic like chain beams in the workshop, it will have to stay.

I right now can say Mercy should be able to use the staff.

The thing that made old Valkyrie powerful was having no cast time on Resurrect, and the fact that it was available at all times, not just in Valkyrie. Resurrect had no counterplay whatsoever, not even the one before Mercy got reworked.

This version gives you exactly 8 seconds (up for a debate) to stop her.


Looks cool, but you have to realize that resurrect is why Mercy is in the mess that she is currently in. Ressurect in a FPS game is so strong that to compensate for Mercy having it, the rest of her kit (aside from GA) almost has to be trashed for Mercy to not be OP.

Have you ever tried to kill a valkyrie Mercy? 1 second cooldown on hyperspeed GA with only .45 seconds to try and kill her in a rez is kinda impossible unless you’re widow.

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Unless mercy can be stunned during the ult and lose the rez charges, then there’s not really any counterplay, she’d actually be able to get the same person up twice in a fight before being hit depending on the map. And giving it less rez charges or less time or a increased cast time would make mercy less impactful than now, because valk can win team fights alone just by damage boost stacking.


Can’t you have a condition that when she uses her beam on someone, the player receiving healing creates a 60 damage per sec on her chain beam radius as an action? Of course the visuals would stay, but it would work like only single target healing.

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Thanks for the feedback!

A longer cast time could definitely be issued, but then the duration would have to be increased, because there’s barely enough time to use all 5 Resurrect charges already.

Thank you!

Yes. But as I said above. Neither Pre-rework Mercy nor Early post-rework Mercy could have their Resurrect countered. Both versions had instant casts on Resurrect, which is why it was oppressive or felt strong. (It didn’t just feel strong, it was strong, OPAF)

I thought of that, actually. But the much bigger issue is the detection, who to actually center the AoE around.

or cap it at 3 resurrects
you really don’t need to revive an entire team when you go uncontested

that’s still really really strong to get off one res
let alone 3 or even 5

especially if she’s still able to do other things while in the ultimate like current Valk

Personally I would increase rez time to 0.9, it seems too quick. This would allow for a little more counterplay. But aside from that I think this is executed incredibly well and think it would be a great ultimate as long as it had a cost of say 2600, similar to zen and lucio.


Thanks so much for the feedback!

I feel like combining these two ideas wouldn’t be bad at all. Let me get on that.

But first, I actually remembered a key thing I forgot to introduce… Resurrect can’t actually be stopped by CC…

Give me 5 minutes lol.


you’re… making it so it can’t be stopped by CC?
or you’re fixing it so it can be stopped by CC?

because CC should… stop it
that’s the entire point of giving it a cast time

resurrecting is dummy strong on its own
you negate everything done to a target, including any CC or one-shots they took, even in a really really bad position

this is beyond healing of any number, even where Trans can’t prevent

it’s way too strong to not have huge drawbacks

that’s the problem with Mercy right now

as someone else said, Res is too strong, and it lowers the effectinvess of the rest of her kit

and basically why she can’t seem “fun”

it’s a disappointing but accurate fact that it might just not be able to be balanced while maintaining a “fun” aspect for the hero overall

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Fixing it. The targeted ally would still get resurrected even if Mercy got hacked/stunned/slept/frozen… etc.

It should be fixed now. Along with the cast time and number of charges changes.



I’ve been playing around with this and there’s a few changes I’d like:

  1. The ability to cancel the ultimate. Sometimes I ult just to rez one or two people, and it’s really awkward when I can’t heal for ~6 seconds and just stare at my teammates dying :confused:
  2. The ultimate has to be built. It’s up every time it ends!
  3. There’s a weird glitch where when I die, my respawn gets cut in half and I teleport on point.
  4. There’s another glitch where the cast time is the full 1.75s (this has only happened once so far).