Dragonblade Resurrect | Yet Another Mercy Rework | inc. Demonstration

There’s a dozen mercy rework threads a day, but this one comes with a pretty recording:

gfycat. com/dearestunnaturalhammerheadbird
gfycat. com/rapidflickeringherring

New Ultimate Ability - Resurrection:

  • Instant “transformation” cast, resets GA cooldown.
  • Base movement speed 5.5 → 7m/s, uninterruptible health regen.
  • 2 second base duration (refreshed by E).

E Ability - Mark for Revive:

  • Only available during ult, no cooldown, 0.5 second cast time.
  • Marks a dead ally for revival. When Resurrect (ultimate) times out, all marked targets are instantly revived.
  • Each cast resets the 2 second ult duration.
  • No allies are revived if Mercy is not alive when her ult finishes.

Allies are only resurrected if the ultimate times out successfully, not if Mercy is killed. This means that the more allies Mercy attempts to rez (or the riskier those rezzes are), the more likely that Mercy will be killed out of ult and nobody will get revived.

This adds major decision-making. Do you pop rez to undo a single pick (safe) or do you hold until 3+ are dead (dangerous)? Do you risk everything to mark that Rein who charged out of position, or do you stay safe and cash in on the targets you’ve already marked?

The 1.5 GA cooldown vs 2 second ult duration also means that Mercy will struggle to use GA between every mark-for-revive, so she needs to carefully plan out her route.

Needing to “mark for revive” opens up lots of counterplay for Mercy’s opponents. The more targets Mercy is trying to mark for rez, the longer her ultimate takes to complete, and the more vulnerable she becomes - and killing her will shut down *all* her revives.

Stuns and boops don’t outright cancel her ult, but they make it very difficult to “chain” revives. If her ult times out before she can mark at least 1 target, it’s completely wasted.

This ult also makes Mercy very vulnerable compared to Valk Mercy, because she doesn’t gain flight or faster GA, and has to get close to her dead allies to mark them.

Inspired by ⚙️ Workshop + Preview | DRAGONBLADE REZ | Mercy Rework - #58 by Hotaru251-1596


You have to keep in mind that Mercy is designed to be the low skill moderate value healer for new players.

Does ‘accessible’ have to mean ‘low skill’ or easy? Winston is a super accessible hero, but he’s a difficult hero to master (especially his ult) with a high skill ceiling.


Basically yes. Like Winston Mercy requires almost no mechanical skill and the skill you pick up over time is gamesense/gameknowledge and that is what makes you a better player and qualifies you for higher ranks … in theory. It takes like 5min to play Mercy on gold level and that’s a good designe.

It’s an interesting idea but one of the main problems with mass rez was that it was the only purely-reactive ult in the game and had literally no function unless teammates were dead. Ults should be able to be used proactively also to give an edge during a fight instead of just trying to turn one around. This idea is also purely reactive.

No, thank you.


to OP: I personally dislike Mercy’s rez as it is now. Ergo, I would welcome such changes, multi/rez or otherwise, with open arms.