⚙️ Workshop + Preview | DRAGONBLADE REZ | Mercy Rework

Thanks so much for testing it!

Definitely will have to work on that, since there’s no way to disable chain beams with what we have.

I talked about this in the OP.

I assume that happens only when you die when using the ultimate, right? That should be an easy fix.

I have had issues with this in the past when I was figuring out how to properly choose targets. I don’t think there’s anything one can do about this. I do however know what causes it. This happens every time you instantly flick to a different ally’s soul right after casting it on someone else.

To add to this, OG Valk gave Mercy 4 rezes over 20 seconds plus a bunch more buffs, and that definitely contributed to it being bonkers busted.

The normal staggering counterplay to Mercy ult was not an option anymore, the only option was to kill 3+ in one swoop (she could Rez 2 back-to-back with the refund on ult), disengage, or kill the hugely overbuffed Valking Mercy.

This version condenses the window of opportunity for Mercy, and gives enemies a livable set “smile and wave” time. It’s a lot closer to Zen’s ult if your team doesn’t have an Ana or burst ult, you could minimize its impact or chose to wait it out.

I really like this version of Mass Rez, even if Mercy doesn’t get it I’d love to see it in game!

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Well damn. I’m impressed. You put a lot of effort into this, and I do like the idea of a “Dragon Blade Resurrect”. I do have a few questions/concerns though:

  • Can Mercy cancel the ultimate? For example, if I wanted to use this ultimate just to revive 2 players, could I deactivate it after reviving those players so I can go back to healing, or am I committed for the entire duration?
  • If Mercy cannot cancel the ultimate, then does the ultimate automatically expire once all 5 Resurrect charges have been expended?
  • I noticed that GA’s cooldown reset each time a Resurrect charge was used. Is this intended/included in the overall proposal?
  • I am a bit concerned about the sheer locational flexibility of these Resurrections. One of the main restrictions on Resurrect during Mercy’s 1.x variants was the 15 meter range, and if some allies weren’t within that, tough luck. This proposal makes multiple allies that are far apart from each other simultaneously recoverable with a single use of the ultimate. I see three options to help mitigate this: Increase the cast time, reduce or remove the speed bonus to Guardian Angel, or reduce the duration of the ultimate. I love the speed and fluidity shown in the video, so I’d rather not touch the cast times or GA speed bonus, which leaves only duration. Maybe 6 seconds would be better?

Otherwise, fantastic work.


Third attempt: FVP7Y

Ability changes


  • Resurrect charges lowered from 5 to 3
  • Cast time on each Resurrect charge increased from 0.45 to 0.9
  • Ultimate duration reduced from 8 to 7 seconds
  • You can now cancel the ultimate by pressing the Interact key

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to ignore all CC abilities during the cast time of Resurrect
  • Fixed a bug that respawned Mercy back on the battle field if she died during her ultimate

Thank you for the kind words. There is a 100% probability these changes won’t happen, but it’s still fun to mess around with them.

Oh wow, the big boss themselves! Thank you!

To answer your concerns;

  1. Just added that feature.
  2. It doesn’t… for now. Great suggestion, didn’t think of that. Makes sense for it to end earlier if all charges are used.
  3. Yes, this is intended, so it can actually be called “Dragonblade” Rez. The cooldown is lower only during the ultimate, it’s still 1.5 seconds when not using ult.
  4. As for this, I’m not too sure if 6 seconds would be enough with 5 charges. It would be with 3, though. I can post both versions. The current with less charges, higher cast time and higher duration, and a new one with more charges, lower cast time and lower duration.

And thank you for the kind words!

Fixed. :slight_smile:


I think there’s a typo here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I strongly approve on all counts.

No problem!


Post a video please. Can you? :film_strip: :yum:

It’s neat on the surface but she has to have a way to survive.

Such a silly quote. One thing is clear about this community. It would have never created Overwatch if it didn’t already exist.

Fourth attempt - Two versions

1. Less charges, Slower cast time, Longer duration: F1116

  • 3 Resurrect charges
  • 0.9 second cast time
  • 8 second duration

Here you go

2. More charges, Faster cast time, Shorter duration: JEH61

  • 5 Resurrect charges
  • 0.45 second cast time
  • 6 second duration


  • Ultimate now ends after all charges have been used

I’m not too sure if I understood that. Are you talking about how Mercy dies when her ultimate ends? That’s the only possible way we have of ending abilities sooner than they’re supposed to.

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I’m talking about this ultimate being trash in practice. Make some games with it and evenly matched teams to see.

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All feedback is appreciated, thank you!

Care to elaborate on why do you feel it’s useless, so adjustments can be made?

this looks amazing great job :hushed:

I really like the idea too

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When a bunch of heroes are killed the other team often has a big advantage. So Mercy will get little value out of this ultimate in its current state as she’ll likely get killed herself prematurely.

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Amazing work!!!

Honestly, I can’t help but wonder why you call it the dragon blade Rez…

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because genji kills one person and dashes to the next, that’s what Im guessing


Idk, but I defiantly like the concept.

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So it’s just harder to pull off? I don’t see that being a problem.

I posted two versions, slower cast time + less charges and faster cast time + more charges.

The one with faster cast time should address that issue.

Thank you both! :slight_smile:


No, it’s not harder. You’ll just die.

I’d be interested to see some ability upgrades if your still working on this project. She doesn’t have an ability two because it’s occupied by damage boost that honestly maybe should be bound to Rez. I would like to see something that maybe gets rid of damage boost so a new ability is added. Imagine her Valkyrie web heal as an ability!

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You -Mercy mains- are really trying so hard to bring back mass rez (even if it’s an indirect way) and increase her HPS. ok