Zera needs a change

Was there such posts? Where are they? Are they still OK with the current game?

Counters Abathur: Anub’arak
Counters Alarak: Anub’arak
Counters Alexstrasza: Anub’arak
Counters Ana: Anub’arak

And so on…


Counters [insert name]: Anub’arak

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Counters Anub’arak: Anub’arak?

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Weirdly enough, one of the heroes I hate going up against as Anub’arak is the same hero that can counter TLV really well. And that is a good Illidan.

Edit: The difference between going up against a Zeratul vs an Illidan is that once Zeratul goes in, he has fairly long CDs, so he can’t just try again immediately. Illidan just jumps all over the place, all the time.

Sure thing, every hero needs a rework lately. Let’s change again Gazlowe or another hero that was recently reworked.

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Prepare your Point and click CC, don’t draft a squishy backline with poor escapes and regroup.

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Absolutely nice reaction by Diablo. Good example how timed point & click cc just destroys those hypermobile assassines.

Zera can get countered with a stun, or if team quickly reacts to him poppin up.
He’s a strong squish hunter and tbh while i too experience him to be anoying from time to time i think he’s fine.

Valeera is abit more anoying that needs a change alot more than Zeratul does imo.
I really dislike that she can do alot of damage and then enter a smokescreen then dissapear. THAT reduces counter play alot more than Zera.

That’s expected from one of the best mage player in the game. Although, Kure got baited into peeling for Dehaka’s poor positioning.


Probably and not even Wormhole could save him here it was way too well and fast excecuted. But I wonder why it’s expected to play that well from an mage player? Diablo isn’t a mage, but a tank, is he?

And sometimes you just get lucky!


if ur alone with him, yeah he can kill you fast, when i play as butcher, if im feed i can kill him in 1 v1, but the best counter play is never beeing alone, and stun or root him, he has a few counters plays, but generally speaking he can kill ranged dps fast, the only true counter is hoping enemy zera to make a mistake and punish him

Every hero is countered by CC. Except DW.

If it’s like Samuro and his counter is “Counter him as a group” I call BS.

Isn’t Zeratul going to be targetting Morales herself?

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And Leoric or Johanna. Leo’s big strengths against CC is that W-drain is still active even when stunned and if you try to wombo him, he just escapes with E.

Why? They are fragile carrys/duelist and their strength is their mobility. Mobility is naturally countered by CC, so yes it’s their counter. Isn’t basically any diver have the same weakness? Tracer, Genji, Zeratul or Samuro are all known for their hypermobility. Valeera counts also, but she is a bit less mobile, but for that she has stealth on demand and cc.

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yes but zeratul blows up easily. I think what people are witnessing is in QM your typical team will not follow up after a CC.

People use their ults randomly, I can’t count how many times I’m playing zera and murky just grabs me with the ult but their team just casually strolls by chasing someone else instead of killing me…lol

They can both get locked down and killed. You can get CC’ed too fast to react, or baited. The abilities are going to be on cooldown eventually.

Yes, but “find someone to help you” is not a counter.

I don’t think there’s one specific hero who’s Zera’s counterpick. BW has the best chance I think.

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That’s a hell of work to do so though and only possible, if they got ganked by a full man team.

Varian? Murky? Both have an easy point and click CC and Murky in late game could do it solo?

Why not? It’s a team game after all and not an 1v1 game. Some heroes are great duelists and are weaker in 5v5 teamfights - what’s the problem with that? Morales for example is the opposite, she is team-dependent and powerful in team, but weak solo…

No, it will happen during regular teamfights. As you can see:

You can only use Iron skin once, and then anything goes.

Yes, but all of them need help from someone else.

Ok then. It’s not a counterpick.

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