Zera needs a change

Sure it can happen, but then Johanna or Leoric let it happen, because engaged/overextended, but in general it is hard to kill Johanna or Leoric, except they are bad or they intended their deaths for sth. greater.

Does Murky need help, when he skilled his upgraded octograb? Can’t he almost insta-gib him by his combo?

But heroes as Murky, Varian, Uther or Brightwing are counterpicks?


Johanna and Leo players don’t generally have 0 deaths every game. There’s a difference between being less susceptible to CC, and being immune to it. Especially for Leo who leaves himself open while he moves his body. If you have enough burst, you don’t even need CC. (I miss his armor during E talent :frowning: )

Haven’t been at exactly 100% to test it, so I’m not sure if it’s 100% to 0. But I know Zera kills Murky faster and requires np setup. But I’m pretty sure Murky doesn’t get the kill if Zera picked spell armor at 13.

Mmmm, I’m not sure actually. Good point.

Indeed there is a difference, but deathwings immunity has his own disadventage being also immune to his team’s abilitys. That’s balance it out and I would say that’s why he isn’t greater against cc than Leoric or Johanna, because they can be healed/shielded and so on.

I play all three heroes and if I compare Deathwing to Leoric, then it’s not really a big difference between them being good against cc, at least not around silver-gold. I prefer Leo for example against Gazlowe, because his heroic is useless against Leo.

That’s not surprising, because everyone can kill Murky in a duel, because he has the lowest health, but if he weakens Zera after his combo and Zera has to go back than it could be a win for Murky, because Murky comes back faster to the scene of action (depends where the egg is)? Murky is like Leo, they can trade their deaths for others to get benefit.

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Let me put you in my entomb and we can discuss it lol.

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Well Entomb at 20 is gamechanging and can win teamfights on his own. :stuck_out_tongue: Even DW dislikes Entomb, because than he can’t escape the succ (except he uses his heroic) and dies faster. :joy:

Or me, because I do it everytime. The “fear effect” of DW is so slow it’s not hard to dodge it with Leoric. It’s Medallion on steriods.

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Pre 20 he can escape with Cataclysm or “Bellowing Roar
(Unless the Leo is me, then I’ll Wraith walk and dodge the roar.)

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Depends on her positioning, but even if he does she can Safeguard herself and she recovers health while healing others, so she’s not that easy to kill if played well.

It’s also what makes him so frustrating to play against. Genji was nerfed into the dirt for less, and we’re not even asking for that here.

The problem is that you typically need one of those anti-dive heroes or he’s going to run amok.

And there are no other mobile heroes quite like Zeratul. Samuro comes close, but his playstyle still requires more commitment because he has less mobility and more trickery (swapping images, on-demand stealth, etc). Genji has to commit to his engagements far more than Zeratul because he only has 1 dash if he doesn’t kill his target. As I mentioned in the linked post, Zeratul is the most mobile hero in the game.


What about Genji and Tracer? This heroes alone made OW spread the hatred towards OW heroes…

If he picks the carry heroic, but then he has no cc and only his mobility like Samuro and one aoe ability. He also needs to be played well to be good and his early is bad.

Nope. Genji only has 1 dash unless he gets a kill within 1.5 seconds.

Tracer has only 3 Blinks, all of which are shorter than Zeratul’s and can’t go over terrain, and an extremely conditional Recall.

As I covered in that thread:

All of Zeratul’s teleports can also cross terrain, something else he has over Tracer.

This is why the perception of Overwatch “hYpEr MoBiLiTy!!1!” is so laughable to me. Zeratul is way more mobile than OW heroes, but still slips under the radar simply because he isn’t an OW hero and people don’t pay attention to him, either out of ignorance and negligence (they simply don’t realize the double-standard) or disingenuity (they see the double-standard but don’t care because their gripe is less with mobility and more with OW heroes existing at all).


we all know the hardest counter to vikings is a teamate varian

The fact that Tracer can’t go through terrain makes a huge difference with Zeratul. That and Vorpal blade. Once you’re behind your gate, you’re safe from Tracer. You’re not safe from Zeratul anywhere.



Hot take time!

Zera has almost no weaknesses. I feel like Zera is one of those heroes where if your just good enough, you can out skill nearly all of his counters to the point of irrelevancy.
Traditionally, one of the counters for these kind of hyper mobility heroes are point and click hard CC, and good zoning but these can fail for a few reasons.
First, zera is really really fast. His blinks are instant and his burst is instant. If your not also reacting instantly, your not gonna be able to shut him down. Most CC has either a wind up of some sort or is dodgable or both. That CC that is neither of those things are all melee range as far as i know. This means you gotta be hugging whoever you think zera is gonna jump on. But even if you manage to keep him out, hes still got the option to just void prision you and then it really dosen’t matter.
The other thing that makes it so hard to stop zera is how good he is at picking fights. He can just realistically just choose to never be in range of uthers stun or garroshes taunt etc. while still being a threat.
The other major weakness these kinda heroes usualy have is poor pve but zera’s pve is fairly decent. Hes got mediocre to good wave clear depending on his build, he can take siege camp fast and can clear bruisers after a few levels. He can even solo boss with AA build after 16 (altho its pretty tight).

Alot of this is somewhat hypocritical but I still stand by it. If they ever buff zera back in to popularity, you know were all dead.


I think you got confused there while writing, didn’t you?

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Np. It’s a pleasure :slight_smile:

which zera build are you talking about? if you are talking about the one burst one kill build, that is not that op as you think it is.

If your asking me, I think AA build is his best but Q has alot of potential aswell.

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You might get lucky playing Q with Abathur against a team of squishes, because it simply destroys them if you manage to catch them rotating or on top of an objective, however this either results already with a heavy overkill of burst damage, or turns all of your damage into DOT which can be handled through many methods.

From personal experience, Q is just for stat padding where you will often put yourself in an awkward position and misread the opportunity only to land a hit two players. Priority killing is always better. Shadow Mending might help with trades but in practice is mostly useless, even against beefs teams such as this one where you can comfortably stand between their melee.

I could comfortably execute everyone on this team if I caught them below 30%, but I wasn’t dealing effective damage for the most part. Sadly Nazeebo went full frog build. With spiders it could have gone better because their team couldn’t exactly delete a target in a single breath. Too much of his damage was telegraphed.

oh, i thought he is talking about the one shot build, tbh, AA or Q build is not that threatening tbh. and the one shot build takes really good combo and only works after lvl 20