Your hots fantasy that will never be fulfilled

Arcade mode/map editor for:

Infinite possibilities.


Might just write it since no one has written it yet.

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  • There is so much I’d love for HOTS, new heroes to begin with. Baal is a must!

  • AFK loss forgiveness in ranked.

  • Solo queue Hero League returned so ranked (below high Diamond) isn’t such a joke.

There is more, but this thread kinda hurts as unless some miracle happens we are all just dreaming.

To be fair to Warchief Froggy, he did suggest surrender only if your team has two AI. Considering how bad the AI is, I sort of see his point. I found out recently if a TLV player goes AFK, you can’t ping the AI to follow, it will just sit in spawn.

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return of old brawls, thrall updates, more advertising, loss forgiveness for egregious afk/trolling, more points awarded if you beat a 5 man, less if you lose.


A new event story line that follows Orphea, Verick, and Delia as they try to hunt down what the Raven Lord was so worried about that he risked unleashing the Dark Nexus.

On their way they’ll meet with Qhira and other heroes who are struggling with their own problems or realm being invaded by this mysterious force.

On top of that, this event can be used to introduce new ‘good’ and ‘bad’ heroes like perhaps along the way they meet with newly transported Tosh, Vashj, Sombra, Rohanna, etc. While this mysterious force pumps out villains to hold them back like Overmind, N’Zoth, and Baal.

Feels like a really fitting story to continue the Dark Nexus storyline and we’ll get new heroes and lore.

Right out of my head this event could introduce;

  • Verick
  • Delia
  • Qhira’s Sister
  • Baal (cmon blizzard pls)
  • and many more
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Ah I have a lot of these but here are the most important to me:

1- new heroes:
1.1- Gabriel Tosh
1.2- Protoss immortal
1.3- Protoss Dark Archon as a 2 players in 1 body hero
1.4- Prince Aidan as a diablo 1 hero

2- hero reworks:
2.2-Greymane talent changes
2.3-Tassadar brought back to support with few changes

3- new map:
3.1 Classic Aiur battle field between zerg & protoss with terran mercenaries


Great question:

  • Balanced matchmaking which I think can only be achieved by increased numbers.
  • See above in Bold :stuck_out_tongue:
  • In ranked a side performance system kind of like in Pokemon Unite
  • A solo queue only option
  • Edit: NO SMURFS

There is probably more but my game is about to pop

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One new skin for all characters with less than four (and Falstad, because only his pirate skin looks distinct enough)

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abathur gets his monster from level 1 and it counts as a body for objectives, and as .25 of a kill, you can just let it loose to do its own thing or control it and capture mercs or whatever

the monster while hatted will release locusts

the mule is replaced with a overlord that pukes healing creep onto structures, the overlord doubles as a stealth sight, so you can spawn it any were your team needs extra sight

since the monster is there from level 1, it should need 80 stacks to reach full power, at level 10 it can be made to only need 40 plus some other bonus, or of course you could just take the clone ult

The only rework valera needs is her Garrote ability - nerfing silence duration. The one which is now is 1 big joke = way too long

  1. Diminishing returns in game.
  2. BHB removed

More than one hero per year.


Wonder William as a Nexus original Hero

Complete erasure of WM and Tyrande reworks.

I’d get all the hypercarry talents and stats. Probius level 1 hp but hp per level more than 4%

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Mine is getting Dadgar into the nexus. Love that guy.

Lady Vashj. I need her in HOTS so I can feel like a pro when I use Frost Arrows against Illidan.


No more stomps. Stop prioritizing fast queues.

Hire a better lead than the current numbskull heading this project.

in no particular order:

-new maps
-a sandbox mode(current one is trash) where you can augment everything about a match a create new game modes
-new heroes
-a REAL mm system

Nova being balanced/reworked into a viable competitive hero.
Nova also receiving a ghost skin similar to the quality of Kerrigan’s.

Yes I like Nova.