Worst Zarya Guide ever

Inspired by this masterpiece by waterlong

Alexander Zarjanov, a longtime Russian champion and watch champion, is one of the strongest women and promising athletes. All this changed the revival of Siberian aluminum as a soldier in the Russian Defense Forces. Now use your moment again to protect your loved ones.

Zaria is a base that provides deadly allies and helps prevent major damage.

Zarnia’s trait is Power
Each time an ally’s personal threshold or shield is protected by 10, its energy is associated with 1, where each energy point connects the symbol loss by 2%. After 0.5 seconds, the energy decreases three times per second.

Sonya’s Q is Nuclear bomb
Cooling time 0.75 / 8 seconds
Partial bombs will inflict 75 horsepower on enemies. Born 50% of construction.
Sale up to 4 prices.

Zhonya’s W is Personal barriers
Cooling time 10 seconds
Get a shield that will deal 560 damage in 3 seconds.

Zyra’s E is Coat of arms of the Alliance
Cooling time 12 seconds
Get the Hero Alliance armor that absorbs 420 damage in 320 seconds.

Xayah’s first ultimate is Gravity measures
Cooling time 60 seconds
There were weight explosions that exploded after 1 second and dragged the enemies of the enemies to the center in 2.5 seconds.

Congratulations’ second ultimate is Place of expulsion
Cooling time 45 seconds
124 with 3.5 losses. Create a bomb zone in seconds and deal with the gravity bomb. The enemy entering the area levels up and its speed is counted as 0% for 0 seconds.

Could a random structure be relevant here? Let’s see:
Decomposition specialist
Speed ​​limit
Accuracy accuracy
Any (but I recommend Gravity measures)
Unreliable competitors
Victory on the train
Any (But I don’t recommend He Explained)

Too much. It’s like that.


This is kind off a overdone topic

Its beautiful…

Better then all thos “this game sux cuz x” threads. Feels good to drive em outta town.
For now anyway

In fact im making a 3rd one! :smiley:


I don’t care about overdone things anyway… This lockdown is boring the heck out of me so I send a virtual hug to anyone who makes content and entertainment, even if it’s a simple forum post :smile: :white_heart:

Is this an overdone topic, maybe… But we can choose which topics we open or not.


Make real guides or fanart
Mix it up a little

I did. Made a massive one meant to be the guide to end all guides. Although I doubt most people read it all the way through.

Believe or not tho, these worst guides ever are me mixing it up from fighting with people all the time and just being overly silly. It just happened to really catch on this time xp


Love the super google translate approach lol

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True. Google translate can be very useful in these stuff :joy:

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Skill with your letter art of vast intellect. Accuracy accuracy.

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Honestly I died from laughter when Pinpoint Accuracy got translated into Accuracy accuracy :rofl:

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same lol. had a feeling thats what that was.

this one is pretty great to :smiley:

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But no one here actually knows how to play the game.


Its sad that the forums restrictions and bad moderation scared away too many content creators and posters who are good in their way of explaining so it reached each rank instead of the elo they were playing in

Like how cleanse is not a must pick when the enemy comp has only a muradin as only cc

I find that more people have issues actually picking Cleanse when it’s needed rather than failing to skip it when it’s not.

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I’d make a Lucio and Sylvanas guide but I’m too busy to make any content, let alone with a thread that is being worked on with multiple people.

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Depends if you recommend high five :grin::wave:

Both heroics are viable, in fact High Five post 20 is too good to pass.

I liked it even before the buff so looking foreward to it :sunglasses:

Actually the fake guides were a ray of sunshine. I always look forward to funny stuff here in the forums. Otherwise, I don’t have much of a reason to visit.

Real guides typically get filled with heated discussions even attracting trolls into the mix. While real guides are appreciated they aren’t very entertaining.

Is this humor? wtf is this?

I saw a couple funny ones that I liked, literally, but what is this?

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