I hate to say it but i’d go with ETC, at least in terms of WOW lore, he is literally just a Tauren who plays music, i get its a reference to the band made of blizzard employees but still other than that he is just a cow who can rock?
Kerrigan had an amazing lore when she was a villain but then they had an agenda to fulfill and they tried to make her a hero and then they killed everything interesting about her. Queen of blades was great, Kerrigan, the child of the prophecy was super annoying to watch.
In terms of lack of lore it’s Qhira, Murky and Probius
In terms of bad story
Cataclysm happened that is all I have to say on the topic of this pain in the rear mary s
That said even if I despise Thralls story I can concede he has some appeal (if not just because he has CHris Metzen’s badass voice.)
And I know whatever lore says fact of the matter is every hero in the Nexus appeals to someone
I don’t know when this in parituclar happened like at all. Anduin obviously is asa that his father is gone but heactually saw Varians Death as a worthy sacrifice, an example that for a time he coulnd’t live up to.
Cat I know for a solid fact I’ve explained the development Hell Qhira entered after the Lukewarm response Orphea got,
Fact of the matter is that Qhira’s story IS incomplete, that’s just a solid fact, we get hints that Iresia fell, no idea how it fell or what role Qhira played in it
We know she’s a mercanary but hates her job, no idea how she got so good at fighting while hating a merc life.
And need i go on on all the possiblibies and just blatantly unfilled story?
It’s incomplete plain and simple
45 replies and none of them are Li li? Egad.
Course now I gotta jinx it and now her youthful wanderlust is totally going to end up turning her into generic protagonist material.
“Hey stinkoman, everybody says you’re the guy! I wanna be the guy too.”
“No way, you’re just a kid, maybe when you’re older,”
so when I find about Qhira story is incomplete but I see that : any info of her voice actress.
She is voiced by Megalyn Echikunwoke (Just in case anyone wanted to know).
Even tho it’s weird that it’s still not listed in Heroes of the storm wiki.
so as Qhira voice actress is find here I play Qhira because Malfurion is outdated here.
I also think it is Qhira. She just seems so out of the blue.
I think she gets extra attention (and extra flak) because she’s a Nexus original. Compare her backstory with Samuro’s:
The ornate orbital sculptures and gilded mega-cities of Iresia were famous across the Nexus for their technological advancement and beauty. But power and prosperity breed conflict. When Iresia’s competing factions tore the realm apart, shattering its singularity, the famous warrior known as Qhira had no choice but to flee. Now Qhira roams the Nexus, armed with a segmented chainsword, making a reluctant living as a bounty hunter while she searches for survivors.
Samuro once lived in a village with his brethren. Unfortunately for him, a bloodthirsty Wildkin known as Bloodbeak destroyed his village. With vengeance in mind, Samuro hunted Bloodbeak until he finally met with success. Bloodbeak was slain, and Samuro could pay attention to his newly assigned task of sabotaging a Kul Tiras base camp near the coast.
I’d like to see someone argue that Samuro’s is less cliche.
Samuro, the last remaining blademaster to wear the banner of the Burning Blade, is on a warrior’s pilgrimage in search of vengeance and redemption for his fallen clan. It will be a long journey, but he has sworn an oath to restore his clan’s honor.
Samuro isn’t breaking any strides, but his claim to fame is being a side character in the “Founding of Durotar” quest that also introduced Rexxar. Plus his kit is s reference to the wc3 blademaster hero plus his named is shared by (and isnt necessarily the same orc as) a member of the Elite Tauren Chieftan band. Yea, last of his kinda, yada yada better than qhira, but there’s the context of the whole of the orcs from warcraft that give him more meaning than neverneverland.
(basically, people get to play as Samuro, so he’s not just out of nothing)
Course nobody really cares cuz they’re to griped over Grom not being in HotS and they’re all “zomg Grom was a blademaster in warcraft too, so what’s the big deal and why isnt he in game yet” and then everyone else is “eh, all orcs are the same”
But even in that same swing on samuro, you’ll see peeps wanting to get Rokhan in HotS too to fill out the Rexxar crew roster.
Samuro at least has the extra weight of being the last uncorrupted Blademaster of the Burning Blade. He has incredible voicelines with Medivh accusing him of turning his clan into demon-worshippers. Plus, he gets some characterization with his allegiance to the Horde, since he’s one of the very few Horde characters to have mutually positive interactions with Garrosh.
Basically, anyone from Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo has a massive edge over Nexus heroes, because you can tie them into existing established characters to build them up more. Qhira doesn’t have anyone to play off of. Hell, at least Orphea has the pre-established Raven Court tie-ins.
I’d like to also hate on Qhira, but I honestly think other characters have even less interesting/ more shallow backstories.
For example, I don’t know if Falstad has done anything interesting in WoW or other novels, but in Day of the Dragon (where he debuted and “didn’t die after all”) he’s just kinda there IIRC, he’s “the other party member” (besides protagonist guy and romantic interest gal).
But I guess I have to agree with this:
The one in Diablo 1 at least had some back lore (he’s basically the main reason there are only like 7 NPC’s in D1), but the one in HotS is the D3 version, which is explicitly another butcher.
So he’s simply “a Demon Maghda summoned (or made? IDK) and then locked up in a furnace room for no immediately apparent reason” (don’t know why there was a huge furnace room there, either )
I could even argue that Azmodan doesn’t have much going for him, he feels (to me) like he’s just kinda “filler” (not as much as Duriel, but mr Maggot ain’t in HotS yet).
My point being, I agree Qhira isn’t particularly interesting as a character, but IMO most (or even all?) Blizzard characters are kinda bland/ simple at first, and only become more interesting whhen they partake in a few events and interact with a few other characters.
Qhira doesn’t have that (yet? ever?), but neither do some generic-mob-type heroes.
I mean she’s also a psychopath who would impale you if you so much as look at a tree wrong. That’s not nothing special.
I think it’s Probius for me, but this may be because I don’t see him as a conection to the protoss lore, he’s just a funny thing.
Time to be honest: I like qhira’s backstory, but I HATE the fact that her personality have nothing to do with it, it doesn’t fit at all, like, it’s ok she became a mercenary to survive and try to find someone who also survived the mother crystal thing but she never acts like that.
She do have a solid (hollow, but solid) backstory, they kinda just threw it at us but it’s still a backstory, but the character we see is just “Random merc with silly quotes”.
Qhira for sure.
She has NO lore behind her whatsoever. She’s just a girl with a whip-blade, and that’s her entire character building.
I’ve never understood Varian. Whoever builds massive statues of themselves probably has some kind of ego problem. Under his watch, and granted Onyxia had a hand in sewing chaos, huge debt was ran up (maybe don’t build those big statues?), and then when there was social unrest because of that, he decided to take vengeance on the rioters that just accidentally killed his wife rather than address the economic issues of a union being fairly paid (anyone notice any contemporary parallels lol?)
Then, in order to inject some character in to what is essentially a terrible king, Blizzard decided he has to be captured. Bolvar basically keeps the alliance from falling apart in his absence. Varian had this weird character split, and becomes this gladiator type person, then he comes back and he finds who he is, but then he just turns out to be this kind of leader who is kind of dumb and reactionary, needlessly provoking the horde, and never really being that shrewd or showing anything resembling strategy that is befitting of a king. And even when he returns, Bolvar, is doing most of the work.
I really don’t know how he got the respect of the alliance other than the he was next in line in the monarchy.
I actually liked Qhira’s story, however tiny it is. It’s hard to hate on heroes who don’t really have much lore though. So, I think it’s a bit unfair to name heroes like Morales, Hammer, and some of the Diablo heroes. I’d love to know Brightwing’s for example lol. I loved fairy dragons in wc3, but Brightwing just brings it to another twisted level which is intriguing.
Depending on how much of an active role she took in the fighting that led to Iresia’s fall I can buy the personality.
It’s exactly as Alarak accuses her in their interaction “You can’t hide weakness behind strong words”
Well if you go at it form the angle that she’s hiding trauma because she played some major role in the Singularity’s destruction
THis is further supported by one of her Kill ines directed at “evil” characters like Gul’dan and the like
“From one monster to another, Good riddance.”
One monster to another
Dosen’t sound like someone who thinks very highly of herself huh.
Another piece of evidence is the line she gives if you leave her alone while browsing collection (The Idle quotes)
“Can we please get a move on, I hate bieng alone with my thoughts.” Once again possibly hinting at some repressed trauma.