Why pick X when you can play Y instead?

I haven’t been keeping up with the forums but I feel I missed a important topic that will explain to me why you hate Tassagar now.


more cute. I know, right?!

Why play Murky when you can play Lurkablo? :smirk:

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Why be salty about Mei when you can save your salt for Brigitte at Blizzcon?


Why play difficult hero when you can just pick easy hero and get same, if not better, effect?

Why pick Dehaka when you can play DeathWing instead? (assuming DW isn’t banned)

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Because he’s no longer support and has no shields I can use on allies!

I know. Right now Valla can be a lethal force against Tracer. My post wasn’t meant to be serious. I just like Tracer right now more than Valla. :purple_heart:


Why play the rest of the roster when I can only play Orphea?

I feel personally attacked by this thread. #onetricklivesmatter


Draft ban.

My smurf account is called “OrpheaOneTrick”. So they know not to ban her. If they do, they’re trolling.

Pick Sylvanas then, I promise she’s a queen.

That would mean I would have to make a brand new account for playing Sylvanas…

Why play the hero someone in your team’s chat said you should play when you can play the hero you wanted to play instead?

The only thing I miss about shields is when we could put them on towers, forts and keeps. It would be a long time to hold a grudge against Tass for losing that ability and I would have missed out on participating in making Tracer a monster.

While only being on the receiving end of that kind of beat down would maybe just make me have only resentment towards Tassadar.
I don’t want to feel bad when I think about Tass and always wishing thing were way he used to be. I only wish for Tassadar to be at least good in whatever role they remake him in and right now he’s pretty golden so I’m going to enjoy it while it last :+1:

because Tracer is everywhere

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Backline picks. Harder to land skillshots on a good tracer.

Burst damage at max stacks, countering ming damage with clones, better vision.
Not saying nova’s a good hero, just there are reasons.

A stun will generally net a kill, a silence doesn’t always net a kill.
Not to mention better trading after a combo, it’s the trait that lets her get serious gains.

Better camp clear, much better long range disruption, a fort shut off button, gravbomb combo.

Adrinal boost at 4.

Fair enough.

Better aggres- oh logan got me.

Better sustained damage, but TBH, on release hanzo might as well have been a tank shredder.

Ever see a god genji main? It’s pretty silly how many heroes can actually dip into " I can suddenly kill you and get away with being behind your entire team" bubble.

Because illidan can take camps, bosses, has a great single target stun, can offlane.
If you’re only thinking about illidan in the teamfights, you don’t have to draft him as a main DPS, you can draft him as a solo laner.

Raw single target damage or monster shredding.

Because yrel.

Because assassins can actually kill people like leoric.


Ok now I’m depressed.
Racecars I guess?


Suboptimal results too, unlike Valla.

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Muradin says, “Hi.”

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Muradin can kill leoric? Since when???

You’d be surprised how well a KT can do much better verses a valla than a tracer, for instance. Especially a good one.