Why pick X when you can play Y instead?

KT isn’t an AA hero with burst capabilities, bad comparison.

Muradin can kill pretty much anything with full damage build. Including assassins, bruisers, other tanks, buildings…

His damage build is actually fairly insane. You do give up most of his tankiness, and you have to be able to land Qs consistently, but it can be a lot of fun.

“ahaha point and click damage spells go bbbbbrrrnnnnn”

Solo dmg Muradin Master Hoku when?

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Maybe when I don’t have so much fun playing Tyrael.


why are people talking about Leoric like he isn’t completely irrelevant trash since the Tracer rework anyways

Did you leave Blaze/Artanis? :thinking:

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How ironic coming from someone with a Diablo avatar.

I will never abandon my beloved Hierarch. But I haven’t been playing Blaze as much recently as last season, mostly because Tyrael really is that fun to play.


Why pick nova when you can pick hanzo


I mean yeah, everyone knows Leoric bullies around any High HP character, this isn’t new. Problem is the demand to actually kill High HP characters isn’t really there anymore because most assassins can just burst down anyone anyways. Nobody survives a proper wombo combo anymore, so now its a game of who can set them up and execute said combos the easiest.

Look at people that are supposed to be all about % Shredding; Leoric, Tychus, Malth etc. Their winrates and popularity are all in the gutter. Because why bother worrying about shredding High HP heroes when you can shred everything instead.

Why pick valla when you can pick tracer?
Why pick chromie when you can pick tassadar?
Why pick a hero when you can pick jimmy?
Why pick nova when you can pick a hero?
Why pick diablo when you can alt f4?

Why pick Kael’thas when you can pick Lunara?

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I think all 3 are good.
Most of players just find landing W , play with a 4.5 range or melee character with a 5 second gap closer too hard somehow.

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You can think that, stats kind of disagree with you here though. I do wonder what’s the point in having someone that can really only duel against High HP heroes when its possible to burst down same heroes with a Mage combo.

Why play an inferior biped when you can play Lunara?


Ok, I am a little sad and disappoint :disappointed_relieved: :sob: :disappointed_relieved: :sob:.

I was hoping for a good answer when I read through your post.
There is an answer to my own question. Because of can't trust the random player to do their part of the job.

Deathwing is much more team dependent on teammates in a team fight than Dehaka. I would only pick DW if I am in a 4 or 5 people party. I have played DW with random team once and it is a complete nightmare.

Why pick a demon or a filthy nephelen when you can be an angel instead

He is, sure, but I play him alot as well as dehaka and honestly, the only thing I can think of is racecar waveclear and thats it

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Why pick Samuro when the Monkey King is back for more!

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Well all tanks have close to 50% winrate at high elo and only 3 tanks are any good right now.
Have to be careful with stats sometimes.
And then we can both agree tracer being 51% wr does not mean she is balanced either.