Why hate original characters so much?

No, that doesn’t make anybody an idiot. But saying that Blizzard deliberately misled people or that Deathwing was the only possibility . . . that’s another story.

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I like your use of three languages in this post I fully agree with. A+

I didn’t pick up this game to play original characters. Simple.


False. They would have thrown a tantrum either way.

Well just don’t play her then.


But . . . the computer program forces me to click on the new hero! It’s part of the forced 50% hero rate!


Nobody did or will…

At least they can look forward to something new.

Not if you already played half the roster already! 50% accomplished!

Newb :slight_smile:

if you’ve already played half the roster, the game makes you un-play an old hero so you can play their new hero. suddenly you can’t remember any of the games you used that hero in, and you can’t select them in future games!

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I really like Orphea because of her background story that blizzard made more interesting with the comics, thats maybe the problem about this new hero, we don’t nothing about her so… thats not very inspiring.

I love the substories or stories behind the characters, with this new one it’s not the case.

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If that changes with the next event or next hero would that opinion change? Genuinely curious as I’m still crossing my fingers that Iresia was destroyed by elemental rifts releasing angry elementals and cultists who destabilized everything

oddly specific

Very specific. I’m just hoping others are getting the reference.

In my opinion the nexus original heroes are just unnessessary. HotS / the nexus was always a ‘neutral’ location, where known heroes from all Blizz lores meet. They don’t need to waste ressources to think of new heroes that 1st need to have a new backstory constructed … there allready are so many options. … But instead we now get a cliché character with only a weak or almost no backstory. That’s just not the usual Blizz quality. :frowning:


Because this game is not supposed to be about new characters.


The Nexus is no place for Qhira.


-Zero build up/lore
So, just as Lunara, Murky, Brigthwing, Hammer, Blaze, and more.

  • Premise of the game
    And that has worked so well, just look how the game is growing everytime they announce a 20 year old character no one but specific franchise players care about… oh wait…

  • Slow release schedule
    I rather have an OC that can’t dissapoint me than a character I care about with the most generic kit ever, just like Garrosh, Tassadar, Sylvanas’ reworks, Stukov, and so many more.

All these characters were it least based in Blizzard’s successful franchises and were vibrant successful worlds on their. The 2 OC come from a game where past HoTS employees expressed Blizzard’s own view of HoTS being a failure. The Nexus lore is unmemorable and bland. The nexus was never a world and only a moba. The push to make it a world with OC and lore has been nothing but a waste of resouces that could have been used better elsewhere.

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Counterpoint: no, it isn’t.


I’ve expanded upon that in this topic, but Qhira just came at a bad time for HotS. Its not that its a bad thing per say (though Qhira had very little hype around her and no lore whatsoever to speak of), but in a time where this game lost a lot of interest, bringing a character that an incredibly small ammount of people was hyped for was a really bad move. Any other character would have been better.

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This is understood. You can research the worlds of SC, WC, Diablo, and WC to your hearts content if you wish. A good source would be the wiki.

That isn’t a counter point. That is a opinion and it does nothing to counter my own.